Rough Equivalent
Connecticut uses public funds to attack the U.S. Constitution. First Amendment suspended by nutmeg court.
Connecticut uses public funds to attack the U.S. Constitution. First Amendment suspended by nutmeg court.
White racist jewdicial court staff and their masters defeat the rule of law, giving woodchucks a bad name.
Nolle prosequi …. prosecutor’s attempt to bury the obvious.
When the lawyers even admit Family Court is a three ring circus. The judge is the ring master.
Cracker lawyers, toasted cracker judge, cracker cancerous GAL gonna lynch white mother in a courthouse.
The psychosis of family court manifests itself in chronic adjustment disorder of the players.
GAL scam. Judges run the racket, lawyers are the hustlers, parents are the marks. No billing limit, no specifics. Court sponsored extortion.
How one black judge connected to Governor Malloy, protects black attorney aslo so connected. No rule of law, just pedo protection.
How Attorney Brigham fleeces a family and enriches her fellow lawyers. Racketeering.
Attorney Michael Fasano discovers there is Free Speech in America and it is on the internet.