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William Tong

Routinely Threatened!

    The now-famous Blog is accused of making threats against the commie chink, subversive Willy Tong, puppet Attorney General of gulag Connecticut. Oi vey, what the jews will do to attack the First Amendment in effort to subdue the goy’s pesky rights. Nice to see Tong can claim his ‘routine threats’ with a straight face and slanted eyes. A commie chink acting as the state’s lawyer should brush up on definitions of threats and harassment. Opining the little yellow bastard would serve the Tree of Liberty well by going feet first thru an industrial woodchipper is protected speech in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Tong… Read More »Routinely Threatened!

    Hunt Deichert!

      Look for a small army of Connecticut mothers hunting down Robert Deichert, hubby of ReneĆ©, father to Ellie and Rose, but soon to be raw political mince meat fed to the dogs. Attorney Deichert represented the State of Connecticut on behalf of Attorney General Willie d’chink Tong before Judge Robert Shapiro to argue against motherhood in defiance of statutes. D’chink Tong sends Deichert to throw mothers under the bus. Forget Willie’s pandering claim of protecting families is his first priority, both Deichert and Tong prefer little boys. According to Deichert, mothers are not allowed to seek lawful protection for relief from abuse, when a jew mafia of lawyers, judges, and… Read More »Hunt Deichert!

      Tong’s Child Abusers

        Highly paid demonic child predators employed by Connecticut Attorney General William Tong use public funds to promote child abuse and defeat efforts of a mother to protect her children. Meet Jessica Gauvin and Robert Deichert, pedophiles in the first degree. Robert Deichert ($133k/yr) uses the staff of the special litigation department to file 116 pages of legalese to defeat a mother’s effort to protect her children from the emotional and psychological harm inflicted by unscrupulous state actors. Jessica Gauvin ($152k/yr) is the AAG for child protection matters in New Haven, who tells Judge Bernadette Conway that AG Tong ($110k/yr) does not give a shit about the isolation of Mia, Matthew,… Read More »Tong’s Child Abusers

        Dickhead Deichert

          The now-famous Blog confers the coveted title of DICKHEAD on Assistant Attorney General for Special Litigation, Robert Deichert, pedo protector, asshole, pseudo husband to ReneĆ©, false father figure to daughters Ellie and Abby, now and forevermore, be known to all who read d’Blog as DICKHEAD. Blog readers are well aware of the high bar that goes along with the title of DICKHEAD, where Robert Deichert has exceeded in all categories. DICKHEAD DEICHERT demonstrates his pedo dickery in fucking over kids of the state in his absolutely insane pleading to dismiss a suit brought in protection of children, which is only filed because the State of Connecticut cannot protect children from… Read More »Dickhead Deichert

          Tong: A jew?

            Is the chink Attorney General of Connecticut a communist jew? Blog star William Tong acts as the lawyer for the state government, that institution ‘of the people, for the people, and by the people’, but it is closer to a terrorist organization designed to operate against ‘we the people’ by raping the kids. Time to ask the obvious question: Is Tong a jew? The blog finds nothing in Tong’s conduct to indicate he is not a jew. He does not love the nation, acts to disrupt society, supports all that is deviant, twisted, and immoral, does nothing to make life better for the population. Jews operate with purposeful deceit and… Read More »Tong: A jew?

            Deichert d’Douche

              Assistant Attorney General and child trafficker Robert Deichert, limp-dick husband to Poor Renee and pathetic father figure to Ellie and Rose, stepped upon the public stage today on behalf of Connecticut to claim that the Superior Court does not have subject matter jurisdiction to protect children being abused by the jews of the family court system. Oi vey, Deichert is one total douche bag, a total waste of his ridiculous state salary ($132k). A terrorist in pedophile disguise. With Willy Tong’s dried cum on his lips, Deichert demanded a month delay to prepare a motion to dismiss, claiming court’s lack of subject matter jurisdiction to issue injunctive relief. He further… Read More »Deichert d’Douche

              Poor Renee

                Blog condolences go out to Renee Deichert and her two daughters of Tolland, who will soon bear the public embarrassment of having hubby/daddy Robert J. Deichert appear in court to defend the child traffickers of Connecticut Family Court for state sponsored child abuse. Legal miscreant Robert Deichert is a worthless excuse of a lawyer in the employ of child predator Attorney General Willy Tong. Deichert pockets a large state paycheck ($132k) to defend the child rapists of the family court system. His poor girls and their besties will soon be in shock to learn daddy will take the public stage on 23 September in the big Hartford Courthouse before Judge… Read More »Poor Renee


                  Blog star William Tong, the chink Attorney General of Connecticut is in the spotlight, or perhaps more accurately stated, the cross-hairs. The geographically displaced chinese communist mole will soon take the pubic stage in support of state sponsored child abuse in response to a mother’s lawsuit filed against the State Mafia of pedophilia. General Tong’s own propaganda claims that protecting families is his top priority by standing up to ‘powerful’ forces that threaten all! But his own office refuses to help Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer when they sought protection, where Assistant Attorney General for Children, Steve Vitelli formally stated the state held no interest in protecting the abused kids, because… Read More »TONG!

                  Long Duck Tonger

                    The federal gauntlet has been tossed at the webbed feet of Connecticut Attorney General, chink pedophile, master Confucius, jew puppet, democrat William Tong. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has had it with swinging dicks running on the girls track team under the pseudonym ‘transgender’. The jewish game of labels and self-identification is getting called out to the tune of $18 million in denied federal grants to the queers of Connecticut. The federal government holds no cause to fund the deviant behavior of nutmeg jews who label a mentally defective nigger, flopping his dick around in a lane at the girls track meet ‘transgender’. Nigger is just fucked up. Have dick …… Read More »Long Duck Tonger

                    Anti-Semitic Comfort

                      Here we go again. Kevin Rennie, the jewtard shill of South Windsor, exclaims that anti-semitism is a plague on the nation and the world. Newsflash: jews are a plague on the world and have been for over two thousand years. As Voltaire stated: Jews will be the downfall of humanity. Kevin recently went off in the Hartford Courant opining that everything he dislikes is ‘anti-semitic’. Read his silly prose here. He rants that the world is evil and it is bad that 600 non-kosher rockets landed in the chosen jewish state and that a synagogue got shot up in Pittsburgh, that college kids are not buying the ‘chosen state’ game,… Read More »Anti-Semitic Comfort