The now-famous blog notes that the little dick-head, yellow commie chink William Tong, Attorney General of Gulag Connecticut has stepped into the “line of fire” by appearing in the appeal of a disbarred lawyer who calls out family court for being a child trafficking racketeering operation run by jews. Does Tong beg a .50 cal to the head?
The jewdicial monsters of family court, operating from the Star Chamber of Regional Family Trial Docket conspired to disbar a zealous advocate of the people for the heinous crime of not playing along with child trafficking, deprivation of rights, in the cesspool run by the retarded Judge Thomas Moukawsher and jew pal Judge Gerard Adelman. The disbarment is on appeal with great First Amendment attention, as Moukawsher abhors pleading of facts that jews conspire to abuse judicial discretion to the harm of children and the joy of billable hours.
Under the dykish leadership of AAG Maura Murf Osborne, clueless cunt of grand constitutional infirmity, blog star Robert J. Deichert, domestic terrorist and enemy of mothers, the little chink imposes communist ideology of silencing critics of the State Commissars. The slant eyed yellow skinned paedophile AG must uphold the commie ideology that children are property of the state, parents have no constitutional protections, jewish rabbinical authority like Grossman and Adelman can sever mother-child bonds by whim, claiming the ‘broad discretion’ cited by jew Justice Ellen Peters defeats fundamental liberty interests and exempts the family court from restrictions of the Fourteenth Amendment. Due process does not apply to the calves of four-legged mothers in the eyes of Tong, the commie chink. Osborne and Deichert fall in the ‘line of fire’ sucking commie dick for their state paychecks, abandoning oaths, shredding the Constitution, demonstrating they are domestic terrorists, child predators, and worthy of a .50 cal to the head.
AG Tong’s sez Connecticut families are his top priority, except for those in grasp of jew judges.
Editor’s Note: Tong runs a state law firm of 200 professional attorneys engaged in child trafficking and paedophile protection. He begs his own destruction and of his faithful paycheck sponges who betray a sovereign people for private agenda of the chosen, inciting imminent lawless action.