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Judge Jose Suarez

Mohammad’s Children

    Christian societies who insult Islam tend to lose their heads, attract gunfire, have churches burned, and other unfortunate occurrences. Such are the consequences of culture clash and differing beliefs. We Americans can make fun of any religious people, other than the Jews, they are our masters and cannot be criticized. Draw a cartoon of Mohammad, but don’t dare deny that Hitler’s Holohoax exterminated six-million chosen ones. See how the game is played? Take a hard look at the American ‘Family Court’ system. A division of the state judiciary focused on terminating religious marriages and dividing up kids, while looting family savings. There is a belief system behind this secular charade… Read More »Mohammad’s Children

    El Chiflado: Judge Suarez

      Blog famous Connecticut whack nut judge José Suarez, the Puerto Rican refugee is at it again! This time in the case of terminating mother’s parental right to her three children in RE Madison. The state child traffickers came out in force to cut a mother out of the lives of the fruits of her womb, where all the usual jewish players showed up for the party. The State of Connecticut is staffed by a cesspool of incompetent paycheck sponges who pretend to know what is best for other folk’s children. Here we have state moron Chanel Cranford, an inexperienced social worker under DCF Commissioner Vannessa Dorante to really fuck people… Read More »El Chiflado: Judge Suarez

      Dyke Trafficker

        In the deviant world of trafficking children for devilish pleasures of the unclean, there are unscrupulous players usurping state powers to please the pedophiles of Connecticut. Meet Claudette Kosinski, an inspector in the employ of the State’s Attorney Office. Kosinski holds the same powers as a chief detective under the state’s criminal justice system. Kosinski is a butch dyke, a foul human of incompetent intellect, unable to differentiate criminal conduct from protected rights. She is just stupid, but knows enough to follow pedo instructions to recover Sofi Couloute, on orders from above. The effort of the nutmeg State pedo ring to retrieve a pleasure toy from Western New York is… Read More »Dyke Trafficker

        Jew Process

          Time to highlight the goofball ‘spic Judge Jose Suarez of Connecticut Family Court for his form of jew process of law. Not due process, as prescribed by the Constitution, but ‘jew’ process, unique to the zionists of family court. The miscreant judicial authority, sitting as a family court judge did apply King Solomon’s talmudic law to uphold the agenda of zionism against the gentile by relying on the jewish game of psychology, in complete defiance of the American concept of ‘rule of law’ and ‘due process. In family court there is no law. Just the unbridled tyranny of a zionist agenda designed solely to inflict emotional pain and suffering on… Read More »Jew Process

          The Devil’s Custody Racket

            The devil lives among us, in family court. The evil attacking families one custody battle at a time, for the lucrative benefit of lawyers.

            Publicity: Price Of Litigation

              Family Court drama is a spectator sport. Litigation brings attention and judicial hanki-panki brings public scrutiny. But Matthew Couloute wants a private courtroom for his drama.

              Public Scrutiny Exception

                Good faith exception to gag order. Public scrutiny of corrupt court protects child welfare. Judge Sharon LoVallo is free speech terrorist.

                GAG ORDER!!!

                  Judge Sharon LoVallo of NY Family Court issues a gag order! Prior Restraint?