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    Blog famous TAMMY!, family court judge in Hartford, Connecticut proves once again that no law will restrict the assumed absolute discretion of a monster in a black robe. TAMMY! willfully violated the civil rights protection of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ignoring an accommodation order issued by her boss, Presiding Judge Leo Diana, which provides for half-day trial sessions for father with circulatory disability. TAMMY! acts to induce a stroke on a litigant by protracted litigation. The family case is Sakon v Sakon, which has dragged on relentlessly for six years without a final custody determination for little Odin. The case is fueled by dark money, where a penniless,… Read More »Tammy!

    Protected Fraud

      The now-famous all-seeing Blog spotlights the incompetent Judge Tammy Nguyen-O’Dowd for fraud upon the people by granting a protective order to hide where Attorney Dennis O’Toole got $400k in cash to fund FreedMarcroft’s meritless, vexatious litigation for nut job Francelia Sevin to argue for sole custody and isolation of little Odin Sakon from his father. Like Tammy did not realize Blog is watching? Dumb cunt. State case law requires full, fair, frank disclosure in family matters so that the court knows all the information in order to fashion proper orders in best interest of kids. Case law goes back 35 years: Reville, Billington, Gelinas. TAMMY! now conspires with Stop&Shop, Francelia… Read More »Protected Fraud

      Suspicious Activity!

        The money laundering, child trafficking tricks of the state pedo ring spilled out before Judge Tammy Viet-Cong in Hartford family court this week. The ignorant misplaced rice-paddy peasant came face to face with the sinister financing game of child rape, but did nothing. Tammy! plays for the dark side. The marathon case of Sakon v Sakon dragged on for another week of pointless testimony in the court’s fabricated drama of deciding the best interest for a little kid named Odin Sakon. Over 1,980 days before the court, over 850 docket entries, over 200 orders, touched by 12 different judges, eight different attorneys, running up legal fees by FreedMarcroft exceeding $400k.… Read More »Suspicious Activity!


          The family court case where FreedMarcroft is trafficking little Odin Sakon continues its twisted drama in its 30th day of trial before the ignorant Judge Tammy Nguyen in Hartford. A rather boring slugfest of smelly tampons ganging up on dad, claiming that his very existence causes harm and trauma to his ten year old son. Same old scum lawyer game of parental character assassination that is the hallmark of the judiciary. Today Judge Tammy Viet-Cong, sua sponte, out of the blue, led the prosecution of dad, calling her own witnesses, directly questioning a so-called expert about mental defects and child abuse, fingering dad as an abuser and Odin a victim.… Read More »Stop&Shop

          Dennis O’Toole

            What is totally crazy, has no income, no brains, incompetent counsel, but gets a ton of cash from Dennis O’Toole to drag out pointless litigation before Judge Tammy Nguyen for no purpose in law? The public is aware that family court is a child trafficking and money laundering operation run by racketeers in black robes. Blog now examines the fabricated elements of litigation where Francelia, mother of little Odin, pushes her simple no-fault divorce into its sixth year claiming her perverted need for sole custody, while support, visitation, and parenting plans remain outstanding. FreedMarcroft is mother’s counsel. Six attorneys have represented Francelia since 2016, most are no longer with the… Read More »Dennis O’Toole

            Tammy’s Mistrial

              The now-famous Blog continues its coverage of judicial misfit, Judge Tammy Viet-Cong, communist terrorist in black robe, sitting in Hartford family court, with the sole jewish purpose of wreaking havoc on American families, demonstrated by her mishandling of a simple no-fault divorce in the Sakon case, where she intentionally rapes the childhood of little Odin. The tragic irony of Tammy Viet-Cong is that the land of the free and the home of the brave saved her worthless parents and pathetic brown siblings in 1975 by relocating them from war torn Vietnam to USA, keeping the family together, preserving all familial bonds. Christian principles applied to foreign rice peasants by a… Read More »Tammy’s Mistrial

              Foul Ball!

                The expert counsel of FreedMarcroft’s sloth attorneys plays out on the little league baseball diamond in Manchester. Not even the American childhood pastime of baseball escapes theatrics of Francelia Sevin’s insane drama of abusing her son Odin, under color of divorce law. After two separate incidents of Fancelia and her pedo boyfriend Dennis O’Toole dragging little Odin, kicking and screaming, off the field, exercising abusive parental right to assault a child, witnessed by players in the dugouts and the parents in the bleachers, the umpires call foul! Last week nut job mom appears at the baseball game to save her son from playing ball with his teammates, but is detained… Read More »Foul Ball!


                  Rumours are circulating around Hartford Family Court that Attorney Jen Shukla has been fired from the firm of FreedMarcroft for her incompetent representation of nut job Francelia Sevin, wherein Shukla advised her client to violate court orders as a tactic to promote conflict involving little kid Odin Sakon. Most folks view her firing as a good thing. It is quite rare that lawyers in family court are held accountable for what is racketeering. But the now famous blog would like to point out that the more enlightened members of the public are well aware of the jew game of promoting senseless conflict involving children to generate revenue for crap law… Read More »FIRED?

                  Tammy d’Retard

                    Judicial manifestations of diminished mental capacity appear in the written babble of court decisions. Rational reasoning, application of law, juris prudence will all find root in properly written court decisions. It is demanded by a sovereign people for proper performance of the third branch of government. Judge Tammy Viet-Nguyen just published a decision exposing her deep rooted mental defects that disqualify her from the bench. The bitch is retarded. Tammy handed down a page of blither so outside the law that the now famous blog provides its standard disclaimer: can’t make this shit up! The Hartford Family Court has run a fuck-fest over little Odin Sakon for the last five… Read More »Tammy d’Retard


                      She is at it again! Another public example of a retarded immigrant female making it to the family bench to completely fuck up the purpose of court. Judge Tammy Tram Viet-Nguyen, is a piece of shit Vietnamese refugee from a shit-hole jungle, product of a fabricated war created by jews, whom she now serves, a token bit of diversity that every enlightened society abhors. She should have been left in the rice paddies where she could not damage American children. But now she sits in the family court of Hartford, totally incapable of performing simple judicial functions for a society who erroneously imported her stupid ass. Tammy-The-Retard continues to drag… Read More »TAMMY!

                      Summon The GAL!

                        What do pedophiles do when their family court child trafficking case is going to shit? SUMMON THE GAL! Here we go again, Attorney Jenn Shukla has blown the Sakon case completely out her ass. The expertise of FreedMarcroft managing partners Meghan Freed and Kristen Marcroft has left a pile of manure before Judge TAMMY Viet-Nguyen’s bench in Hartford. Today Francelia Sevin’s counsel ran the red flag of distress up the pedo flagpole, filing a motion asking for court appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem to represent the best interests of the little kid Odin Sakon and to prolong litigation which has already dragged on for over five years without conclusion.… Read More »Summon The GAL!

                        7 Hours?

                          Seven hours a week is all the time a dad gets to spend with his son by order of the jews of Connecticut Family Court. Time to spotlight the bitches in black robes at the Hartford Family Courthouse, under the rule of man-hater, Presiding Judge Susan A. Connors, a dyke of paedophile proportions, who dwells in the bowels of the court system to fuck over goy families for her deviant psychotic pleasure. Oi vey, the family court judge club belongs in a mental hospital under heavy doses of psychotropic medication. Another paedo case sits on the docket in public view. The involvement of the dyke law firm of FreedMarcroft, the… Read More »7 Hours?