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Judge Annie Dranginis

Jooish Family Court

    The now-famous Blog examines the conduct of Connecticut Family Court that exemplifies its jewish form, in all that is alien to American jurisprudence and way of life. Secret Bench Book The Secretary of the State holds copyright to a book that is hidden from the public. The bench book is listed in the Library of Congress Catalog, identifying Judge Support Services as publisher. The overpaid jewish attorney and executive of JSS, Deirdre McPadden ($173k) refuses to disclose it, as she has orders from a big dumb nigger in a black robe to conceal such from ‘we the people’ in defiance of the First Amendment. Only jews feel so empowered to… Read More »Jooish Family Court

    Mohammad’s Children

      Christian societies who insult Islam tend to lose their heads, attract gunfire, have churches burned, and other unfortunate occurrences. Such are the consequences of culture clash and differing beliefs. We Americans can make fun of any religious people, other than the Jews, they are our masters and cannot be criticized. Draw a cartoon of Mohammad, but don’t dare deny that Hitler’s Holohoax exterminated six-million chosen ones. See how the game is played? Take a hard look at the American ‘Family Court’ system. A division of the state judiciary focused on terminating religious marriages and dividing up kids, while looting family savings. There is a belief system behind this secular charade… Read More »Mohammad’s Children

      Negligent John Hughes

        The conspirators of family court work under the color of state law to deprive citizens of rights protected under the Constitution. Everyone knows that. It is obvious to the most casual observer, but it continues unchallenged with the blessing of federal overseers. In Connecticut, the overseer is John B. Hughes, head of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Connecticut. Connecticut Family Court is a racketeering operation run by a conspiracy of unscrupulous state actors and private lawyers to fleece families where one parent seeks a simple ‘no-fault’ divorce. The application for the divorce is purely administrative, the court cannot deny any request to… Read More »Negligent John Hughes


          The self-appreciating culture of the Connecticut Bar Association is demonstrating its inbred characteristics once again. This time it is the awarding of fictitious awards to incompetent persons under a veil of professionalism which conceals the true colors of the sinister game of lawyers. Clowns of Connecticut College are falling over themselves because their corrupt and diseased alumna, Lynda Batter Munro, Class of ’76 is getting an AWARD!!! Most reputable colleges would distance themselves from such a corrupt miscreant dyke like Munro. But have a laugh and read their article here. Munro’s greatest game was her nurturing of trusted attorneys to take up lucrative GAL appointments. Hundreds upon hundreds of attorneys… Read More »Awards

          Jew Judge Albis

            Well, if it was unclear what team Judge Michael Albis is playing for, he has removed all doubt in his recent zionist decision in the Taupier case. Nothing like some good old New Haven jewery to toss the kids, Gabriel and Sara in the middle of litigation, then call it ‘best interest’ of the child. Jew Judge Albis is on the receiving end of the puppet strings from Tanya Taupier’s money grubbing sleeze of a jew lawyer, the infamous, grande dame, pedo battle axe, Judge Annie Dranginis. Albis knows his dick and balls will end up down his throat if he disobeys Dranginis and the state pedo ring. A brief… Read More »Jew Judge Albis

            Annie: Mother Of The Year

              Happy New Year to all. Another year has passed where the jews of family court across the nation have wreaked destruction on gentile children to support zionism and to enrich satan’s foot soldiers of the family Bar. In reflecting on the evil dynamics of family court and the miscreants who run it, the notorious Judge Annie Dranginis gets the spotlight. An evil jew bitch on wheels, headed the Connecticut Family Court in 1994 and has been trafficking children and protecting pedophiles ever since. She was quite hated by anyone who had the misfortune of landing in her courtroom. A self-appointed chosen one who knew what was best for your kids.… Read More »Annie: Mother Of The Year

              Annie is at it again!!

                The queen jew of Connecticut Family Court, the pedo protecting, child trafficking, money grubbing Annie Dranginis is at it again….perverting the law and undermining the Constitution to traffic children.  The jew bitch on wheels has no limits when it comes to defeating the elements of a Christian society for her zionistic gains.  Remember, Annie is a retired judge, once head of the evil family court system, now in private practice at Pullman&Comley, the nastiest, corrupt, jewish law firm in Corrupticut. Annie’s game now is to defeat the First Amendment and the public’s right to scrutiny of what goes on in a public forum.  The jewdicial miscreants of family court prefer… Read More »Annie is at it again!!

                Res Judicata NOT!

                  Time to review a little history to see how the jewish sponsored custody fights became the main revenue generator for family court lawyers.  Remember, family court is designed by jews, operated by jews and serves the zionistic principle of destruction of families; the building blocks of a Christian society.  The AFCC is a jewish organization operated to advance a very Zionist and anti-Christian agenda. The judges and the lawyers, joined at the hip through the mafia bosses of the Family Bar Association, hold a sole purpose to protect and expand revenue flows from family savings accounts to private pockets;  also known as theft.  The court players are expert at fanning… Read More »Res Judicata NOT!

                  Jew’s Best Interest

                    The chosen law firm of Pullman&Comley has filed the jewish version of the ‘best interests’ of the child on behalf of Tanya Taupier, Vice President of Human Resources at Aetna Insurance in her drama of a divorce case.  Our old friend and blog star, the pedo battle axe Annie Dranginis, has filed for cutting off the kids from Dad as a ‘best interest’ consideration to be taken up by the court of Judge Mark T. Gould in Middletown on 2 July in the Battle of the Titans. Yes, folks, read it for yourself here, the professional filings of a retired State judge who believes that destruction of parent-child bonds is… Read More »Jew’s Best Interest

                    Battle of the Titans

                      The titans have declared war on each other in the caring and compassionate venue of the land of ‘broken toys’….the cesspool known as Family Court of Connecticut. The Giant of the Profession, The Grey Ponytail, Attorney Norm Pattis has thrown the gauntlet at the hooves of the grand dame pedo battle axe retired judge and child trafficker Attorney Annie Dranginis.  The center of this battle is of course children, two gifts from God, Gabriel and Sara.  The great legal question is why Tanya Taupier, Aetna human resources vice president can isolate these kids from their father?  Not even a phone call since August of last year.  The state law of… Read More »Battle of the Titans

                      Connecticut’s Rabbinical Family Court

                        Proof is in the pudding.  The custody law of the jewish state of Connecticut is a page right out of the Talmud.  Rabbinical rule over the goyim is codified in state statute to permit the jewdicial authorities to steal children at will. Examine the legal word salad of Connecticut General Statute 46b-56(c) in making ‘custody’ orders.  The legislature, under direction of King Jew Judge Elliot N. Solomon has enacted confusion into law.  This section lists sixteen items that MAY be considered in trafficking children in a divorce matter.  But, in true jewish form, it allows for all items, or none, or anything else the jewidicial authority cares for to make… Read More »Connecticut’s Rabbinical Family Court

                        The Devil’s Custody Racket

                          The devil lives among us, in family court. The evil attacking families one custody battle at a time, for the lucrative benefit of lawyers.