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Judge Thomas Moukawsher

Budlong, Osborne & Duell

    The conspiracy of the family bar racketeers Jonathan Budlong, Melissa Osborne, and Kim Duell game the family court to rape the childhoods of three gifts from God in the case Templeton v Kannon. Another example of jews playing the goy for shekels, 868 days of pointless litigation, tag teamed by 7 judges: Dolan, Wetstone, Caron, Gilman, Klau, Diana, and finally Moukawsher at the RFTD star chamber. The malicious conflict promoting Kim Duell ran up a bill of over $20,000! See the real purpose of family court … money for jews! Dewey, Cheatem & Howe Attorney Melissa Osborne represents the mother of three girls, Suzanne Templeton, while running up a ridiculous… Read More »Budlong, Osborne & Duell


      Mentally deranged blog star Judge Thomas Moukawsher issues a decision admitting to a jewish conspiracy in the Connecticut Family Court. Blog editors confer the ‘Chicken Scratch’ award for the most rambling writing ever. But without the Nutmeg retards in black robes, there would be slim pickens for blog material and no machine guns. Historians understand ‘no-fault’ divorce is a jewish invention, created as an element of communism to destroy the concept of family, substituting the state for parents. Societies existed for thousands of years based on families, loving parents, and raising children without attacking marriage until the jews who collapsed Russian Orthodoxy implemented it in 1918. Revolutionary Bolsheviks were jews,… Read More »Conspiracy!


        What is the liability to the people of the State of Connecticut for the misconduct of judges who separate children from mothers without a rational basis or sovereign interest? Time for the now-famous Blog to highlight the jewdicial dogma that holds remedy in the court of public opinion, federal court, and at the business end of the Second Amendment. Take Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, three kids who fall under the parens patriae powers of the sovereign, where the people hold power, duty, and liability associated with their protection, as equally applied to all children. Liability begins when the family court in Bridgeport accepts the unprofessional opinion of a state licensed… Read More »Liability


          Judge Thomas Moukawsher is wrestling with the Dark Lord’s request to rule on his disqualification in the Ambrose drama. He spent the entire hearing today searching for items in the court record which show that Adelman’s impartiality is reasonably questioned. Moukawsher even asked for examples of other cases in which Adelman’s conduct shows a jewish pattern of abuse, especially against women and children. The now-famous Blog delivers. Adelman is such a monster that his orders in the Tittle case shocked the Chief of Family Court, Judge Lynda Munro to the point she stated on the record that Adelman’s orders are DRACONIAN. For the non-classical reader, Draco was an ancient lawgiver… Read More »DRACO

          Aldrich Speak

            Attorney Nancy Aldrich displays her jewish ability to speak word salad in response to Judge Adelman’s request to disqualify himself. The jewish practice of family law pursues only money, nothing to do with best thoughts for children or application of goy constitutional principles. Quick recap of the Ambrose drama is that Judge Robert Shapiro of Hartford Civil Court has an application for injunctive relief to protect Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer from the state abuse which keeps them isolated from their mother, for no state interest. Judge Bernadette Conway has shelved an abuse petition in protection of the kids in juvenile court, stating not my problem. AG Tong does not give… Read More »Aldrich Speak


              Judge Thomas Moukawsher put on a grand display of judicial incompetence today by not recognizing that isolating three kids from mom for no state interest is jewdicial bias by his brother in black, Judge Gerard Adelman, who sua sponte begs to be thrown off the Ambrose case. The now-famous Blog explains the obvious. Judge Adelman demonstrates bias against mother by ordering GAL and fellow jew pet Jocelyn Hurwitz to attend every hour of trial, billing $400/hr for no legal purpose. Adelman claims the GAL must observe the entire trial, even the part about this Blog, to determine if her recommendations will change, a concept alien to appointed duties. Adelman harms… Read More »Bias?

              Adelman On Trial!

                The shit has hit the fan! Judge Gerard Adelman goes on trial before Judge Moukawsher for misconduct in the Ambrose case. The private star chamber of Regional Family Trial Docket, the dungeon where kids with rich parents go to be trafficked, is having a judge war. The heinous conduct of the Dark Lord himself has annoyed the elders of the Connecticut judiciary who are calling for an end to Adelman’s barbaric behaviour and the consequential child abuse. Bring popcorn!! Hearing is 22 November at 2pm in Middletown. Adelman issued the following order yesterday, out of the blue, with no hearing or motion before the court: “Given the complaints made about… Read More »Adelman On Trial!


                  Mouk-who? What is going on in the child trafficking court of Connecticut? Judge Thomas Moukawsher is now assigned to the private star chamber of family court. He is the new presiding judge of the infamous pedo court known as Regional Family Trial Docket, where parents get fleeced and children are raped. But why? There is little in Moukawsher’s background to suggest he is a pedophile or a puppet of the pedophiles. Catholic upbringing, St. Bernard’s High School. College at the Citadel, where pedophiles are not appreciated. Worthless law degree from UCONN. A politico, lobbyist, part-time politician, appointed to the bench in 2013 by gay boy Dannel Malloy when his usefulness… Read More »Moukawsher?