The legal department of the now-famous Blog shares analysis of Attorney Jon Schoenhorn’s joust at the Connecticut windmill of judicial oppression. Blog staff applauds Schoenborn’s belief in First Amendment, people are sovereign, rights, due process, yada, yada, yada, but reality of Connecticut is that Jon is just another GULAG inmate, his petty political science education, coupled with a worthless UCONN law degree, only serves to confuse rational minds of how Corrupticut really works. Jon’s approach to Judge William Bright’s appellate court with his 1A claim of access to family court records of Jen Dulos’ divorce is a trap, where ‘we the people’ will pay dearly. Jon is totally unaware of what is going to happen, blinded by his fairy tale belief in rule of law.
Jon filed a lengthy brief on why the public has a right to scrutinize the court record of Dr. Stephen Herman, testifying about lovely Jennifer Dulos being ‘unstable,’ as GAL of five orphans, prick Michael Meehan told New Canaan Police detectives. The public holds right to know why Judge Donna Heller conceals ‘expert’ testimony and ‘forensic’ reports from view, dragging out litigation, never issuing a trial management order, setting no trial date, just toying with Jen in two years of pendente-lite hell, while Reuben Midler drained grandma Gloria Farber’s bank; Dulos family having no income. Simply Money. But all that aside, the trap is set, Jon will curse the day he ever thought to plead in rights to gulag wardens.
Jon’s appeal of Judge Sheridan’s dismissal of the 1A claim to the three stooges appellate court is procedurally correct. Three stooges have legal duty to reverse Sheridan, no debate, ministerial action, pretty simple, stare decisis stuff. Jon could have just filed a motion for review, Judge Sheridan acts in deprivation of rights, concealing quackery and misconduct of Judge Heller. Simple. So why did the seven dwarfs of the high bench reach down to snatch the simple appeal away from the three stooge court? Nigger Boy afraid Judge William Bright will uphold due process and rule of law, spanking Sheridan,J for shredding the First Amendment? Exposing Judge Heller as a jew miscreant in a black robe incapable of upholding the law?
Blog’s professional legal beagles have good ears and enhanced sense of smell, exposing Schoenhorn’s Folly. The jews, niggers, paedophiles of the court system recognize Judge Heller’s illegal sealing orders; public interest in sovereign powers wielded with ill intent by a jew judge is not outweighed by any private claim; it is the essence of self-rule. As evil Judge Lynda Munro stated years ago: Publicity is the price paid for litigation. The court is a public stage, ‘we the people’ the audience; proving Judge Heller and her cohort in crime Judge Sheridan conspire to defeat public rights, concealing jewdicial misconduct. Nigger Boy Robinson is under direction to prevent appellate reversal. Nigger Boy has snatched the case for the sole purpose of inventing new law, upholding concealment by Heller and Sheridan, where his ruling will bring the curtain down on the family court stage, forever hiding sinister conduct from a sovereign people.
The high court will invent new law that turns family court into a ‘secret tribunal’, inventing a new claim of familial privacy, under guise of child protection, to thwart public scrutiny. Jewdicial discretion of family court works better concealed. Nigger Boy does not want to read Blog posts of mothers losing fruits of wombs to jewdicial discretion or opinion of jews like Herman and Caverly. Rabbinical courts work best in the shadows of evil; the devil abhors the light.
First Amendment rights, public scrutiny of parens patriae powers can be upheld by the intermediate appellate court, simple, straightforward, proper application of law, but the jews don’t want that ruling, they want the curtain to fall on the stage to conceal child trafficking, rape, and plunder from a Christian society. Nigger Boy Robinson has been instructed to lower the curtain, bar public access, seal off the star chamber from public view. The family court will be put beyond scrutiny of the public; nigger hates Blog anyway. The beauty of the jew plan is that once CJ Robinson delivers the new law, hiding family court, there will be no recourse for ‘we the people’, SCOTUS will not grant certiorari, as family matters are eschewed by feds. The nutmeg legislature will turn away, fearing wrath of jews, dumb fuck Sambo, chair of the jewdicary committee, will mutter ‘free at last’ then cower, fear of another whipping until he says his name: TOBY. No one sees what is coming, ignorant prisoners of the gulag, marching to propaganda drums, proclaiming rule of law, just courts, protection of rights, even liberty. Jon Schoenhorn is unwittingly marching the people into a jewdicial trap.
Judiciary; an irresponsible body, working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped. TJ1821
CJ Robinson is abusing the power of the high court in criminal intervention of due process to uphold the illegal sealing orders of jew Judge Donna Heller. The high court fears that application of the rule of law by three stooges under Judge William Bright will expose the jewness of Heller and Sheridan, that the courts are corrupt that children are trafficked. Robinson is a domestic enemy of the Constitution, who needs to be dispatched by Patriots, more manure for the Tree of Liberty.
Attorney Jon Schoenhorn jousts at windmills, foolishly thinking there is rule of law in gulag Connecticut, giving the ruling elite cause to seal all family court proceedings from public review.

The jews, niggers, paedophiles of the judiciary committee of the general assembly are going to ensure the public cannot see the child predatory jewery of family court. Welcome to the gulag! .50 calibre freedom seeds are the only escape.