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Judge Patrick Carroll

RFTD Work Is Done!

    The grand evil childhood rapist, the Dark Lord, Judge Gerard I. Adelman, has declared ALL RFTD WORK IS DONE!  The Ambrose case is returned to the armpit of Bridgeport, where fellow jew faggot Judge Antoni Truglia, Jr. is left to pick over the carcass of the family, now depleted of savings, which Adelman doled out to synagogue pals, Aldrich, Hurwitz, Caverly, and Horowitz.  The WORK of RFTD is to plunder family bank, drag out pointless litigation, rape childhood, and deliver the purchased decision.  Adelman’s looting included orders for jew Jocelyn Hurwitz to sit in the gallery, watching the entire trial, billing $400/hr to fully deplete the college funds of Mia,… Read More »RFTD Work Is Done!

    Insane Lunatic!

      The now-famous Worst Blog examines the non-functioning, diseased, irrational jewdicial mind of the grand moron in a black robe, the insane lunatic, the Dark Lord himself, Judge Gerard I. Adelman, a rabbinical monster of talmudic powers wreaking havoc on the people’s court system, cuz he is just a fucking insane lunatic who cannot perform his simple job function in family court. In reviewing forty worthless pages of babbling prose in the Ambrose decision, footnote #1 documents that neither Adelman nor Moukawsher are capable of executing court functions. The referral drama of Adelman’s disqualification to Moukawsher back in November reveals these judges cannot communicate, cannot employ simple English to administer justice.… Read More »Insane Lunatic!


        The now-famous and Blog of the worst kind highlights dumb nigger in charge of the Connecticut Jewdiciary who conspires to conceal judgements from a sovereign people. Nigger Boy Robinson, Chief of the third branch of state government, a former slave, now Free At Last! Free At Last! Free At Last! is a mere tyrant worthy of a .50 cal to the head. The Tree of Liberty thirsts for judicial refreshment. The jewish perfidy of jackass Judge Patrick Carroll, a black-robed crook, undermines the First Amendment by concealing all family court trial judgements from public scrutiny. A government of the people, for the people, by the people, overturned by simple, overlooked… Read More »Nigger!

        Truglia: Dismissed!

          From time to time in the course of human events, in the preservation of liberty, in the advancement of enlightened societies, there is necessity to prune a dead branch from the Tree of Liberty, refresh its roots with the blood of tyrants; exemplifying terroristic behaviour that should be avoided by others. Judge Anthony Truglia, Jr., presiding jerk of Bridgeport family court is a source of manure for the roots of liberty. A moron in a black robe, appointed to the bench on political favoritism, lacking any fibre of prudence to be a jurist, dumped in family court to protect real courts from his perfidy. Truglia cannot even read, he so… Read More »Truglia: Dismissed!

          Bad Judge?

            The shit show of Connecticut judiciary holds another Oscar grade performance proving to the sheeple of the state that the Chief Justice is one dumb nigger. Judge Alice Bruno is dragged before the high bench of the seven dwarfs for her ability to draw a paycheck but not show up for work. Ed Mahony of the Courant rag spent his day covering judicial theater, like misconduct of state judges is now of public interest so his overlords allow him to report on it? Ed is a funny guy, he thinks a story about a disabled judge collecting $400k in salary over two years is newsworthy, but never writes about court… Read More »Bad Judge?

            Supervised Visitation

              The now-famous Blog seeks the legal authority of liberty restriction of SUPERVISED VISITATION on divorcing parents. Where does it come from? Who invented it? Who regulates it? Is it constitutional? Who profits from it? Why is it necessary? Who accuses fit mothers needing supervision while hugging the fruits of their wombs? What are the supervisor’s duties? What are the training requirements? Is there a state license required? Vetting? The short answer is another jewish ideological element of fukking up families to the glee of the global zionists. In jewland Connecticut, there is no statute enacted by the legislature that defines SUPERVISED VISITATION. No state licensing of supervisors. No regulations governing… Read More »Supervised Visitation

              Jooish Family Court

                The now-famous Blog examines the conduct of Connecticut Family Court that exemplifies its jewish form, in all that is alien to American jurisprudence and way of life. Secret Bench Book The Secretary of the State holds copyright to a book that is hidden from the public. The bench book is listed in the Library of Congress Catalog, identifying Judge Support Services as publisher. The overpaid jewish attorney and executive of JSS, Deirdre McPadden ($173k) refuses to disclose it, as she has orders from a big dumb nigger in a black robe to conceal such from ‘we the people’ in defiance of the First Amendment. Only jews feel so empowered to… Read More »Jooish Family Court

                Patrick Carroll

                  The chosen secrecy of Connecticut Family Court is an abomination of justice, but this is Corrupticut, run by jews, for jews, where the goy don’t matter. The now-famous Blog spotlights Chief Administrator of the judiciary, Patrick Carroll, a fat retard who knows how to scam a free people, steal money, ignore law, and please his jewish masters. He is a puppet on kosher strings, as his power in jewland does not come on his pathetic Irish Catholic roots. A moron of such feeble character, he sells out his soul, betrays his faith, and the public for a few shekels and a pat on the head from his jewish masters. His… Read More »Patrick Carroll

                  Terrorist: Patrick Carroll

                    Time to find a strong branch on the Charter Oak, strike a halyard from the mizzen, thirteen turns to the noose, peaceably assemble a mob of Patriots, torches lit, seize the fucktard in the dead of night, stuff a sock in his mouth, hoist the old fart on his own treacherous deeds, let gravity of a fat ass take its toll on crook’s neck, a sovereign people does its duty, a traitor swings. A righteous end to a soul so dark as to prey on children while betraying the trust of a sovereign people. Judge Patrick Carroll ($211k/yr) is the administrative judge of the Connecticut Judiciary, not that such a… Read More »Terrorist: Patrick Carroll

                    Weaponized Kids

                      How the jews of Connecticut weaponize children for the sole benefit of jews. Ever realize that the Bar Association is a jewish invention? The invention of no-fault divorce is jewish. Custody fights are jewish. Efforts to destroy the Christian sacrament of marriage are jewish. Minimizing the importance of family as the foundation of society is jewish. Promoting sexual deviancy, pederasty and butchering of genitalia is all jewish. Jewish philosophy runs Connecticut’s family court system. Developed and administrated by a long line of jewish pedophiles, supported by low life salivating lawyers, hungry for billable hours. The present system works perfectly to devour family savings, destroy parent-child bonds, and inflict psychological harm… Read More »Weaponized Kids