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Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz

Adelman Unglued!

    The Dark Lord has come unglued! Judge Gerard Adelman appeared more than distraught in yesterday’s Ambrose hearing. It appears that he is in trouble with the state pedo ring for failing to deliver on Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, while drawing too much public attention to the jewish efforts of draining the family bank. Adelman ranted about the publicity and berated mom’s lawyer in a nonsensical barrage for no legal purpose. To the casual observer, Adelman is scared. He cancelled all pending trial dates, issued a flurry of temporary orders, keeping the kids isolated from mom, then ended the session in a huff. The now-famous blog speculates that the Ambrose case… Read More »Adelman Unglued!

    Chris Ambrose: Part 8

      The blog editors applaud the FrankReport on its continuing series exposing homosexual, pedophile Chris Ambrose and the doting jewish pedo players of the Connecticut Family Court who are victimizing Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, while sucking the family bank dry. Read directly at FrankReport, see the latest art-work depicting the jews of family court and their evil terror played out on innocent children. Satan is alive and well in the Connecticut judiciary. When headless bodies of child predators float down the Connecticut River, will anyone be surprised? Anyone think that Judges Rodriguez, Grossman, Adelman, and Albis not getting a cut of all this money? Anyone still fooled into believing the jews… Read More »Chris Ambrose: Part 8

      FrankReport #6

        The FrankReport has published its SIXTH installment of public scrutiny into the pedophile affairs of the Connecticut Family Court in the matter of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer. The Chief Family Judge Michael Albis remains hidden in his Middletown chambers, hoping no one notices his complacency to child abuse under the color of state dissolution law, while hoping he does not become a headless floater in the nearby river. The now-famous blog compliments Frank’s creative artwork provided in the Ambrose series.


          The over-educated legal beagles on blog staff spotlight the fallacy of Connecticut’s claim of ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY held by GALs raping childhoods and looting family savings. The point of common law is that no private contractor can serve with such blessed immunity anywhere in the constitutional framework of government. Immunity is a privilege conferred by the legislature upon a governmental office in execution of a civic function. A guardian ad litem in a simple no-fault divorce does not execute a government function, it is not an office of the government, it is not regulated by ‘we the people’, it is merely a discretionary appointment for the convenience of the judge for… Read More »Fallacy

          Frank Report: Chris Ambrose

            The evils of Connecticut family court are not difficult to spot. Read the first in a series of articles on the jewdicial conspiracy to protect a pedophile and traffic children: FRANK REPORT. Looks like CJ Richard Robinson and Judge Michael Albis have some explaining to do. Judges Adleman and Grossman should be in federal custody along with Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz. Law enforcement and state child protective services have betrayed the trust of a sovereign people. Connecticut: screams of children are silenced. The Ambrose Papers Part 1: ‘Secrets and Lies’: TV Writer Chris Ambrose and the Connecticut Family Court Puts Children in Danger October 3, 2021 This is part one of… Read More »Frank Report: Chris Ambrose

            Well Respected?

              Blog star jew judge of the Connecticut Family Court Gerard I. Adelman, the Dark Lord himself issued a ruling that the evil jew child trafficking court whore Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz is WELL RESPECTED! He further states that jew girl Jocelyn protects the best interests of Matthew, Mia, and Sawyer Ambrose who have not hugged their mother in two years while bleeding their college savings dry. Note how jew Adelman compliments jew Jocelyn in a court decision to impress upon the goy the proper standards of child rape. All foolish goy take note that a ‘well respected’ GAL is a jew, dutifully fucking up a goy family, inflicting financial and emotional… Read More »Well Respected?

              Nasty Lawyers

                Time for another look at the nasty Connecticut lawyers behind another tragic ending to a family relations dispute. Sweet 7 year old Layla Malon is dead along with her mother Tracy Do, who suffered from the legal abuse brought on by father Eric J. Malon of Westport. Eric and Tracy have been together since 2004, bringing Layla and Alexis into the world, as unmarried parents. Then comes family court and the lecherous lawyers salivating at all the fat fees to be had for setting the parents into a litigious dog fight in three different courts: housing, civil, family. Triple the courts, triple the fees. The sovereign people of Connecticut hold… Read More »Nasty Lawyers

                Abu$e of Discretion

                  The jewish form of family court does not rest on the rule of law, but the ‘discretion’ of the jewdicial authority. Equal protection does not apply, every divorce is different, no standard of best interest applies, it is all cleverly arranged to allow a jew in a black robe to wreak havoc on the goy, while siphoning family savings into jewish pockets. Discretion is simply the jewdicial power to plunder and loot private funds under the color of state law to benefit a chosen group admitted to the Bar. There is no standard of ‘discretion’ in Connecticut. An appeal of a trial court order on custody, visitation, legal fees, GAL… Read More »Abu$e of Discretion

                  The Adelman Shit Show

                    Here is a little exposure on the jewish form of trial court in the expensive process of obtaining a ‘no-fault’ divorce in Connecticut. Christopher Ambrose is now in his 95th week of pursuing the elusive ‘no-fault’ divorce, as such protracted litigation goes along with having family savings and jewish lawyers. The more money, the longer the jews take to decide how to issue the ‘no-fault’ divorce. Jew lawyers can only drain the family bank one billable hour at a time, so it usually takes two years to drain the first million, but requires assistance from a jew judge like Gerard Adelman who is presiding over the fifth week of a… Read More »The Adelman Shit Show

                    Discovery Master!

                      Judge Gerard Adelman, the dark lord of the Connecticut Family Court appoints retired pedophile protecting Judge Elaine Gordon to hunt down freedom of expression! As usual, the now famous blog cannot make this shit up. The insanity of the Ambrose case hits an historic and unconstitutional high, in the name of obtaining a ‘no-fault’ divorce. The new twist is that the mother is so evil that her computer must be confiscated by the family court, so that Elaine Gordon can pick through the hard drive in violation of First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments! Nothing stops the jews. Remember Elaine Gordon was the star judge in the Liberti case… Read More »Discovery Master!