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Judge Gerard Adelman

Wonderful Connecticut

    The now-famous Blog shares an article espousing the particular benefits that Connecticut provides for paedophiles; pretty sick shit, but that is the reality of the paedo capital of jewmerica, where childhoods are raped, screams silenced. By Jeffrey B. Rose NAMBLA Advocate I hanker for some throbbing, sweet-moaning, physical but not necessarily coital, relation with a boy-child. I am an innocuous, inadequate, passive, timid man who merely asks the community to allow me to pursue my practically harmless, so-called aberrant behavior. My little hot wet private acts of sexual deviation without the police and society cracking down upon me. I will never forget it. His little boy, they said, when my… Read More »Wonderful Connecticut

    RFTD Work Is Done!

      The grand evil childhood rapist, the Dark Lord, Judge Gerard I. Adelman, has declared ALL RFTD WORK IS DONE!  The Ambrose case is returned to the armpit of Bridgeport, where fellow jew faggot Judge Antoni Truglia, Jr. is left to pick over the carcass of the family, now depleted of savings, which Adelman doled out to synagogue pals, Aldrich, Hurwitz, Caverly, and Horowitz.  The WORK of RFTD is to plunder family bank, drag out pointless litigation, rape childhood, and deliver the purchased decision.  Adelman’s looting included orders for jew Jocelyn Hurwitz to sit in the gallery, watching the entire trial, billing $400/hr to fully deplete the college funds of Mia,… Read More »RFTD Work Is Done!

      Ambrose Child Protection

        Mad Man Christopher Ambrose is growing more insane, the organic disease drilling holes in his brain has penetrated the logic center, his reality has collapsed into his laptop, a fantasy world of his own thoughts, his own words, his own delusions, while pleasuring himself by isolating Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer from hugs of mother and extended family.  Remember that Judge Nastri ruled kids hold a fundamental right to hug mom, which does not apply in jew boy Adelman’s rabbinical court; hallmark of jew ‘murika! Mad man files another pathetic pleading, claiming need of a order to protect children from EMOTIONAL DISTRESS caused by invasion of privacy of actors upon a… Read More »Ambrose Child Protection


          Jewdicial monsters of Connecticut have invented a new class of disobedient goy: miserable whining mothers who denounce jewdicial child separation orders are now labeled DISGRUNTLED FAMILY COURT LITIGANTS.  A label officially applied to victims of family court, those fit mothers, not allowed to hug fruits of their womb, who just can’t suck up to wrath of Kundry to find happiness in not being hugged by rugrats.  The jew muscle of the State Police under the fat donut belly of paedo protector Colonel Stavros Mellekas declares in sworn affidavits that disgruntled litigants are a societal danger, who often flock together, share thoughts, ideas, information, peaceably assemble, petition elected representatives for redress… Read More »Disgruntled

          Moukawsher’s Error

            The now famous worst Blog takes this opportunity to identify Judge Moukawsher’s error in his disbarment drama of a zealous advocate pleading in rights of three kids and their mom.  The retarded Mouk twists reality into a fictional complaint of baseless accusations against the family court’s jewish players who cannot recognize rights of parties.  Mouk pretends he can’t see family court is a jewish cesspool of anti-Christian ideology singularly designed to destroy the concept of goy family, while trafficking children, a jewish delicacy of sexual deviancy.  But Mouk wields tyrannical wrath from the bench against advocates despised by the jew. Quick recap is Judge Adelman had a conscience issue of… Read More »Moukawsher’s Error

            Jew Shill Ed Mahoney

              The now-famous worst blog calls out Ed Mahoney of the nation’s oldest continuously published newspaper for being a hapless shill to the jewdicial mafia of Connecticut, spinning a judicial corruption story into a heinous anti-semtic drama to shame the goy. Oi vey, only executive editor Helen Bennett could be proud of such journalistic hypocrisy, fictional writing played on the goy as ‘reporting’. Blog elders frown upon a newspaper dating to 1764 which today advocates censorship by ridiculing citizens for exercising First Amendment rights. Ed Mahoney plays the jew game of ‘hate speech’ being speech the jews hate. Poor Ed, a demented old man, detached from reality, promoting trickery on his… Read More »Jew Shill Ed Mahoney

              Public Policy

                An enlightened society holds common cultural beliefs which in today’s morass of ‘murikan dystopia is referred to as public policy. There is benevolent structure in most policies, letting a bunch of uneducated, purposeless morons from third world shit-holes illegally cross the border is not an example of public policy, but domestic terrorism wielded by the jews who seek to eliminate the white Christian race. The disconnect between law and policy is a dead give away that jews are involved. Let’s take a look at family court discretion that violates public policy. In Connecticut there is a statute which requires ‘active & consistent’ involvement of both parents in the lives of… Read More »Public Policy

                Jew Court

                  The now-famous, WORST blog takes aim at the vagueness of Connecticut family court orders to expose the jewdical powers wielded by misplaced zealots sitting atop benches rooted in the Constitution. Another plain example that the family court is a jewish invention created to destroy the Christian concept of family, injecting jewish venom deep into the fabric of society for no humane purpose, just glee of the jew. Hats off and a night scope aim to the niggers, dykes, homos, paedos, queers, traitors of the nutmeg state government who condone and protect the rape of childhood, a jewish delicacy. What is vague and against public policy cannot be enforced by contempt… Read More »Jew Court

                  Adel Liar!

                    A simple way to discredit the jew hucksters is to use the word salad against them. Here is the disinformation Gerard Adelman provided to ‘we the people’ in 2009, before becoming one of the most inhumane judges of the family bench, his remarks at his appointment hearing. Good afternoon Chairman McDonald, Chairman Lawlor and members of the Judiciary Committee. My name is Gerard I. Adelman. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, I did my undergraduate work at Ohio State University graduating in 1970. After graduating from college, I married and my wife and I moved to Wallingford, Connecticut. We have resided in Meriden, Connecticut for almost 37 years and… Read More »Adel Liar!

                    The Worst!

                      The now-famous Blog has been declared THE WORST by Judge Gerard Adelman of Connecticut family court who opines the following: This blog, produced by an unnamed person, is filled with anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist rants of the worst kind. It is based on the belief that the entire family law bench and bar in Connecticut and other states are being controlled by a mysterious Jewish cabal in order to steal children away from loving parents and give them to rapists and pedophiles. Judge Gerard I. Adelman The now-famous Blog’s editorial staff applauds Adelman for commentary of protected speech under the First Amendment, but finds his opinion wholly unrelated to judicial… Read More »The Worst!


                        Judge Gerard Adelman of Connecticut family court has proved to the world he is a stark raving mad lunatic in a black robe suffering from grand mental defect. The evidence of his insane lunacy is the divorce decree issued in the Ambrose drama that has spanned three years and drained the family bank, inflicting emotional harm upon three gifts from God. The jew got his pound of flesh. After two years of forced isolation of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer from mother, Judge Adelman orders REUNIFICATION THERAPY to ‘reunify the family unit.’ See how the jews work? Judge Grossman orders isolation of the kids from mom based on quackery of jew… Read More »Lunatic!

                        Dumpster Fire

                          The clowns of the Connecticut Judiciary never cease to amaze in their inability to follow the simple recipe of due process set down in practice rules, ignored by the morons in black along with the brainless zombies labelled clerks. The judicial circus of Adelman and Moukawsher attempted the flaming juggling act on disbarring a zealous advocate but lit the dumpster on fire, taking due process with it. The Ambrose case continues to demonstrate that the ‘discretion’ of feeble minded trial court judges cannot uphold the law, which is often replaced by outright comedy. Remember that the Dark Lord woke up one morning in early November thinking he needed his pal… Read More »Dumpster Fire

                          Michael Volpe Investigates

                            Michael Volpe investigates the child trafficking in the Ambrose case. Conduct of Connecticut jewish players gets the investigative journalist spotlight: Judge Jane Grossman, Judge Gerard Adelman, Attorney Nancy Aldrich, Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz, Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD, Dr. Robert Horowitz, PhD, Dr. Debra Gruen, PhD. Jews raping childhood for the reward of shekels and destruction of the American family institution. Read investigative report below by Michael Volpe. His podcast interview with Nickola Cunha here. REPORT: Nickola Cunha is the latest guest to join me on the podcast. She is a veteran attorney who is involved in what has turned into a high profile divorce and custody case in Connecticut. That… Read More »Michael Volpe Investigates


                              The evil jew Gerard Adelman of Connecticut’s rabbinical family court goes in for the slaughter of childhood, draining kids’ blood to make his matzah. The dickhead jew of Regional Family Trial Dungeon reconvenes the Ambrose case after elimination of mother’s lawyer. Three childhoods slaughtered in sacrifice to the jewish god of money. Blood drained to make matzah. Devoid of human compassion, Adelman’s worship of the money god drives his insane abuse of mothers and children. Destruction of the Ambrose family is a jewish delicacy. Jew game is back on! From the FrankReport: Corrupt CT Family Court: Ambrose Case Set Again for Trial Before Judge Adelman After Money-Driven Results Lead to… Read More »Adelmonster

                              Jewdicial Conspiracy

                                A clique of self-appointed child predators inside the third branch of government of the cesspool of Connecticut conspires to create a private club of judges, lawyers, vendors of the family court to maximize familial and financial destruction of a sovereign people. The judiciary makes the ‘flesh crawl and the conscience clatter’ in betrayal of public trust. Marilou Giovannucci a benevolent idiot employed as a ‘manager’ in the judicial branch, sucking up $140k a year to cheat the public acted on behalf of the independent judiciary to use state resources to organize a chapter of the private jewish AFCC organization, a subversive operation designed to undermine integrity of the people’s courts.… Read More »Jewdicial Conspiracy

                                instantia crucis

                                  The miscreant jewdicial monster of Meriden has found CRUCIAL cause to get the Ambrose financial fuck fest back on track for resolution. By the numbers the ‘track‘ started in July 2019, by application for a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce to be granted under state law. Now 920 days later, Christopher Ambrose is still married. WTF? Is Attorney Nancy Aldrich of Westport so incompetent that she can’t secure a timely divorce? She charges over $600/hr for her expert legal services, which are expert at running up excessive billable hours, padding her wallet, prolonging litigation, clogging the docket, and violating Rules of Professional Conduct 3.2, Expediting Litigation. It does appear that Christopher… Read More »instantia crucis

                                  Best Interest Fallacy

                                    The best interests standard of talmudic law in family court is a fallacy created by jews to traffic children and loot family savings. What is best interest? Who decides the interest? How has this word-salad created the standard of family law that the world recognizes is totally jewish? Because it is totally jewish. The protection of infants came under the power of the King, who ruled over his kingdom for the benefit of subjects to the Crown. The King ruled from divine powers passed from God, thru the Church, for the benefit of all, nice story, worked well for many centuries. When the King exercises his powers over children, it… Read More »Best Interest Fallacy

                                    It Takes A Conspiracy

                                      Remember the cute saying ‘it takes a village’, a feel good sense of community being required to properly raise children? Well the now-famous Blog spotlights the fact that ‘it takes a conspiracy’ to rape childhoods in Connecticut family court. Blog Star Judge Thomas Moukawsher finds a claim of a JEWISH CONSPIRACY makes his skin crawl and his conscience clatter, but in reality the inhumanity of the family court cannot be achieved without the jewish conspiracy. Nasty outcomes are a product of a nasty system, designed by nasty people, for a nasty objective, which points directly to the JEWS of the Bar and on the bench, the practice going back five… Read More »It Takes A Conspiracy

                                      Shred Moukawsher

                                        Time for the now-famous Blog to dismantle the jewdicial dicta opined by Judge Thomas Moukawsher in his drivel that Judge Adelman should not be kicked off the Ambrose case. A clown like Moukawsher should not be allowed to decide matters involving children. The interested Blog aficionado can refer to the Memo of Decision of 10 December. It is poorly written, lacks legal purpose, and is replete with viewpoint discrimination, in violation of Canon. Moukawsher is handed a sua sponte action by Judge Adelman on the subject of recusal in the Ambrose case. It is a PB §1-22(b) procedure to address Adleman’s need for recusal given an injunctive suit filed in… Read More »Shred Moukawsher

                                        Katz Combat!

                                          The hideously fugly excuse of a jew, Joette Katz, self-appointed master of the goy and shredder of law takes to the pulpit of the Connecticut Law Tribune [sic] to spray disinformation upon the four legged animals in a sleight of word salad to deceive the sheeple that the jewish rule will guide their barnyard society to a better existence. Read her shit here. Katz calls ‘we the people’ to combat the evil which preys upon children in society. Jewette Katz opines ‘domestic violence’ as a root of societal evils. Jews relish in a godless people whose culture upholds gang bangin’, drive by shootings, niggers burning cities, deviancy, racial divide, and… Read More »Katz Combat!