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Blog star Annie Dranginis is proclaimed paedo protector, hag jew, best lawyer of next year award recipient, by the jew propaganda organization Best Lawyers, Inc. The jew game is obvious, create a fake organization of jew lawyers to confer awards on other jew lawyers fooling goy into thinking old cunts like Annie Dranginis have magic sauce at law. Lawyers praising other lawyers in promotion of looting in the name of the honorable profession, being nothing but ‘craft for plunder’.  Oi vey! Of great Blog attention is Best Lawyer Annie Dranginis in family law!!  The jew paedo scam praises Annie for her craft of raping childhood for shekels, a beacon to paedophiles to seek out her magic powers to malign mothers who discover sexual abuse of their children by deviant monsters.

Annie Dranginis is satan’s little sister, an evil jew with no morals, no intellect, wearing the title of ‘attorney’ and ‘judge’ to conceal her evil being. Annie is such a good person, attentive mother, caring individual that her own child Charlotte committed suicide, cause of having Annie as mother. Annie is a miracle lawyer, educated at the bottom tier law school of UCONN, elevated to high offices of Assistant State’s Attorney, judge, appellate judge, at one point the head of family court, all not by ability, but by jewness.  Annie abhors the now-famous Blog, Annie does not like public criticism of her charades in family court, Annie is so smart she pleads against the First Amendment. Annie thinks the public forum of family court is immune from public scrutiny. Annie is a nutjob, Annie is a jew, Annie is a threat to society and a danger to children.

Blog staff remember Annie for her protection of child predator Matthew Couloute, in the sexual abuse of his daughter Sofi.  Poor kid has traumatic childhood memories of playing the famous ‘Baby Dragon’ game with Couloute and his pal Ryan McGuigann. Normal five year old little girls cannot pick McGuigan’s dick out of a line up, nor explain where daddy’s dick does not fit, nor take yucky tasting medicine at bedtime. But the magic powers of Annie Dranginis, representing Couloute before Judge Anna Ficeto in Hartford family court can make the matter disappear with a simple ‘true threat’ to mother’s attorney, simply stating pursuit of child protection will result in permanent loss of custody, mother never to see her child again. Boom! Ficeto continues the hearing; never heard again. Family court does not protect children, it protects paedo predators, where Annie directs the judge to dismiss allegations as ‘unsubstantiated‘.  It is just a rash, urinary infection, irrational crying, normal girl growing, bad dreams, mother’s unfounded, malicious, vexatious allegations, which Hartford Children’s Hospital does not confirm, but Buffalo Children’s Hospital confirms sexual abuse. Paedo protection runs deep in Connecticut, even pediatricians are in on the lucrative practice of calling mothers crazy.

See why Annie is awarded such honors?  She has served the state paedo ring well over the years, she holds power over family court judges, she is more than above the law, she is the law that protects monsters raping childhood; jewdicial discretion. This is the honorable practice, foolishly advertised by jew judges in black robes in regulating the legal profession, a failed duty owed to ‘we the people’.  A jewish scam in full public view.

Editor’s Note:  The so-called ‘honorable profession‘ of law is jewish propaganda, another zionist effort to heard the four-legged barnyard animals, whom the founders deemed sovereign. The jew family court of Connecticut shows how the predator jew can corrupt any institution to serve private agendas, where shekels reward deviancy, where children are the prey.

Attorney Annie Drainginis, supposedly a great lawyer, but a lousy mother.


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