The now-famous worst Blog takes aim at the deceit played upon society by the conspiracy of the Connecticut Superior Court Judges and the lecherous family bar association headed by huckster Alex Cuda. The judge/lawyer conspiracy is spotlighted in fictitious qualification standards to admit gypsies, tramps, and thieves to practice in family court: education and character. The jewish influence is pronounced, as the deceit obscures the singular purpose in family court: plundering family savings. The expense of an administrative no-fault divorce is directly related to the wealth of the parents … no money: no litigation; lots of money: protracted litigation, huge fees, great pain.
Blog history department cites 1891 state supreme court opinion of CJ Andrews of addressing HONESTY of attorneys. In light of Moukawsher’s disbarment drama in the Ambrose case, the court deceit is comic, claiming HONORABLE profession of law. Get ready to laugh.
The charlatans in black robes hold statutory power to regulate the profession of lawyers, conferred by the legislature in 1821. The present state of the Connecticut family bar is attributable to a long line of crooked jew judges who previously practiced family law (fleecing). CJ Andrews rules: “It is not enough for an attorney that he be honest. He must be that, and more. He must be believed to be honest.” In the Ambrose case is Attorney Nancy Aldrich honest? Does anyone believe this jew whore of Westport is honest? What about the jew cunt Jocelyn Horowitz, the GAL, anyone believe that bagging $200k, raping childhood, breaking mother-child bonds is a sign of honesty?
CJ Andrews makes a pointed observation in 1891 that relates to the jewish goal in today’s family court of draining bank. He opines: “if once the practice becomes to him a mere ‘brawl for hire’ or a system of legalized plunder where craft and not conscience is the rule, and where falsehood and not truth is the means by which to gain his ends, then he has forfeited all right to be an officer in any court of justice or to be numbered among the members of an honorable profession.” Applied to the present cesspool of rabbinical family court, lawyers like Nancy Aldrich, Jocelyn Hurwitz are to be disbarred, struck from the rolls, as their craft is nothing but thievery, serving no purpose in law, simply PLUNDER, absent conscience. This applies to Reuben Midler, Michael Meehan, Shawna Hamilton-Doster, Lisa Knopf, Janis Laliberte, Kevin Finch, Sue Cousineau, Maria McKeon, Steve Dembo, Ira Jacobs, Campbell Barrett, C. Michael Budlong, Rosemarie Giuliano, Mary Brigham, Michael Fasano, and the like.
“if once the practice becomes to him a mere ‘brawl for hire’ or a system of legalized plunder where craft and not conscience is the rule, and where falsehood and not truth is the means by which to gain his ends, then he has forfeited all right to be an officer in any court of justice or to be numbered among the members of an honorable profession”
The more disturbing observation is the same jew judges who find ridiculous GAL fees ‘reasonable’ are the same judges responsible for the rules of attorney regulation to ensure the quality of justice in the gulag. These lawyers are encouraged to PLUNDER by the doting judges who orchestrate expensive, but legally pointless litigation. The devil surrounds the bench, parents and children victims, family bank the prize: a system of legalized plunder, requiring disbarment.
The jews have hijacked family court, turning it into a state sponsored PLUNDER operation. According to the high court ruling, these lecherous lawyers are to be disbarred by rule. Think the big dumb nigger in black is going to do his job, uphold stare decisis, uphold standards of an honorable profession, instill public confidence, protect court integrity? NO! Of course not, that dumb nigger is on jewish puppet strings, he will promote the PLUNDER machine, he will protect the jew pursuit of family bank, he will cheer the rape of childhood, he will act like the dumb slave nigger to his masters, his true nature.
HONORABLE PROFESSION is the illusion provided by the jewdiciary, that bar-gypsies, tramps, and thieves are participating in something honorable or professional, when in reality, just jews raping and stealing under the color of state dissolution law, who by high court ruling, should not be allowed to practice, not be an officer of any court of justice. A perfect scam controlled by jews, protected by a big dumb nigger, kikes, fags, pedophiles. The court contradicts itself to its own reward of shekels for failure of conscience.
The ultimate show of jew judge support of the PLUNDER machine is Holly Wetstone’s orchestration of the Tauck case: 86 days of trial, ten law firms, over $11M in legal fees, for the custody of two young kids; sole custody to pedo dad, who paid all the bills. The jew game is obvious.
Moukawsher demonstrates he cannot enforce the HONESTY standard set down in 1891, the court fails its duty to recognize misconduct of Aldrich and Hurwitz, while violating constitutional protections in disbarring a zealous advocate who calls out the jew game; the honest one. Moukawsher is a fuck up, does not understand regulations of the honorable profession, ignores PLUNDER, ignores fundamental rights, ignores all that is proper to promote the jew agenda in family court. He does his master’s bidding.
From the high standards of law opined by CJ Andrews to the stench of cesspool plunder ignored by Moukawsher, protected by nigger boy Robinson, how far society falls when parasitic jews invade the honorable profession to fleece families and rape childhood, absent conscience. Here is a gallery of lawyers to be disbarred under the 1891 standard; forfeiting the right to be a lawyer:
Editor’s Note: The modern administrative no-fault divorce is ninety minutes of work, the jewish custody fight is the money maker for charlatans lacking conscience, the practice proves cause for disbarment, as stated in 1891, the court is not a plunder machine, but the jews were not in charge back then, family law today is parasitic practice of gypsies, tramps, and thieves, a jewish delicacy.