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    Ok sports fans, time to up the game. Judge Michael Albis has made criticism of family court a CRUSADE! Scary to read what these retarded judges write in their pathetic opinions of other people’s lives. But let’s face it, Judge Albis is an idiot, intellectually retarded with deviant mental deficiencies and he writes like a chicken. The new standard of twisted family court logic passed down from Albis is that parental criticism of the most corrupt court in Connecticut is harmful to children. Children will be harmed to know that their parents are being robbed, their family destroyed, religious beliefs trampled all in the name of jewery and legal fees.… Read More »Crusade

    Jew Judge Albis

      Well, if it was unclear what team Judge Michael Albis is playing for, he has removed all doubt in his recent zionist decision in the Taupier case. Nothing like some good old New Haven jewery to toss the kids, Gabriel and Sara in the middle of litigation, then call it ‘best interest’ of the child. Jew Judge Albis is on the receiving end of the puppet strings from Tanya Taupier’s money grubbing sleeze of a jew lawyer, the infamous, grande dame, pedo battle axe, Judge Annie Dranginis. Albis knows his dick and balls will end up down his throat if he disobeys Dranginis and the state pedo ring. A brief… Read More »Jew Judge Albis

      Annie: Mother Of The Year

        Happy New Year to all. Another year has passed where the jews of family court across the nation have wreaked destruction on gentile children to support zionism and to enrich satan’s foot soldiers of the family Bar. In reflecting on the evil dynamics of family court and the miscreants who run it, the notorious Judge Annie Dranginis gets the spotlight. An evil jew bitch on wheels, headed the Connecticut Family Court in 1994 and has been trafficking children and protecting pedophiles ever since. She was quite hated by anyone who had the misfortune of landing in her courtroom. A self-appointed chosen one who knew what was best for your kids.… Read More »Annie: Mother Of The Year

        John K. Oswald, Esq.

          The child traffickers of Upstate New York have tripped over their state protective mojo by a demonstration of foot in mouth contortion that mistakenly escaped the secretive confines of the Family Court. Judge Richard B. Meyer of Essex County, the king jew of family court of the Fourth Judicial District, a monster in a black robe, hated by citizens from Albany to the Canadian border, did allow his pet pedophile protector, Attorney John K. Oswald to argue against visitation for Christian fathers who hold no love for Zionism. The cat got out of the bag by transcript of a proceeding involving John K. Oswald, a pathetic excuse of a lawyer,… Read More »John K. Oswald, Esq.

          Nigger Robinson

            The black man in the black robe is at it again.  Nigger Judge Richard A. Robinson, chief justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court is making up new law on direction from his masters; the jews that run Corrupticut.  The spade and his six crackers will face review by the Supreme Court of the United States for their fuckery of the First Amendment.  In the land of the free and the home of the brave, judicial cause is to protect the First Amendment.  Jake Baker, Gill Valle, Douglas Elonis and Ted Taupier walk into a bar, order some beers and have an American Yankee Doodle discussion of the corruption of the… Read More »Nigger Robinson

            Judge Erika Tindill: Full Retard

              Time to spotlight more of the jewish stain on the Connecticut Family Court.  Judge Erika Tindill has gone full retard in setting new lows for the conduct of a court in these United States in the case of Battistotti v Aaronson out of Greenwich.  A black judge of curious background, claiming to have expertise in domestic violence, rape, all things black along with a unhealthy love of money, this miscreant in a black robe reveals how the family court traffics children for money…no law, just money. The underlying case is of little import, Suzanne Aaronson, a Jewish American Princess out of Greenwich gets knocked up by her casual Italian love… Read More »Judge Erika Tindill: Full Retard

              Annie is at it again!!

                The queen jew of Connecticut Family Court, the pedo protecting, child trafficking, money grubbing Annie Dranginis is at it again….perverting the law and undermining the Constitution to traffic children.  The jew bitch on wheels has no limits when it comes to defeating the elements of a Christian society for her zionistic gains.  Remember, Annie is a retired judge, once head of the evil family court system, now in private practice at Pullman&Comley, the nastiest, corrupt, jewish law firm in Corrupticut. Annie’s game now is to defeat the First Amendment and the public’s right to scrutiny of what goes on in a public forum.  The jewdicial miscreants of family court prefer… Read More »Annie is at it again!!

                Dick Meyer Lie Detector

                  The insanity of the jewdicial family court system reached a new high in the backwoods, inbred, uplands of Woodchuckville, NY.  The infamous retard in black, Judge Richard Blair Meyer has declared himself the knower of all truth and detector of all lies, as an official duty of judicial office. The delusional nutjob claims that he can determine if a witness is lying.  It is his self appointed judicial duty to be his own secret lie detector system to uphold the rule of law and twist the integrity of the court to his pleasing.  The jerkoff states the following: “A primary way in which the credibility of a witness is evaluated… Read More »Dick Meyer Lie Detector

                  Claim #25330

                    The Connecticut Claims Commissioner, Christy Scott, has assigned #25330 to the claim against the state caused by the nigger pedo games of the nefarious and diseased Matthew Condel Couloute.  Remember the nigger, pedo, child trafficking games of Matthew Couloute?  Guy lives in Cumming, Georgia, but convinced fellow pedo, police officer Brandon Danaher of Bloomfield Police Department to falsely obtain an interstate felony arrest warrant for his beaten and abandoned ex-wife.  Couloute presents an expired CT State driver’s license to puppy officer Danaher which shows he lives in Fairfield.  But he makes an abduction complaint in Bloomfield.  Sound like a scam?  Looks like conspiracy to commit interstate fraud by state actors. … Read More »Claim #25330

                    GAL Billing Scam

                      Once upon a time, in the garden of good and evil, Elliot N. Solomon, sat upon a nice park bench, reading his Talmud.  Along came Lucifer on a stroll, looking for ways to destroy Christian beliefs and undermine the humanity of mankind.  Elliot and Lucifer struck up a conversation and quickly realized their love of raping children.  Lucifer had the power of evil and Elliot held power over a lawless family court system, together they could create a perfect evil under the name of law.  The mutual love was bubbling from both.  Lucifer lifted up Elliot, bent him over the bench and sodomized him until the ground shook.  At climax,… Read More »GAL Billing Scam