Absolute discretion is ruthless, the greatest danger to liberty ever created by man. In Connecticut, childhood is senselessly raped by unbridled discretion wielded by the jew in black, the Dark Lord of evil, Judge Gerard I. Adelman. The mentally defective monster begs Blog spotlight for inhumane conduct in violation of American constitutional principles, but the kike is not American, he is jewish.
Having kept Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer isolated from mother for over 666 days, Adelman now stops mom from filing ‘too many’ motions in protection of her children. Judge Kike issues an amazing order which even Hitler disapproves. Unlike Adelman, the Nazis held high regard for their mothers. Adelman complains that 50 motions filed over four weeks to correct his monstrous abuse of childhood is too much. He does not like the words pleading child protection. He does not like arguments. He does not like commentary. Mother can no longer plead to protect her children without first begging the Dark Lord’s permission. Adelman claims inherent rabbinical power to rule over the goy based on talmudic edicts. Read actual order here.
Does Adelman beg a .50 cal to the head?
The chosen ones abhor liberty rights of four-legged animals and their calves. Chosen ones mock holiness of family; pissing on sacred beliefs of others. Chosen judges are not constrained by parchments labelled constitutions, nor by words on paper called statutes. The chosen ones are above all restrictions designed to constrain tyranny. In gulag Connecticut, the jews silence the screams of children and muzzle their mothers. Laws just don’t matter.
The now-famous Blog exposes Adelman’s betrayal of oath, deprivation of rights, and criminal conduct of his kikish ruling. Adelman’s criticism of ‘too many’ motions holds no foundation in law, nor is there a CT Law Tribune opinion by sister Jewette Katz that mothers file too many motions in annoyance of the jewdiciary. The redress clause of the First Amendment does not restrict sheets of paper in application of grievances, why does Adelman? Because he is a chosen kike who places himself above 1A, what Patriots call a ‘mental defect’ curable by a single dosage of the Second Amendment. Given each passing day is another offense of child abuse, American jurisprudence allows for daily filings, noticing the court of continued harm, and request for relief, which would now be 666. But KikeMonster finds 50 too much for his feeble court to properly address. Fabricated excuses being a jewish hallmark, the terribly oppressed race of inhumanity, lives on lies.
Adelman happily ignores the nutmeg constitution, Article First, §10 declaring the right that courts are open to all, justice administered without sale, denial, or delay. Except the fine print on the back of the parchment, written in yiddish, stating it is subject to absolute jewdicial discretion of kikes in black robes, exempts rape of childhood, and voided by talmudic ruling by Justice Ellen Ash Peters, stating that the goy shall not overcome the ‘broad discretion’ of the jewdicial authority. Got it? Now shut up and get in the boxcar, time for showers.
Adelman does not give a shit about Christian public policy of child protection, or promoting strong families with well cared for children; goy are just barnyard animals in the eyes of the chosen. State statutes prohibit the kike abuse inflicted on Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, it is child abuse and intentional infliction of emotional harm, but Adelman is above the law, he is a kike. The chosen have rituals of killing Christian babies, draining their blood to flavor their matzah. Jewette Katz even knows the term ‘blood libel’ originates from these barbaric jewish ‘religious’ practices. Adelman defies state statutes §17a-101(a) and §46b-56(b) which proscribe his abuse of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer. But the self-chosen Adelmonster is above the law, he chooses to ignore what offends talmudic rule.
The kike ignores the Fourteenth Amendment and its federal enforcement under criminal code 18 USC §242. Adopted in 1868, this pesky Amendment forbids Adlemonsters from depriving mothers the liberty interest in their children by whim of a jew. Only ‘due process’ can create the isolation order, requiring finding abuse/neglect after formal investigation by the executive agency charged with child protection, then upon Attorney General’s petition brought in the name of the sovereign people, with notice, summons, to juvenile court, parties be joined in suit before a judge, where the state makes its claim for destruction of mother-child bonds, where mother and kids are appointed counsel, have right to be heard, have right to confront accuser, right to call witnesses, in a fair trial, where judgement rendered is subject to immediate appellate review, such being the due process totally ignored by Adelman.
SCOTUS affirmed that mother-child bonds are constitutionally protected liberty interests in Troxel v Granville, 530 US 57, 65, the opinion written by Justice Sandra Day-O’Connor, a baptized Christian. Adelkike did not get the memo, nor will he bow to rulings of the highest court in the land, his talmudic rule rises above all goy tribunals. In 1871, Congress passed legislation to enforce the 14th Amendment specifying Adelman’s conduct as criminal, punishable by fine and/or imprisonment, 18 USC §242. Ergo, Adelman is a criminal, a fugitive from justice.
The now-famous Blog calls out the Big Dumb Nigger in a black robe, Connecticut Supreme Court Chief Justice, as the perp who allows the judicial branch to act in conspiracy of deprivation of rights under color of law … federal criminal conduct. Big dumb nigger, the emancipated slave, free at last, free at last, free at last, willfully violates the U.S. Constitution employing kikes like Adelman to deprive civil rights of mothers for the fault of living in yeshiva Corrupticut.
Blog has a dream of .50 cal freedom seeds sprayed from a patriotic helicopter door gunner. Time to refresh the Tree of Liberty with blood of tyrants. Sic semper tyrannis!