A responsible press is a necessity of a free society, but in Connecticut the irresponsible press is the bane of a free people, where pathetic yellow journalism exposes reporter puppets on jewstrings. People so alien to the fabric of the nation, as to be domestic enemies of the Constitution, terrorists, simple traitors.
Meet pretend journalists Ben Lambert of the New Haven Register, Alex Wood of the Journal Inquirer, Ed Mahoney of the Hartford Courant, Ethan Carey of I95 Rock. All jewish puppets reporting about a disbarred lawyer for accusing jews of being jews in family court, while concealing the real story that five jews conspired to isolate three kids from their mother for no cause in law and with no state interest. Funny how these clowns left out that heartbreak, like they were told to ignore it.
Why would the judicial branch under the black leadership of CJ Richard Robinson have cause to sever mother-child bonds for no statutory reason? Why is it that all the bad actors involved in Ambrose v Ambrose are JEWISH? Mia, Mathew, and Sawyer have been forcibly isolated from mother by order of Judge Jane Grossman, a soulless jewish dyke of cold heart and no concept of law. It has been 645 days since the kids hugged mom. Judge Grossman’s order states that if kids cry out to mom, she is not to respond. Why did jew Judge Grossman issue such an order? Why no decision or reciting facts on which the order rests, a statutory requirement set down by the legislature in CGS §52-231? Child abuse by jew judge without written legal foundation? How un-American!
The follow on questions reveal even more jewness. Why did the jew guardian for the children, Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz not object? Where does a state licensed psychologist find authority to claim forced isolation is ‘therapy’? Beating the children is now therapy under state license? Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, the expert psychologist is a jew too? Why did jew Attorney Nancy Aldrich ask the court to cut mom out of the lives of the children on behalf of paedo/homo Christopher Ambrose? Why did jew Judge Adelman not remedy Grossman’s illegal order when he took over the case? One jew continuing the jewness of another jew? Why did Adelman ignore Judge Welch’s order to decide the ADA motion? It has been on the docket for a year, while Adelman plays chosen jew games telling Judge Welch of Bridgeport J.D. to ‘eff off. Why did Judge Moukawsher not address the isolation of the children, rather than disbarring the lawyer who called out the jews for their jewness? Why did Moukawsher not comment on the excessive GAL bill, over $200k? Why has DCF not charged mom with abuse or neglect? Why is there no restraining order, if the kids need to be kept in a cage for protection? The AG’s office of child protection told the juvenile court, Judge Bernadette Conway, that Tong had no interest in the matter. Tong also says families are his top priority …. liar.
Again, the now-famous Blog highlights the jewish control of the Connecticut Judiciary and the irresponsible free press who conspires to conceal the real damage of the jew in an enlightened society. The reporting by Ben, Alex, Ed, and Ethan is simple disinformation. Here are their pathetic articles designed to convey a false message that the lawyer is a bad person for calling out the jews of family court and that Judge Moukawsher was righteous for disbarring a zealous advocate in an adversarial system for the sin of trying to protect children. Nothing to see here, move along folks, get in the box car, the judges know how to rape your kids. No such thing as constitutionally protected parental rights in the jewish courts of Corrupticut. All media outlets are controlled by jews with a chosen agenda.
Hamden attorney disbarred after ‘empty and malicious claims’ regarding Jewish conspiracy
Glastonbury woman’s divorce lawyer to appeal disbarment
Connecticut judge disbars divorce lawyer, saying her efforts to disrupt case with ‘empty and malicious claims’ threatens courts’ ability to hand down justice
CT Judge Disbars Divorce Attorney for Misconduct
It is obvious to the most casual observer that no one in Connecticut cares about the jewish rape of childhood in courts run by jews. The press is silenced, parents are silenced, the legislature is bought and paid for, the governor works for the paedo ring, the Attorney General prefers little boy ass to vaginas, the family court runs on jewish ideology that parents are four-legged animals and fighting over calves creates revenue for the Bar, family bonds are meaningless, the Constitution does not apply. Consumption of goy children is a jewish delicacy.
Blog finds it totally irresponsible that the press did not report on Moukawsher’s decision involving the helicopter door gunner from the movie Full Metal Jacket, a revealing manifestation of his mental defects that confuse Hollywood interpretations of a pointless war to the well-being of three kids under his jurisdiction. Helter Skelter!!!
Don’t believe what the local newspapers write about family court, it is all a lie. Childhoods are raped, family savings looted, by jews for jewish purpose.