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Connecticut Family Court

Nusbaum The Joker!

    The now famous blog spotlights Attorney Edward Nusbaum, a sad, pathetic, little excuse of a man whose mental delusion thinks he is worth $750/hr to practice family law in the cesspool of Connecticut courts. Oi vey, da jews have no shame. Another lecherous jew with a law degree camped out in Westport to prey on families with money. A clown who has spent his life on the bottom of the legal barrel in family court, who can not even practice law in traffic court. No one trusts him. He prides himself on being a total loser, 35 years of bleeding families for purposeless litigation, arguing with fellow bastards of the… Read More »Nusbaum The Joker!

    Jewish Immunity!

      Welcome back to the cesspool of Connecticut Family Court where jew judges rig everything against the goy. Blog famous jew psychobabblist Linda Smith, PhD, expert in everything about other folk’s families, has stepped upon the stage of public scrutiny only to claim ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY for her psycho fuckery performed under a state professional license. See how this works? The jew court relies on a jew psychonut to proclaim all that is bad with a parent and what to do with little kids. The court requires that such expert be licensed by the State to perform such ‘forensic’ work sanctioned by jew judges. No standard of care applies, just baseless opinion.… Read More »Jewish Immunity!

      Psycho Testing

        The jews running the psychobabble game of family court have a great racket for fooling the goy into believing there is meaning to psychological testing performed on unsuspecting victims of the jewdicial scam. But every now and again, something pops out of the script that catches the famous blog’s attention. The jew producers at Lifetime put on a two-hour show about Jen Dulos, glossing over every significant detail of her tragic drama with Fotis, completely ignoring the abuse of family court. Of great curiosity is the mislabeled ‘documentary’ which further obscured the criminal details. The blog focuses on the slip up by the incompetent divorce attorney Rich Rochlin, a half… Read More »Psycho Testing


          Finally, a malpractice suit has been brought against a psychobabblist vulture of the Connecticut Family Court. Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD has been sued by mother and children for her expertise in destroying parent-child bonds under the guise of being a state licensed psychologist, self-appointed expert in profiting from maligning a parent to affect a discretionary jewdicial decision to strip a fit parent of custody. Bring popcorn! The family court and its protected vendors are now under attack; Albis is shitting himself. The family court operates on the jewdicial discretion of a moron in a black robe, unfit to sit on any real bench, being relegated to the bowels of… Read More »Malpractice!!!

          Bang, bang …

            Bang! Bang! Another sad story of a mother wanting out of a marriage, entangled with the drawn out family court process, ends up with a bullet instead of a decree. Oi vey, what the jews of family court will do to make a few scheckles from suffering goy. Divya Misra, a 55 year old mother from India, living in Norwalk, filed for divorce from her 56 year old husband Rajneesh in October of last year. Applying for the simple, administrative, ‘no-fault’ divorce in Connecticut can be costly, even deadly!!! News story here. Mother Divya was represented by the low life lawyer Neal Rogan out of Westport. Dad Rajneesh had the… Read More »Bang, bang …

            The Horsemen of Evil

              Things happen for a reason in this world. Good things occur because of good intentions and dedication of good people expending good efforts. Bad things happen because of ‘evil doers’. The now famous blog exposes the evil men who drive the evil family court of Connecticut: Solomon, Adelman, Albis, Bright and Robinson, five sons of Satan who traffic and abuse children, rob families, destroy parent-child relationships, all outside of the rule of law. Most folks have no clue as to the state limitations to invade familial relations. The power of the court to dissolve a marriage for no reason is granted by the legislature under the post ’70’s standard of… Read More »The Horsemen of Evil

              Abu$e of Discretion

                The jewish form of family court does not rest on the rule of law, but the ‘discretion’ of the jewdicial authority. Equal protection does not apply, every divorce is different, no standard of best interest applies, it is all cleverly arranged to allow a jew in a black robe to wreak havoc on the goy, while siphoning family savings into jewish pockets. Discretion is simply the jewdicial power to plunder and loot private funds under the color of state law to benefit a chosen group admitted to the Bar. There is no standard of ‘discretion’ in Connecticut. An appeal of a trial court order on custody, visitation, legal fees, GAL… Read More »Abu$e of Discretion

                The Adelman Shit Show

                  Here is a little exposure on the jewish form of trial court in the expensive process of obtaining a ‘no-fault’ divorce in Connecticut. Christopher Ambrose is now in his 95th week of pursuing the elusive ‘no-fault’ divorce, as such protracted litigation goes along with having family savings and jewish lawyers. The more money, the longer the jews take to decide how to issue the ‘no-fault’ divorce. Jew lawyers can only drain the family bank one billable hour at a time, so it usually takes two years to drain the first million, but requires assistance from a jew judge like Gerard Adelman who is presiding over the fifth week of a… Read More »The Adelman Shit Show

                  Laliberte Liability

                    The now famous blog takes a look at Connecticut’s lawyer welfare program administered by the judges of the family court. A guardian ad litem is appointed at the discretion of the court to represent the ‘best interests’ of a child. A posting absent legal purpose, as the family court operates in the best interests by statute. Why is a lawyer needed? Because it is how the judges put cash in the pockets of the bottom of the barrel attorneys who would otherwise starve to death. Time to spotlight the incompetent GAL in the Tiberi case, the fat, the ugly, the stupid, Janis M. Laliberte. The first hint that Laliberte is… Read More »Laliberte Liability


                      It’s privacy you idiot!!! The new jewdicial standard of law in the personal star chamber of the Dark Lord of Connecticut family court is PRIVACY!! The general public must be excluded from a divorce proceeding because Judge Gerard I. Adelman has something to hide. Oi vey, the jews are masters of Orwellian double speak when it comes to protecting the chicanery of fellow jews engaged in ripping off the goy and trafficking their kids. The nutjob in black has ruled that a custody evaluator cannot testify in open court, as she knows ‘privileged’ information about the parents and the kids, which holds some magical protection under law, barring the public… Read More »Privacy!