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Bye Bye Janet!

The now-famous Blog bids farewell to the nutty chief judge of New York with the bad blonde dye job, whose lack of intellect, immaturity, petty vindictive behaviour, and ignorance of law create a pathetic legacy of what a judge should not be.  Disgraced, nipple pierced Andrew Cuomo put Janet’s dumb ass on the high bench in 2016, she was suppose to serve until 2025, but like all left wing moronic players, mental defect caught up with her; arrogance, attitude, lack of respect for the law got her in a tangle with union boss Dennis Quirk who called bullshit on Janet’s totalitarian order to jab all court workers with Fauci serum.  Janet knows what is best for the goy.  Her petty retaliation by abuse of office brought down an ethics probe,  So much for being a judge.

Another fine example of the court’s own ability to undermine public confidence in the judiciary, the independent third branch of government, self-immunized from sovereign oversight, free to destroy itself by abuse of power, unfaithfulness to the law, now a mere tool of leftist-communist-jewish ideology, a permanent domestic enemy of the Constitution.

A divine intervention, a gift from God, debenching Janet is a good thing, another idiot banished from office.  Blog editorial staff leaves this final Janet post as her legacy of jewdicial incompetence, left wing stupidity, celebrating the demise of Janet.

Bye, bye Janet, only the devil will miss you!

Editor’s Note:  The rot of society, so advanced that court’s are no longer remedies, staffed with idiots, jews, charlatans, incapable of performing basic functions under the rule of law, the republic has fallen, the only remaining rule of law comes with flash of powder and sting of shot under the Second Amendment.  Pierced nipples, bad blonde dye jobs are threats to liberty.

DiFiore was Quirk’d