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Gloucester Grimm

    The jews are at it again, this time undermining the norms of indoor plumbing installed under building codes at the local schools where minors go to pee. Oi vey, is there nothing out of reach of jewery in the American society? Let us bow our heads and pray that these Old Testament fuckups will just die, leaving the meek to inherit the earth. Miscreant Gavin Grimm, a female with a mental disorder, has phobia of the ‘Girls Room’ necessitating a constitutional cause to pee in ‘Boys Room’. Only the jews can turn a mental disorder into a constitutional challenge for the 4th Circuit in Richmond, no one else would spend… Read More »Gloucester Grimm

    Reasonable Person

      Ever notice when the jews have lost the argument they default to the ‘reasonable person’ claim? This mysterious individual of no identity, no religious affiliation, no cultural context is the last card to be played by the jew in the defeat of the goy in a court of law. The jew resorts to fallacy argument tactics while executing parasitic attacks on the host society. The jewish form of reason has little to do with American culture, Christianity, or human decency … it is just jewish. According to the zionist jew, a reasonable person would not own a gun, would not voice an opinion, would not shoot the monarch’s troops, would… Read More »Reasonable Person

      Child Support Not Mandatory

        A per curiam ruling by the 3rd Department, Appellate Division has determined that child support need not be paid by a parent, if the child’s needs are otherwise being met. The new ruling issued under the supervision of lesbian Judge Elizabeth A. Garry nullifies the state law that requires support payments and invokes penalties including incarceration for failure to pay. In the recent ruling, the court acknowledged the support order, the obligation to pay, the parent’s refusal to pay, a large arrearage, but found that the court had no need to address the matter, as there was no evidence of the child’s needs not being met. The Chief Administrative Judge,… Read More »Child Support Not Mandatory

        Illusion Of Law

          It is obvious to most victims of family courts that there is no law, no justice, no logic; just the whim of discretion of a moron in a black robe who rules from the Talmud rather than the Constitution. The jews own family court. A bully pulpit to advance the agenda of Zion to destroy the Christian host society and the ancient meaning of family. Whether it is Black Lives Matter or Best Interests Of Children, it is the same Marxist theories to advance the power of the jew over humanity. The anti-christ will come as a jew, many litigants have already seen him in a black robe. Let’s examine… Read More »Illusion Of Law

          Butcher Mary Brown

            Self-mutilation is a sure sign of a sick mind. An order by Dallas Judge Mary Brown to butcher a child is a sure sign of a sick society. The court power over children derives from the state’s duty to protect the infirm and infants. Labeled parens patriae, the protective state duty is exercised solely through the courts, meaning that the judges presiding over cases involving children hold duty to protect them. The juris prudence of the Texas court system now defines protection, as the necessity to chop off an eight year old penis, injecting the body with hormones to grow breasts and eliminate facial hair, while carving a gash in… Read More »Butcher Mary Brown

            Federal Clarification

              Time for some federal clarification of free speech under the First Amendment, despite what the jews of family court want you to believe. Not even Judge Bozzuto is above the law, but her paedophile protectors will twist it to all extents possible in retaliation against Christian critics. In the battle of good vs. evil there will be casualties on both sides, but the children of the light hold constitutional right to criticize the dark side with horrific prose that can terrify a monster like Elizabeth Bozzuto of Connecticut. Non-Satan worshipers will take note of rulings by the Second, Sixth, Ninth, and Eleventh Circuit Courts along with the opinion of seven… Read More »Federal Clarification

              Ninth Circuit Speech

                Take heed of the style manual provided by the Ninth Circuit while expressing displeasure with the jews of family court. Criticism of the jewdiciary will be met with retaliation by paedo muscle in blue, a.k.a. police. The justification for the clever use of the criminal justice system by the disciples of Zion is that the jew judges are scared, finding the words used to describe jewish conduct ‘threatening’. Yep, a page right out of the Talmud on how to fuck up the goy when they catch on to the jewish game. But now comes Judge Charles Breyer of D. Northern California in U.S. v Weiss to quote the Ninth Circuit… Read More »Ninth Circuit Speech

                Zealous Jewery

                  The attack on Christianity by the jews of the New York Jewdiciary is a page straight from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the playbook on how to fuck up a host society. The NY Court of Appeals does not even try to hide their jewism in the administration of justice over the Empire State. The jewdicial game played on the goy in a representative democracy is to thwart the LAW of the people by application of self-created RULES of the court. A right to appeal to the Empire’s high court is codified in CPLR 5601, enacted by the legislature requiring review of cases involving a matter of constitutional… Read More »Zealous Jewery

                  Liz fails again!

                    Ever wonder why the 3rd Department of New York Unified Court System is so screwed up? Just look at the management under the confused orientation of the presiding judge, Elizabeth A. Garry, a miscreant of a human and a pathetic excuse of a legal expert. Another court system staffed with politically necessary gender confused lawyers, to pretend there is justice in the land. Blog can’t make this shit up. The case of Jill and James recently came down from a panel of five judges, Garry, Clark, Lynch, Devine and Fitzgerald. The opinion was supposedly written by Clark, but the scratch is so bad, it could have been by any chicken… Read More »Liz fails again!

                    Brendon is fucked!

                      Last week the pathetic Kristan M. Maccini, Esq. of Howd & Ludoff out of Hartford, CT appeared before federal Judge Stefan Underhill of D. Connecticut, to make some silly excuses over discovery in the blog famous case where puppy cop Brendan Danaher of Bloomfield Police is facing federal civil rights charges for conspiring to arrest a battered mother in safe haven at the request of blog famous Mathew Condel Couloute. The story made blog headlines three years ago when Couloute used his black privilege in the corrupt prosecutor fraternity to have Connecticut issue an interstate arrest warrant for his ex-wife, for the sole purpose of returning his sexually abused daughter… Read More »Brendon is fucked!