Remember the cute saying ‘it takes a village’, a feel good sense of community being required to properly raise children? Well the now-famous Blog spotlights the fact that ‘it takes a conspiracy’ to rape childhoods in Connecticut family court. Blog Star Judge Thomas Moukawsher finds a claim of a JEWISH CONSPIRACY makes his skin crawl and his conscience clatter, but in reality the inhumanity of the family court cannot be achieved without the jewish conspiracy. Nasty outcomes are a product of a nasty system, designed by nasty people, for a nasty objective, which points directly to the JEWS of the Bar and on the bench, the practice going back five decades.
The fundamental structure of family court across the nation comes from the jews who started the AFCC in the Los Angeles Stanley Mosk courthouse in 1963. Jews created no-fault divorce as an attack on the Christian sacrament of marriage. The ideology flows from the Talmud, that the goy are four-legged animals, their Christian beliefs abhorred by the jew; the more fucked up the goy, the better for jewish parasites, a skill honed across two millennia of pissing off the entire western world. The jewish AFCC is a twisted trade union of child predators profiting from destruction of families; a tax exempt corporation in the eyes of the IRS, because they do research into the best practices of raping childhood.
The nutmeg jews knew they were not going to convince the majority of the legislature to play along with their child trafficking racket, so the black robes of the high court would be used to create the JEWISH CONSPIRACY that Judge Moukawsher denies exists. Oi vey, Mouk is so retarded, he can’t see evil when it stands before his bench. He also thinks six million jews died while showering at Auschwitz. The boy is gullible.
Connecticut judges had their own chapter of AFCC, started in the Hartford courthouse, lawyers, judges, and vultures being dues paying members of a jewdicial mafia, rigging the divorce racket to enrich predators, holding no Christian or Islamic beliefs regarding children. It is a jew club with a jew purpose. The early examples of the combined effort started showing up in case law in the early ’70s where Cleveland v Cleveland was twisted to defeat the SCOTUS ruling of Halvey v Halvey from 1947, which states custody orders are never final, not res judicata, can be changed by whim of another judge or the same judge at any time. Pedophiles and child traffickers did not like the idea of a mother stripped of custody of the fruit of her womb coming back to court filing for a modification of orders designed to cut her out of the child’s life. The jews wanted res judicata and finality of orders to traffic sex toys, which created the false ruling: “To limit the use of the power given to the trial courts and to give effect to the principle of res judicata,” … new law is born, NO MODIFICATION without discretionary approval of the trial judge, meaning absolute discretion rules the bench. The wording says it all, ‘to limit the use of power’. Jews don’t like goy marching into court in redress of grievances arguing that the judge is abusing children by denying hugs from mom.
In 1981, it was jewish miscreant Justice Ellen Ash Peters who ruled in Yontef v Yontef that the goy were never going to overcome the court’s absolute power of broad discretion to rape childhood and destroy parent-child bonds. No rule of law, just absolute tyrannical discretion. Rabbinical courts recognize no right of the goy under talmudic law.
In 1982, Connecticut court employees register AFCC, Inc. an Illinois company, with the Secretary of the State, after having operated outside the law for many years. The Illinois corporation had its head office in Colorado and another office in the Los Angeles courthouse. The SOTS would later cancel the registration of the foreign corporation for non-compliance with tax laws.
In 1984, the high court obliterated parental rights in McGaffin v Roberts when the anti-Christian high bench of jewish conspiracy elevated ‘best interest’ discretion over constitutional rights of a fit parent. Attorney Lynda Munro argued against parental rights. The court became the ruthless master of absolute discretion to take a son away from a fit father, give to a third party, because the pedophile in black robe thinks it is ‘better’ for the kid. A pure jewish construction, violating due process and equal protection. The Constitution be damned, this is jewish Connecticut, where fit parents cannot protect their children from the thievery of the jewish court, a concept alien to all other religions of the world. The jewish construction also defeats Christian and Islamic teachings regarding the sanctity of children in the eyes of God. A pure jew play. It is frightful to note that the dissenting opinion in McGaffin contains the same constitutional elements protecting parent-child bonds that were repeated by SCOTUS in Troxel v Granville, sixteen years later. In the two decades since Troxel, the Hartford jewish mafia still ignores the strict scrutiny requirements under the Fourteenth Amendment afforded parental protection. Connecticut jews will not let their child trafficking conspiracy collapse under the weight of the Bill of Rights, there is simply too much money and a powerful jewish agenda in play. Money is the true god of the jew.
In 1988, the legislature blessed the jews with a new law, §46b-62(a), that allowed the judge to order parents pay the GAL directly, even allowed kid’s money to be used to pay the GAL, prior to this the court taxed the litigants for expense of GAL at the end of trial. Payment invoiced to parents by the state, payment by state to GAL reported on IRS 1099, GAL service under state contract. Little jewdicial trickery eliminated the contract, eliminated tax reporting, created a license to steal and jail awaited the parent who failed to pay on time, as the judge was getting a kickback on the unreported transaction; jewish money laundering.
In 1999, the legislature changed the law to allow a jew in a black robe to order ‘counseling’ as part of judgement, a horrific violation of protected freedoms, where the dark jew hand could invoke any type of free thought manipulation of parent and child thru use of a ‘therapist’. More baseless opinion that it is good for the kid to see a jewish rabbi twice a week, paid for by a goy parent. A captive, overpriced jew controlled market instantly created for jewdicial pets. Court ordered therapy was not reimbursable by medical insurance, so the prices were astronomical … a jewish delight. Also known as RACKETEERING.
In 2002, jew Judge Annie Dranginis chaired a Governor’s Commission which outlined a business plan on how members of the Bar could be paid more money for family court work, increase fees for guardians, and employ more private pay psychologists to provide undefined ‘evaluations’ to the court at parental expense. Annie claims that family law requires great skill and therefore mo’ money.
In 2003, the legislature creates a new law, §51-6b, requiring the Chief Court Administrator to ‘identify’ supervised visitation providers, an AFCC scam where family court judges subject fit parents to visitations supervised by unlicensed, uninsured, unregulated charlatans who charge massive hourly fees for an undefined service ordered by jewdicial discretion under best interests. The present list contains the following disclaimer: “The Judicial Branch is not responsible for the quality of services provided. Neither the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch nor any of its officers, employees or agents endorses, inspects or licenses any secure visitation center.” The jew judges order kids to unlicensed services for the sole financial benefit of vendors. Another unlicensed captive service market fed by jewdicial discretion.
In 2005, the jews of the appellate court upheld jew Judge Holly Wetstone’s order barring mother Rose Strobel from filing to protect her child from the rape of father Kevin. Litigation is ruled not to be in the best interest of the child. The case Strobel v Strobel contradicted state supreme court case law of Ahneman v Ahneman, and trashed state constitution Article First, §10, that courts are open to all. All except mothers who lost their kids to the whim of a jew in a black robe, because daddy fucks little kid ass with pals in the state ring. Strobel orders, as they are now called, are routinely invoked by jew judges to bar access to the court of a parent fighting the jewish mafia. Especially designed to keep pro se litigants out of court.
In 2006, legislature changes §46b-56(b) to require ‘active and consistent involvement of both parents’ in children’s lives. A law that is never enforced, never had appellate review and is routinely violated for the next 16 years by jews in black robes.
In 2007, jew Judge Holly Wetstone conducts 86 days of trial in the Tauck case, legal fees over $13M, proving court time is purchased, unlimited motions, unlimited arguments, as long as jew lawyers are getting paid, litigation goes on in the best interest of the children when jews are making money.
In 2011, jew Judge Elaine Gordon suddenly retires at beginning of the Liberti case, running from the pedo overlords, where jew Judge Lynda Munro was forced to do the dirty deed to cut mom out of Max’s life so the New Haven pedo ring could have a sex toy.
In 2013, jew Judges Adelman, Wetstone, and Munro; court employees Debra Kulak and Marylou Giovannucchi and jew Dr. Linda Smith, PhD apply to the Secretary of the State to register the Connecticut Chapter of AFCC, Inc. as a corporate entity affiliated with the national AFCC corporation. Court office addresses are used. Due to the previous misconduct of the corporation in 1982, and complaints by an observant public the registration is rejected, the local chapter disbanded, barred from doing business in the State.
In 2013, jew Judge Holly Wetstone is kicked out of Rockville courthouse by then presiding judge William Bright for stating from the bench that mother Colleen Bushey is being punished by having her kids taken away for offending the judge. “which is what she did, which is why she’s losing the children. So I think that’s punishment enough.” Mother later testified before the legislature listing all the players that helped Judge Wetstone steal the kids, including Rabbi Andrew Hechtman, an unlicensed individual who charged $150 an hour cash at the door to do Wetstone’s bidding.
In 2013, jew Judge Lynda Munro announces her immediate retirement from the bench to avoid scrutiny from the legislature on her misconduct in the jewish conspiracy of trafficking Max Liberti for his pedophile father of West Haven, her deep involvement with AFCC, and her plan to divide the state into four territories of GAL Academies to stake out turf and provide kickbacks to doting jewish judges. RACKETEERING.
In 2013, the Commissioner of Public Health rules that family court designed ‘therapy’ labelled Transition in Parenting, provided under contract by dumb unlicensed nigger Kathy Service of Klingberg is not therapy but mere quackery unrelated to a licensed practice. Judicial Branch exposed for fraud. Deborah Fuller and Deb Kulak fingered for misrepresentation. Disclaimers issue that TIP is not therapy, but rather a program that provides a supportive environment and professional guidance. Six years later Kathy Service is arrested for medicaid fraud. In reality, there are no professionals, just jews abusing children while wasting public funds.
In 2014, the legislature holds public hearings on the jewish fleecing of the goy in family court. The jewish scam flamed out when the public heard the horror stories of jewish childhood rape and financial plunder, leading to new laws limiting the jew mafia’s power to rob goy parents. In fear of publicity of his notorious jewish antics, Attorney Steve Dembo immediately withdraws from all his GAL appointments.
In 2014, mother of court trafficked sex toy Max Liberti testifies before the legislature on the horrors of family court, naming all the jewish players, the damage, the costs. Mother never sees her son again.
In 2015, pedo police officer Jermaine Nash of Norwalk arrests Lori Thaner of Glastonbury because the kids refused to return to their abusive father Robert Thaner. Kids seized by DCF, placed in foster care instead of returning to abusive father. Lori found guilty of custodial interference in 2017, imprisoned.
In 2015, jew Judge Barry Pinkus threw two poor brown unmarried parents out of his Middletown courtroom, as no lawyer was going to make a dime on a custody fight, jews had little use for little brown baby, mother forced into a joint custody arrangement with abusive dad by incompetent family relations officers, despite dad having violated restraining order and made threats against mom and the kid. Little Baby Aaden got tossed off the Middletown Bridge, murdered by daddy nut job. Jewish judge mafia circled the wagons, no accountability for jewish discretion overriding the rule of law. Dead brown kids don’t matter to jews.
In 2017, jew Judge Adelman appears before the legislature for reappointment hearing, announcing that most judges do not want to hear family cases … that’s a fact! But good jews like Adelman love hearing family cases, it is his calling, raping childhood his passion!
In 2018, the legislature had enough of jew Judge Jane Emons, letting her appointment expire without even a vote, a fate not invoked on any Connecticut judge since being an English colony. One less jew judge on the bench is a good thing. Spokesperson Melissa Farely complains: “This is sending chills through the judicial system.”
In 2018, the carnage from the demise of Emons spreads. Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto is kicked off the bench, relegated to Deputy Administrator desk job, while head jew of family court King Elliot Solomon was booted to a closet office in the Hartford courthouse to wait out his days until he retirement in 2020. Neither judge was allowed near kids again. Judge Michael Albis put in charge of the family court cesspool with the hope of improvement. Back room deal got rid of Bozzuto and Solomon, in return Rep. Minnie Gonzalez left the Judiciary Committee.
In 2019, Jennifer Dulos is murdered by hubby Fotis, having been tied up for two years in pointless litigation orchestrated by jew Judge Donna Heller and jew Attorney Reuben Midler, by jew games to bleed Jen’s trust funds dry and create familial conflict, a jewish delicacy.
In 2020, the jews of Waterbury, traffic Evie and Sophia Grohs and their million dollar trust funds to trailer trash, crack whore, hairdresser Vicki Frenzel, ensuring they are medicated, brainwashed and never to hug their mother again, under jewish best interest standard. Attorney Steve Levy, a jew orchestrates the judicial payoffs.
In 2020, on appeal, Judge William Bright upholds the conviction of Lori Thaner, stating that mother did not beat the kids hard enough to force them to return to abusive dad, thereby she violated the court visitation orders and was rightfully punished in the eyes of the jewish state. Court rules protective moms are criminals.
In 2020, deviant jew Judge Maureen Murphy refuses to face legislators for reappointment hearing, resigning from the bench, rather than incriminate herself for her GAL performance in trafficking Max Liberti in front of jew Judge Lynda Munro. Murphy’s misconduct was documented in the book Worst Interest of the Child by Keith Harmon Snow.
In 2020, jew Judge Donna Heller, the grim reaper of the Dulos case appeared for less than three minutes before the jewdiciary committee for reappointment hearing, where no one asked her a single question. Heller is protected by the jew mafia, the jews of the legislature play along.
In 2022, Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer Ambrose are isolated from their mother for over 637 days by order of jew Judge Jane Grossman for no purpose in law, while jews drag out litigation, laughing all the way to the bank, tipping jew Judge Adelman for playing along..
The jewish conspiracy which Moukawsher claims does not exist takes children away from fit parents, absent a State finding of unfitness in violation of due process; no freedom to be a parent in jewland. It takes an entire gaggle of jews in conspiracy to get the state court to ignore the Constitution and SCOTUS rulings. Flesh crawling yet? Think big nigger Robinson gonna stand up to proclaim Free at last! Free at last! Free at last! Of course not, he is going to do what the jewish mafia tells him, which is to ignore the Constitution and change his name to TOBY.
The barbaric inhumanity of the Connecticut Family Court only comes from the jew. Normal people don’t seek to live off the pain and suffering of others. Normal people protect children. Normal people do not act as predators, stealing family bank to make payments on a Audi and a beach house. Normal people don’t relish in destruction of parent-child bonds, then label it a ‘best interest’ for kids. Normal people don’t behave in the manner of family court, it is the jews, they are not normal, not even human. The present form of family court could not exist without jews running it … someone give Moukawsher a clue.
Moukawsher cannot ignore the powerful presence of the jews of family court and their horrors. He pretends to be blind to the jewish gang bang on the Ambrose kids in his own courtroom: jews Jane Grossman, Nancy Aldrich, Jocelyn Hurwitz, Jessica Caverly, and the Dark Lord himself Gerard Adelman. Judge Donna Heller and the demise of the Dulos family, protracted pointless litigation for the financial benefit of jews. Judge Holly Abery-Wetstone and the record setting 86 days of the Tauck trial finally stripping mom of custody of the fruit of her own womb. The legendary horrors of the Dark Lord, jew Judge Gerard Adelman. The pedo game of jew Judge Lynda Munro in Liberti case which made Max famous in the book Worst Interest of the Child. The legislative inaction to de-bench jew Judge Jane Emons to protect parents and children from her evil jewish wrath. The authority of King Jew Judge Elliot Solomon, the principal architect of all that is evil and jewish in family court. The gaggle of jew lawyers that play the parents against each other is legendary, the chosen ones then ascend to the bench to keep the mafia power in tact.
It is a jew court.
Editor’s Note: In 1965, singer Judy Collins divorced Peter Taylor in Tolland JD at Rockville. The absolute jewish discretion of the inhumane judge took away her son Clark, age 7. Connecticut raped his childhood so hard, the damage being so severe, it led to Clark’s suicide in 1992, at age 33, leaving behind a wife and daughter. Judy Collins wrote a book on the subject. Few people realize the connection between the inhumane jewdicial discretion of isolating mother from son and Clark’s suicide. Jews are nasty people, who do nasty things.