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Life’s A Bitch

    Seriously, look at this list, call them the crazy eights.  Estrogen conspiracy to defeat rule of law and undermine the Constitution.  Bitches on a witch hunt?  Unscrupulous public players on hunt for free speech…..just f*cking brilliant example of corruption. Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto, butthurt victim. Deirdre Daly, U.S. Attorney Connecticut Anastasia King, Assistant U.S. Attorney CT FBI Lisa Tutty (Kline), Field Office Meriden, CT USMJ Sarah A.L. Merriman, US District Court, CT USMJ Joan G. Margolis, US District Court, CT Jennifer A. Singer, Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, ED Virginia USMJ Theresa C. Buchanan, US District Court, ED Virginia Like a gaggle of bitches on a witch hunt, impressive federal performance, betrays… Read More »Life’s A Bitch

    She Devil

      The She Devil Rosa Rebimbas foot soldier of Dark Lord Gerard Adelman

      The Dark Lord

        Jew Judge Gerard Adelman the evil dark lord of family court, pedo.

        King Solomon

          Jew Judge Elliot N. Solomon, king of the family court jews.

          Bozzuto’s Charge

            Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto working to defeat judicial accountability by rule of Talmud