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Vickie Cann Frenzel

Abuse Confession!

    Blog famous Vicki Frenzel, concubine to the deceased William Grohs, took the witness stand yesterday afternoon in Southbury Probate Court, to testify under oath that she actively works to isolate Sophia and Genevieve Grohs from their mother. The now famous blog can’t make this shit up. Vicki Frenzel described in detail how she intercepts gifts from family and friends to prevent the girls from having any contact with their natural family. Abuse! Vicki is not natural family, she just hijacked two children attached to large trust funds from dead daddy with the help of the dumb nigger Judge Eric Coleman of Waterbury Family Court. Vicki shows up in probate asking… Read More »Abuse Confession!

    Danger Levy

      Can the practice of family law in Connecticut get any worse? Can lawyers get any more despicable? Can the lies get any more outrageous? Well, of course, this is Connecticut where the lawyers are unrestrained rabid dogs who shred the law and children for personal gain, all under the doting care of their judicial masters. Steve Levy is a so-called lawyer preying on children from his office in Torrington, along with his lecherous pals Bill Conti, Bob Salerno and viper bitch Melissa Antonio. Levy has taken up the challenge of defeating all elements of human decency by representing blog star Vicki Frenzel in her kidnapping of Evie and Sophie Grohs’… Read More »Danger Levy

      Bill Grohs: At it again!

        Just when you thought Connecticut Family Court could not get any worse, William Grohs, demented humanoid of pedophile proportions, goes before Judge Gould demanding that two daughters, Evie and Sofie, be isolated from their mother. Judge Gould, being a zionist foot soldier of King Jew Elliot Solomon is holding a hearing on the subject today in Bridgeport.  Family Court is showing its true colors again. Attorney Mary Brigham, the court appointed guardian ad litem for the girls is on the stand testifying under oath that it is in the best interests of children to be cut off from their mother. A truly Connecticut form of jewism. Note Brigham is billing… Read More »Bill Grohs: At it again!

        Lack of Principle Scully

          Time to take a look at how the corrupt pedophile enclave of Watertown, Connecticut uses the public school system to harm children in the destruction of parent/child bonds.  Yes, this is the never ending drama of pedo monster and child predator William J. Grohs, his dickhead lawyer Michael Fasano and the devil’s bitch GAL Attorney Mary Brigham.  Daddy Grohs has such a little dick and over inflated ego that he needs to use the two girls Evie and Sofie as weapons of vengeance against their own mother to prove his manhood.  Obviously the perpetual live in fiancée Vickie Frenzel is not putting out enough that William Grohs has to psychologically screw… Read More »Lack of Principle Scully

          GAL Steals Christmas

            Judge Wilson J. Trombley of the Waterbury JD in Connecticut did opine that Sofi and Evie Grohs should be able to hug their mother for Christmas, that Christian holiday in celebration of the birth of a saviour with beliefs of a god, love and family. Before the old bird’s bench was the great dickhead Michael Fasano and his demented pedo client and jailer of Sofi and Evie; William J. Grohs.  The mentally deranged William Grohs uses children was weapons to inflate is delicate ego.  If he is not hurting someone he just does not feel manly and his dick goes limp.  Also in the courtroom was the notorious pedo ally… Read More »GAL Steals Christmas

            Watertown Speech Police

              The thin blue thugs of the Watertown Police Department in rural Connecticut are executing the will of the state pedophile ring in hunting down free speech that brings light to the child trafficking game of Sophia and Evie Grohs. Our civilized society gives the people the First Amendment privilege of scrutinizing the corrupt activities of Judge Anna Ficeto, a puppet of the pedophile mafia of Corrupticut.  A family court judge who rips children from mothers so unscrupulous penis players like William J. Grohs can use two little girls for demented pleasures.  But the pedo muscle wears a badge, carries a gun, has an attitude and is mentally retarded.  Jerkoff Detective… Read More »Watertown Speech Police

              Spotlight: Judge Wilson J. Trombley

                Time to spotlight another terrorist in a black robe doing the work of the Connecticut state pedo ring.  Judge Wilson J. Trombley is still entertaining the case of the invisible stalker out of Watertown, Connecticut.  Remember Watertown?  The home of dyke on the byke Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto, where Judge Gold determines that bullets can fly unobstructed through 900 feet of forest.  Where the pedo Police Chief John Gavallas arrests mothers for no reason other than simple cash in the pocket from pedo’s like William J. Grohs.  A strange place indeed. This nut job in a black robe, Trombley, having an unhealthy attraction to the back end of little boys is… Read More »Spotlight: Judge Wilson J. Trombley

                Attempted TRO

                  Quick update on the rantings of the self-appointed wicked step-mother Vicki Frenzel of Watertown, the famous village which is home to dyke on the byke Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto of the Connecticut Superior Court. Watertown is a strange place, inbred town management, crooked police, pedo chief, cops who steal from charities and where Judge Gold determines that bullets can fly unobstructed through 900 feet of forest.  The water supply is so toxic that it keeps the town mentality down around junior high level, even for the adults.  The child molestation drama surrounding Vicki’s kid Marc Frenzel, a sophomore at Watertown High, does not stop.  William J. Grohs of 227 Woodbury Road… Read More »Attempted TRO

                  Vicki Frenzel Tool of William J. Grohs

                    The devious mind of William J. Grohs has enlisted the aid of batshit crazy live in girlfriend, pseudo fiancée and self-appointed step mother to attack the mother of his only children.  Nothing like the side affects of syphilis to create a true madman. Vicki Frenzel has filed for a restraining order against the mother of her self-described step daughters; syphilis and its mental derangements spreads in close quarters.  Vicki gets the Emmy Award for creative writing in a family drama.  Read her sensational application for TRO here.  It puts words right in the mouth of the junior sexual predator of the household, her real son Marc a sophomore at Watertown High… Read More »Vicki Frenzel Tool of William J. Grohs

                    William Grohs: Mental Defect

                      How hereditary mental defects manifest in the life of William J. Grohs to the harm of two girls and to the pleasure of family court lawyers.

                      William J. Grohs: Child Abuser

                        William J. Grohs relishes in isolating his daughters from their mother. Psychopath at large in Watertown, Connecticut.