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A Lot Of Jews!

    Chappelle has been to Hollywood, there are a lot of jews!!!  But that is just an observation, meaning nothing, like just a coincidence. A bunch of black folks is a gang, a flock of Italians is the mafia, Indians on horseback is a warpath, gathering of Mexicans is a taco feast, collection of Irish is a pub, a seated English crowd is high tea, a bunch of big black birds is a murder, but a whole bunch of jews running Hollywood is just a coincidence which cannot be spoken of … lest the bald asshole of ADL, the chosen master censor of goy speak, Jonathan Greenblatt takes to twitter to… Read More »A Lot Of Jews!

    Jewdicial Tyranny

      Jewdicial authorities wreak havoc on goy society, releasing murderers on bond to murder again, just what the jew wants to terrorize goy, the parasitic hallmark of the chosen to destroy the host society. Why have a criminal justice system if the jew can defeat its purpose? Jews love gang bangers who murder goy!! Jews have Texas courts wired, jew sponsored judges defy rule of law, applying jewdicial discretion to release murderers on bond, to kill again, jew lawyers and judges conspire to inflict terror upon a peaceful people, while begging their own demise. As court is the alternative to violence, denial of criminal justice incites a free people to provide… Read More »Jewdicial Tyranny


        The now-famous Blog takes a big yawn at drama SANDYHOAX, a scripted event to defeat Second Amendment, run by jews, all authorized under a clause in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act .. federal propaganda is good!  Poor Barbara Bellis, presiding over a jew charade in the armpit of Waterbury, piles on another chunk of change to Alex Jones’ First Amendment rights on legal cause of his ‘blameworthiness’. Oi vey! Jewish abuse of feeble state courts makes an example of Alex; hoax deniers must pay shekels!!!  This week’s jewdicial invoice is $473M, bringing the hoax tally to $1.44B, just from Connecticut. Jew puppet, Yale grad, Judge Maya Guerra Gamble, in… Read More »Blameworthiness

        ADL Hate Speech!

          The jews are at it again!  Never is now! Whatever the fuck that means! The jew ideology is that anyone who hates jewshit is a bad person … got it? Blog star Jewette Katz is hosting a panel to malign goy who don’t appreciate jewism. Join us for Never Is Now 2022, the World’s Largest Summit on Antisemitism and Hate hosted by ABC’s “Nightline” Co-Anchor, Juju Chang and moderator, journalist and author Abigail Pogrebin. Session starts at time 28.20 Site warning: It will make you vomit! Closing remarks cause vomiting as well.  Speeches start at 10.20     Holohoax Deniers are anti-semitic!! Supporting Palestinians is anti-semitic!!! Anti-zionism is anti-semitism!!!!… Read More »ADL Hate Speech!

          DDN Missouri Court Update

            Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family court in multiple states including the State of Missouri. Our news coverage extends to the most devastated regions of our country with boots on the ground seeking out the truth. Each edition we run is focused on a different state where corruption runs deep. It has been a national scandal for decades in which family courts in this country systematically failed to protect our children from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse by predatory parents. What is equally scandalous is the silence on the coverage of this unimaginable atrocity. It is a dreadful reality… Read More »DDN Missouri Court Update


              The self-chosen elite of Connecticut’s high court fabricate a new exception to free speech! Like a thief in the night, stepping silently, eroding liberty in petty thefts, the jews advance destruction of goy right to speak. Buried in Nutmeg attack on Alex Jones is the new class of unprotected speech, a jew twist to First Amendment, where speech that pisses off a judge cannot be tolerated! The now-famous Blog provides standard disclaimer of not making this shit up! Blog star nigger chief justice Richard Robinson authors another First Amendment attack in Lafferty v Jones which creates a new class of unprotected speech:  “speech that interferes with the administration of justice… Read More »Exception!

              Katz Attacks First Amendment

                Blog star Jewette Katz, self-appointed constitutional terrorist, enemy of the people, dedicated Blog fan, continues her crusade to silence goy for expressing displeasure of all things jewish, she invites like minded, chosen anti-American types to join her on 10 November in NYC with a gaggle of kikes who get really upset at the term HOLOHOAX.  Jewette will stand with Liz Cheney and Chris Wray to shit upon goy First Amendment rights, promoting hatred of anti-semitism, to seek out new ways to misuse courts to silence goy expression … the essence of self-governance. The Javits Center will be howling with screeching jews, self-appointed victims of oppression, the lone survivors of the… Read More »Katz Attacks First Amendment

                Police Advice!

                  Mad man Christopher Ambrose of Madison, Connecticut, child abuser, mental case, homo, psycho nutjob, pleads again for an EMERGENCY HEARING on advice of police.  The homo, minor attracted miscreant, compulsive liar, now pleads that POLICE advise him to seek protective orders because the internet exists, his children suffer from lack of mom hugs, he is a wretched human, whose treatment of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer is legally equivalent to ‘animal abuse’. Ambrose pleads the following: The police advised filing the emergency request. Plaintiff(Ambrose) has permanent sole physical and legal custody of the three minor children. The defendant(mother) has been interfering with custody by publishing confidential information about the children as… Read More »Police Advice!

                  The Internet Exists!

                    The now-famous Blog points out to the unknowing that the internet exists, court is a public forum, society is a chatty bunch, sovereign people hold right to scrutiny of monsters raping childhoods, under the color of state no-fault divorce laws. Blog star and child abuser Christopher Ambrose of 281 Horsepond Road in Madison has a problem living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, he does not like public scrutiny of mental disorders that rape childhoods of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, but his jewish lawyer pals Nancy Aldrich and Jocelyn Hurwitz enjoy plundering family bank, ensuring no college funds for kids. Oi vey, what damage… Read More »The Internet Exists!

                    Wonderful Connecticut

                      The now-famous Blog shares an article espousing the particular benefits that Connecticut provides for paedophiles; pretty sick shit, but that is the reality of the paedo capital of jewmerica, where childhoods are raped, screams silenced. By Jeffrey B. Rose NAMBLA Advocate I hanker for some throbbing, sweet-moaning, physical but not necessarily coital, relation with a boy-child. I am an innocuous, inadequate, passive, timid man who merely asks the community to allow me to pursue my practically harmless, so-called aberrant behavior. My little hot wet private acts of sexual deviation without the police and society cracking down upon me. I will never forget it. His little boy, they said, when my… Read More »Wonderful Connecticut