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Danielle O’Connell


    Panic grips Kristen Macinni, attorney trying to save Bloomfield Puppy Cop Brendan Danaher who falsely arrested Matthew Couloute’s baby mamma in conspiracy with Ryan McGuigan, Daddy Judge Danaher, Chief Paul Hammick, State’s Attorney Danielle O’Connell and Judge Omar Williams. Brendan faces a federal jury of his peers who will not believe battered mother, in safehaven protecting sexually abused child is worthy of arrest by Connecticut on complaint of a resident of Georgia. Brendan is going down, everyone knows it, especially Kristen who knows where all the dogs are buried. Kristen’s latest legal trickery is to demand the State’s Attorney file on baby momma’s false interstate felony arrest, desperately hoping to… Read More »Panic!

    Blue Rat

      The now-famous Blog can’t make this shit up! Code of silence of the thin blue line is breached, Bloomfield PD’s lowly puppy cop turned RAT! K9 Officer Brendan Danaher refuses to take the fall for paedo ring’s trafficking precious Sophie, sex toy of Ryan McGuigan and Matthew Couloute, by using arrest powers to extradite battered mother in safe haven under protective order of a New York Court. Not that pooper scooper rookie has the brains to pull it off, alone. Brendan tosses Detective Zachary Klomberg under the bus, filing today in federal court, claiming Judge Underhill fucked up by severing Chief Hammick, Detective Klomberg, Matthew Suplee and the Town of… Read More »Blue Rat

      Brendan’s Defense

        Pooper scooper K9 cop of Bloomfield Police, mother hunter and paedo operative Brendan Danaher has a bombshell defense exposed by his lawyer Kristan Maccini before Judge Stefan Underhill of U.S. District Court Connecticut … he was following orders of Detective Zach Klomberg!! No reasonable jury is going to believe little rookie puppy cop singularly manipulated machinery of Connecticut’s criminal justice system to obtain a felony extradition warrant of a battered mother in safe haven in another state on complaint of a resident of Georgia. The defense is perfect! How did a K9 cop know to void a restraining order of another state, take the word of Matthew Couloute, speaking for… Read More »Brendan’s Defense

        Brendan Goes To Trial

          Brendan Danaher, pooper scooper puppy cop of Bloomfield Police faces a federal jury for hunting a battered mother across state lines, nullifying court orders, perjury, executing directives of corrupt Connecticut lawyers, prosecuting a complaint of a mad man from Georgia, conspiring with prosecutors for abuse of the criminal justice system for private gain; child abuse, attempted kidnapping notwithstanding. Officer Danaher’s crooked daddy Judge John Danaher is upset his paedo ring has been outed … again. Today, pooper scooper cop’s lawyer, the obnoxious, hideous Kristan Maccini tortured USDJ Stefan Underhill with meritless, frivolous whining on why a sworn law enforcement officer should not face a jury for arresting mother on direction… Read More »Brendan Goes To Trial

          Danaher Sacrificed

            The jig is up, the word is out, Officer Brendan Danaher of Bloomfield PD, is being sacrificed for his conspiracy participation with Matthew Couloute and Attorney Ryan McGuigan for the illegal interstate felony arrest of Couloute’s baby mama.  The long drawn out paedo saga is coming to conclusion, the old story of manly Couloute using his pal McGuigan and friend Judge John A. Danaher to have Judge Omar Williams issue an interstate arrest warrant, on application sworn by K9 officer Danaher, endorsed by prosecutor Danielle O’Connell to retrieve child sex toy from Buffalo. Drama Recap:  Couloute abandons ex-wife and daughter, moves to Georgia with son Xavier to attend a weird,… Read More »Danaher Sacrificed

            Summary Bullshit

              The drama of Matthew C. Couloute and his paedo pals of Connecticut continues with the incompetent legal tricks of Kristan Maccini, the fat bottomed lawyer defending puppy cop, jew boy Brendan Danaher of the Bloomfield Blue Thug Club; guns, badges, attitudes, no brains but deviant love of children. Brendan Danaher is son of evil Judge John Danaher III, who destroyed every mother who appeared before his family court bench, the judge is not a jew, but married one. Puppy cop Danaher is the municipal clown who applied his lacking police skills to eschew the orders of a New York court in protection of a child, finding probable cause to arrest… Read More »Summary Bullshit

              Probable Cause

                Time to take a close look at how the K9 Patrol of Bloomfield Police determines probable cause to arrest a mother to force the surrender of her child to a father who is barred from any contact by order of family court. Of great curiosity is why judges and prosecutors of the State of Connecticut played along in the attempt to traffic the child across state lines, on complaint of a resident of Georgia. The first red flag is the fact that the father is the infamous Matthew Condel Couloute, who has been previously represented by battle axe, retired Judge Annie Dranginis in a family matter involving sexual abuse of… Read More »Probable Cause


                  The insanity of the Connecticut criminal justice system is exemplified by exposing the incompetence of its individual players. Meet investigator Joseph M. McSweegan, a retard with an attitude and a badge who is paid by the state to provide professional investigative services to the blog famous nigger Gail Hardy, Hartford GA State’s Attorney. McSweegan works on the felony prosecution for custodial interference in the first degree of the mother of Sofi Couloute, brought by complaint of Matthew Couloute of Georgia. McSweegan sends an official letter to Matthew Couloute on letterhead of the state’s criminal justice system, which reveals fraud by Couloute and betrays misconduct by McSweegan while documenting malicious prosecution… Read More »McSweegan

                  Dyke Trafficker

                    In the deviant world of trafficking children for devilish pleasures of the unclean, there are unscrupulous players usurping state powers to please the pedophiles of Connecticut. Meet Claudette Kosinski, an inspector in the employ of the State’s Attorney Office. Kosinski holds the same powers as a chief detective under the state’s criminal justice system. Kosinski is a butch dyke, a foul human of incompetent intellect, unable to differentiate criminal conduct from protected rights. She is just stupid, but knows enough to follow pedo instructions to recover Sofi Couloute, on orders from above. The effort of the nutmeg State pedo ring to retrieve a pleasure toy from Western New York is… Read More »Dyke Trafficker

                    Fuckery Dismissed!

                      Connecticut pedo players dismiss the felony charges against baby momma.

                      Nolle prosequi

                        Nolle prosequi …. prosecutor’s attempt to bury the obvious.

                        Publicity: Price Of Litigation

                          Family Court drama is a spectator sport. Litigation brings attention and judicial hanki-panki brings public scrutiny. But Matthew Couloute wants a private courtroom for his drama.

                          Cesspool Connecticut

                            Terrorists of Connecticut Criminal Justice system exposed for civil rights violations, false arrest, interstate fraud and criminal judicial misconduct.

                            Carl Ajello

                              Prosecutorial misconduct personified, white niggah Connecticut style. Pedo rule of law.