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Kevin Finch

What does a guardian ad litem do in a simple administrative ‘no-fault’ divorce? How can a clown like Kevin Finch run up a $50k bill for doing nothing? How does Kevin Finch ethically bill 140 hours of professional services consisting entirely of phone calls and reviewing pleadings of others? What is the magical, necessity of illusory representation of ‘best interests’ that consumes so much time and money? Why is this fictitious form of legal representation, absent a real client, worth $350/hr? Another jewdicial scam on the goy?

Ever notice that poor folks don’t get GALs. Or if they do, the State only pays a flat fee of $500/kid? Why the difference? In the land of the free and the home of the brave, where equal protection grips the states under the Fourteenth Amendment, where is the differentiation in the cost of GALs? In statute? No! In case law? No! In public policy? No! The difference is in the jewish standard of thievery. The more money the parents have, the more expensive the GAL. The same nefarious services of phone calls/status conferences/reviews has a jewish escalation clause in the pricing. The Connecticut GAL is a jewish hustle to bleed goy families for the benefit of judges and their Bar pets. Ask Alexander Cuda.

Why did the legislature enact a law in 1988 to allow the judge to order parents to pay the GAL directly? Why no contract, no scope of services, no warranties, no terms of service? It is a jew hustle where the direct payment is hidden from the tax man! For two hundred years, since the founding, the Connecticut courts taxed litigants for fees. The judge supervised the GAL, approved invoices, taxed the parties, who paid the state on presented invoice for services performed under a contract to the state, where the lawyer is paid by the state, with proper 1099 notifications to the tax services. But once the jews realized the scam of direct payment, contracts were out, creating a tax free payment, unseen by the IRS. Jews always find the scam. Tax cheating is a jewish delicacy.

The jewish scam is so clever to ignore the obvious, poor kids get a cheap GAL on a flat fee, in extraordinary cases the OCPD may authorize additional fees of $50/hr, a reasonable fee for the GAL service. Jewish word salad says fifty an hour is reasonable for poor folk, but $350/hr is reasonable for rich folk. See how the scam works? Jews can’t scam the Treasurer of Connecticut, but a family court judge will gladly scam parents seeking a divorce. The jewish way of Connecticut!!! The cost of divorce depends on the family bank.

Kevin Finch is not worth $350/hr for any service. It is not a ‘reasonable’ fee. It is not ‘reasonable’ to tax litigants $50k to obtain an administrative ‘no-fault’ divorce. But this is how jew judges like Jane Grossman augment their state salaries. Simple extortion. Think Keven Finch is allowed to keep all of the $50k? He owes a commission to his doting appointing judicial authority, given he did not pay tax on the revenue, 40% of it goes to kick backs. The IRS is unaware of the payments or the kickback as the judges don’t declare the income either. Perfect money laundering operation, plucked from parents, washed thru a single lawyer operating with immunity, under the bench payment to appointing judge. All it took was a statute passed by a crooked legislature PA 88-41. Corrupticut works together to fleece parents and the IRS, in full public view.

Remember poor folk GAL is only $50/hr, rich folk $400/hr. Got it? Same service, jewish pricing. Equal protection does not apply. Unreasonable fees are approved by the jewdicial authority, who gets 40%.

Note that Kevin Finch is a rainmaker as every time he calls for a status conference the parent’s attorneys get to charge for time traveling to and from the court to have a chat with the judge … a status conference has no legal definition in the Practice Book, but Keven Finch had to call seven conferences over two years, just to run up the bills. Amazing jewish scam, all approved by a Big Dumb Nigger in a black robe, who is so FreeAtLast! that he be fleecing white folk, just like the jews.

Kevin Finch is a shadowy trickster, offices at 244 Bridgeport Ave, in Milford. Stay away from this charlatan. He is a thief. His neighbors at 75 Farm Hill Rd in Orange already know this. His wife Jadine will not admit she lives on stolen money from unsuspecting families by trickery and deceit of child predator hubby Kevin.

See the fraudulent billing by Attorney Kevin Finch here.

Editor’s Note: The application of the GAL with limitless billing for no legal purpose is state sponsored extortion under color of dissolution law upon unsuspecting litigants, promoted by unscrupulous state actors in full view of the legislature. Connecticut judiciary is a den of thieves.