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Matthew Couloute Gets Bitch Slapped

    The arrogant asshole known as Attorney Matthew Condel Couloute, licensed to practice law in the courts of New York State has been duly bitch slapped by Erie Family Court Magistrate Julie Dee for flagrant disobedience to court orders.  Couloute was ordered to file required financial disclosures with the court as the normal and customary requirements of state law.  He refused.  He was ordered to pay a nominal $100 a week to provide care for his daughter, Sofi Couloute, but he refused.  He spends most of his court time arguing that the First Amendment does not exist and that blogs prevent him from complying with court orders. Well, Magistrate Dee finally… Read More »Matthew Couloute Gets Bitch Slapped

    Vicki Frenzel Tool of William J. Grohs

      The devious mind of William J. Grohs has enlisted the aid of batshit crazy live in girlfriend, pseudo fiancée and self-appointed step mother to attack the mother of his only children.  Nothing like the side affects of syphilis to create a true madman. Vicki Frenzel has filed for a restraining order against the mother of her self-described step daughters; syphilis and its mental derangements spreads in close quarters.  Vicki gets the Emmy Award for creative writing in a family drama.  Read her sensational application for TRO here.  It puts words right in the mouth of the junior sexual predator of the household, her real son Marc a sophomore at Watertown High… Read More »Vicki Frenzel Tool of William J. Grohs

      The Attorney Curse

        Just when the Connecticut Bar Association thought it was safe to go back to their normal ways of trafficking children for profit, the Connecticut Family Court Attorney Curse rises up from the shadows in the battle of good vs. evil. The notorious family court sloth Attorney Geraldine Ficarro of Essex fell victim to the ‘court curse’.  The sloth did file in Bozzuto’s court for contempt against a father for the heinous charge of child cavities being the sole fault of the father; claiming such legal tactics before the dyke on the byke is normal practice of family law; designed to inflame and enrage, while using children as weapons of legal… Read More »The Attorney Curse

        Matthew Couloute: Con Man

          Couloute’s peculiar demands for no financial disclosure and prohibition of mom taking daughter to doctor? Hiding what?

          State Senator Paul Doyle

            State Senator Paul Doyle’s law firm commits fraud on the court while he chairs the judiciary committee of the legislature. Racketeering at its finest.

            Attorney Kelly L. Ball

              How public funds are used to traffick children by Attorney Kelly Ball of Buffalo. Mom deserved her beating from abusive father.