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    Panic grips Kristen Macinni, attorney trying to save Bloomfield Puppy Cop Brendan Danaher who falsely arrested Matthew Couloute’s baby mamma in conspiracy with Ryan McGuigan, Daddy Judge Danaher, Chief Paul Hammick, State’s Attorney Danielle O’Connell and Judge Omar Williams. Brendan faces a federal jury of his peers who will not believe battered mother, in safehaven protecting sexually abused child is worthy of arrest by Connecticut on complaint of a resident of Georgia. Brendan is going down, everyone knows it, especially Kristen who knows where all the dogs are buried. Kristen’s latest legal trickery is to demand the State’s Attorney file on baby momma’s false interstate felony arrest, desperately hoping to… Read More »Panic!

    Miyares Hoax

      Virginia Attorney General, self-proclaimed Cuban, moron with a law degree, betrays a sovereign people becoming a jew puppet of the Holohoax variety. In the political wasteland of Richmond, Virginia, where history is re-written to abolish mention of the War of Northern Aggression, monuments to the fallen eradicated in name of black lives that never picked cotton, white people vilified for never owning slaves, now comes ‘spic boy Miyares promoting the greatest lie ever told: The HOLOHOAX. Elected to be Virginia’s lawyer, Miyares abuses office, betrays oath, spits on ‘we the people’, strung to jew puppet strings he is a propagandist, promoting the lies of six million exterminated jews in showers,… Read More »Miyares Hoax

      Jew Hate

        The jews are at it again! The holohoax is not enough, lies of showers, death camps, fire pits faded into the realm of bad fiction, so a new propaganda campaign of the oppressed hated kikes is unleashed upon America, assaulting constitutionally protected goy right to hate. Oi vey! The new blue square is the colorful hashtag to call attention to the fact that 2.4% of the population is hated more than any other group in the history of ‘murika. Jews have rolled out disinformation that goy hate them more now than ever before, that their parasitic ways, deviant culture, chosen beliefs are actually hated, for which the chosen, oppressed, hated… Read More »Jew Hate

        Mouk Appearance

          The now-famous Blog notes Judge Thomas Moukawsher of Connecticut Inferior Court refuses to appear in federal suit for his Fourteenth Amendment violations in denial of due process under color of practice rule for instantly disbarring a zealous advocate for being a zealous advocate. Moukawsher places himself above the law, ignoring the properly issued federal summons, the court empowered by Congress to enforce protections of the Fourteenth Amendment. Mouk proves again that nutmeg justice is mere tyranny in black. Mouk’s drama is tiresome, a retard, gifted with a judgeship because daddy did dirty deeds, gets dumped in family court for being a judicial fuck up, where he turns a simple review… Read More »Mouk Appearance

          Malicious Prosecution

            The now-famous Blog legal department reviews Second Circuit ruling on malicious prosecution, predicting that rookie puppy cop Brendan Danaher of Bloomfield Predatory Police will go down before a jury on the arrest of Matthew Couloute’s baby momma. Place your bets, millions on the table as Brendan is the tip of the iceberg, the small cog in the wheel of Connecticut criminal justice machinery that Couloute and his paedo pal Ryan McGuigan put into illegal motion to steal a child for deviant usage. Spotlight obnoxious Attorney Kristen Maccini who has been lying to the world for four years that her puppy cop client did nothing wrong by penning an affidavit of… Read More »Malicious Prosecution

            Ambrose Fails

              The now-famous Blog shares another FrankReport piece on the drama of Christopher Ambrose of Madision, Connecticut. A mad man and Blog star, now flailing in federal court, District Connecticut, where his frivolous, meritless, vexatious defamation suit against Frank Parlato is before USDJ Micheal J. Shea. Delusional Ambrose, applying his demented perception to alter reality, relying on his profound lack of legal skills, he misapplies Nutmeg judicial machinery, imagining he could reach a resident of Florida with a long arm statute that does not apply to defamation, thinking his state judiciary loves him for being the victim of a free press. Instead, Ambrose ended up in federal court, where his baseless… Read More »Ambrose Fails

              Josh Nemore

                The now-famous Blog highlights another Michael Volpe interview focusing on Connecticut family court and the jew judges who abuse mothers, rape childhood, enrich lawyers, and generally behave as demonic monsters, set on destruction of society’s children. Tonight’s interview is with a motherly victim of jew Judge Anthony Truglia and his ‘spic paedo sidekick Eddie Rodriguez.  The Nemore family has suffered from the unmanly ways of Joshua Nemore since 2012, child abuse, psychological harm, damaged kids, raped childhoods, terrified children, where he intentionally violates court orders, isolating three of God’s gifts from their mother … a pillar of masculinity and fatherhood, protected by jew Attorney Steven Levy of Fairfield, where daddy… Read More »Josh Nemore

                Failing Bridges

                  Congrats to the California Appellate Court for smacking jews of the Family Bridges talmudic mind control machine running the childhood raping, reunification concentration camp. The court ruled that the there is no evidence presented that Family Bridges is good for kids, perhaps the 90 day forced isolation of children from mother gave it away? The now-famous Blog highlights the jewish game of jew judges ordering goy kids to jew concentration camp for mind altering conditioning, which the rabbinical family court deems to be in best interests of little paedo toys, groomed in isolation to service jewish delicacy of child rape. Oi vey! Only the jews come up with THERAPY that… Read More »Failing Bridges

                  Mouk’s Authority

                    Judge Thomas Moukawsher, retard in black, on Connecticut’s inferior court, amuses ‘we the people’ with hollow claim of STATUTORY AUTHORITY to act in tyranny, assuming singular despotic role of accuser, judge, jury, and executioner in spewing forth jewdicial wrath of disbarring a zealous advocate for calling out the jews of family court. Whimsical destruction of mother-child bonds, absent state petition, absent strict scrutiny is criminal denial of fundamental liberty rights, a form of societal destruction relished by the jew. Mouk claims he has statutory authority to act in tyranny, but fails to cite the statute.  Now-famous Blog notes that the sovereign nutmegs never granted power to a judge to summarily… Read More »Mouk’s Authority

                    Charles Zeiger

                      The Canadien jews are salivating over a fabricated criminal conviction of free speech in the weird, communist, former British colony, occupying lands north of the land of the free and home of the brave, east of Alaska too. These hosers of the north, having no spine, slaves to the chosen, criminalize hatred of jews, because jews instruct them. Poor, dumb, identity confused, funny speaking, uneducated hockey fans have to be told how to think, what to think, or go to jail. Hating jews in Canada is criminal conduct, a strange penal code as no one ever loved them, never have, never will. Now-famous Blog spotlights niggah judge, Manlio Del Negro… Read More »Charles Zeiger

                      Stamford Thug

                        The now-famous Blog calls out constitutional thuggery of the thin blue donut whores of Stamford, Connecticut. Thug Sergeant Richard Gasparino, moron with gun, badge, attitude, and no brains can’t count to First Amendment. Gasparino arrested constitutionally protected fellow citizen Mike Friend for standing on a public sidewalk holding a sign. The goon with the gun has quotas for tickets, a professional duty of sworn law enforcement officers, Stamford Police work on the greed incentive program, directed by Chief Timothy Shaw, a paedophile in uniform, labeled ‘Champion of Youth’ for his fondness of little boys. The asshole with a gun arrests fellow citizen for exercising constitutionally protected right to free speech,… Read More »Stamford Thug

                        Mental Mouk

                          The deep rooted psychosis of Judge Thomas Moukawsher manifests in his self-promoting opinion piece in ABA Journal, a rag of jewish ideology espousing that only lawyers can understand law, that goy are stupid, and $400/hr is reasonable fee. Now-famous Blog can’t make this shit up, the mind of Mouk is a frightful mash of misfiring synapses drowning in liquid confusion. Mouk’s pathetic existence, lack of self-worth, all drive need for fabricated respect from litigants, he likes to hear himself called ‘Your Honor’, but in reality ‘Your Idiocy’ fits. Shithead, moron, dufus work as well. Mouk is so fucked in the head he thinks a lowly judge of the lowly superior… Read More »Mental Mouk

                          Gay Paint

                            Sexually deviant attention whores of Fort Lauderdale advance jewish hate speech agenda, claiming burned tire rubber on street pavement is new exception to First Amendment. Oi vey, jews are everywhere! The alphabet soup community of mental disorders, adopting letters brought to you by Sesame Street … LGBTQI+ whatever d’fuck that is supposed to mean, uses jewish parasitic tactics to claim oppression and victimhood for cause of self-induced sexual perversion, requiring paint to be applied to Sebastian Street for no societal need. Why not paint the streets with images of aborted fetuses to promote the jew assault on life? Why not paint the streets with images of black people, advertising lives… Read More »Gay Paint

                            Ambrose Denied

                              The now-famous Blog notes that Christopher Ambrose has an unhealthy obsession with hearing himself whine in court about living in a free society, with an internet, with public right of scrutiny of Christopher’s antics in a public forum. This time it was four days of nauseating screeching of the Mad Man without a lawyer, entertained by retarded ‘spic Judge Eddie Rodriguez, in the judicial armpit of Bridgeport for a motion to void the First Amendment, where family court betrays its abusive ways, dragging mom to the courthouse on four different days to hear paedo dad’s complaints against reality, pleading for relief the court could not provide. In the end, Judge… Read More »Ambrose Denied

                              Adopt & Rape Like A Jew!

                                The now-famous Blog highlights minor attractions of the jewish faith, where rabbinical powers penetrate children in deviant perverted delicacies. Raging paedophile, mentally defective Jeffrey Lujan Vejil, a West Texas ‘spic of raging desires for young boys, cloaked himself in rabbinical ideology, masquerading as a hasidic jew from Brooklyn, adopted nine boy sex toys with blessing of Texas authorities, then shared them, advertising his boy harem as a ‘unique family’ on Tik Tok, with a following of many paedophiles, as little boy ass is highly profitable in the cesspool of Houston. Paedo predator knew how to change his spots to blend in with the most protected paedo players on the planet… Read More »Adopt & Rape Like A Jew!

                                Kuselias d’Prick

                                  The now-famous Blog crawlers stumble across a new family court fuss in New Haven JD, where golf chatter box, glamour boy, home grown Connecticut lawyer, Erik Kuselias, willfully violates court orders to prove his manliness before presiding judge Jane Grossman. Erik, with the wandering dick, acting like a prick, exemplifies manhood for his two sons by refusing to pay mom support, just showing the boys how to properly treat their mother. Erik has millions in the bank, but will withhold $10k as a lesson for sons Erik, Jr. and Troy; how real CBS sportscasters treat women! Erik Kuselias is not afraid to walk into Judge Grossman’s courtroom, being an attorney,… Read More »Kuselias d’Prick

                                  Happy Hate Day!

                                    Saturday 25 February is HAPPY HATE DAY! Exercise First Amendment protected hate! Express hatred of the inhumanity of those who hate you for not liking chosen ideology. Hate butchering children, then hate the promoters! Hate fighting wars for chosen ideology, then hate the sponsors! Hate normalizing mental disorders, then hate the therapists! Hate destruction of families, then hate the evil jewish judges. As Justice Alito states: Speech  that  demeans  on  the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability or any other similar ground is hateful; but the proudest boast  of  our  free  speech  jurisprudence  is  that  we  protect  the freedom  to  express the  thought  that  we  hate. So have… Read More »Happy Hate Day!

                                    Blue Rat

                                      The now-famous Blog can’t make this shit up! Code of silence of the thin blue line is breached, Bloomfield PD’s lowly puppy cop turned RAT! K9 Officer Brendan Danaher refuses to take the fall for paedo ring’s trafficking precious Sophie, sex toy of Ryan McGuigan and Matthew Couloute, by using arrest powers to extradite battered mother in safe haven under protective order of a New York Court. Not that pooper scooper rookie has the brains to pull it off, alone. Brendan tosses Detective Zachary Klomberg under the bus, filing today in federal court, claiming Judge Underhill fucked up by severing Chief Hammick, Detective Klomberg, Matthew Suplee and the Town of… Read More »Blue Rat

                                      Brendan’s Defense

                                        Pooper scooper K9 cop of Bloomfield Police, mother hunter and paedo operative Brendan Danaher has a bombshell defense exposed by his lawyer Kristan Maccini before Judge Stefan Underhill of U.S. District Court Connecticut … he was following orders of Detective Zach Klomberg!! No reasonable jury is going to believe little rookie puppy cop singularly manipulated machinery of Connecticut’s criminal justice system to obtain a felony extradition warrant of a battered mother in safe haven in another state on complaint of a resident of Georgia. The defense is perfect! How did a K9 cop know to void a restraining order of another state, take the word of Matthew Couloute, speaking for… Read More »Brendan’s Defense

                                        Brendan Goes To Trial

                                          Brendan Danaher, pooper scooper puppy cop of Bloomfield Police faces a federal jury for hunting a battered mother across state lines, nullifying court orders, perjury, executing directives of corrupt Connecticut lawyers, prosecuting a complaint of a mad man from Georgia, conspiring with prosecutors for abuse of the criminal justice system for private gain; child abuse, attempted kidnapping notwithstanding. Officer Danaher’s crooked daddy Judge John Danaher is upset his paedo ring has been outed … again. Today, pooper scooper cop’s lawyer, the obnoxious, hideous Kristan Maccini tortured USDJ Stefan Underhill with meritless, frivolous whining on why a sworn law enforcement officer should not face a jury for arresting mother on direction… Read More »Brendan Goes To Trial