Ok sports fans, for those of you who have been following the drama of Mr. Couloute, Mr. Matthew Condel Couloute, Jr. Esq. The geographically confused attorney who can’t figure out where he lives, suffers from adjustment disorder and has desperation syndrome to have Connecticut Judge Suarez strip custody of his daughter from his second x wife….that Mr. Couloute.
Well, time for him to take out his wallet, pull out his Georgia driver’s license, read the address and admit to Judge Suarez that he is not a resident of Connecticut. The JURISDICTION question is answered. Couloute lives in Georgia, mom lives in NY and Judge Suarez is about to close the Hartford file on this sad drama. All that is left for Judge LoVallo to do is charge Couloute with perjury for scamming the court over the last six months. The drama ends.
But please don’t get caught by Judge Sharon LoVallo discussing where is Waldo. Violation of her unconstitutional gag order will give her a hernia. Prior restraint bites.