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Attorney Matthew Couloute

Matthew Couloute: Con Man

    Couloute’s peculiar demands for no financial disclosure and prohibition of mom taking daughter to doctor? Hiding what?

    Attorney Kelly L. Ball

      How public funds are used to traffick children by Attorney Kelly Ball of Buffalo. Mom deserved her beating from abusive father.

      The Boogey Man!

        Family Court Judge Sharon LoVallo rules that pedophile rings do not exist in society.

        A Mother’s Duty

          Mother hands judge invitation to get off the case in protection of her child.

          Public Forum

            Public scrutiny of court proceedings is a fundamental right of society. Be wary of those who seek secrecy under the rule of law.

            LoVallo’s Psychiatric Stability

              Time to take a look at the jewdicial bias and prejudice played out in Family Court under the color of law.  Today we observe the perverted logic festering in the twisted legal mind of child predator in black, Judge Sharon LoVallo of New York. LoVallo, the crazy, takes aim at a mother.  Mother is a victim of domestic violence and has the broken bones to prove it.  LoVallo is confident that mother deserved the beating and bone cracking at the fist of the father.  After all, the State of Connecticut arrested mother as a fugitive from justice on the order of Governor Daniel Malloy for providing child care by seeking… Read More »LoVallo’s Psychiatric Stability