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    Time to take a seasonal look at the family court mafia organization known as the A-F-C-C. This jewish organization founded in 1963 in a Los Angeles Courthouse, by jew Judge Roger Alton Pfaff, his pedophile pal Meyers Elkins and of course his marauders of zionism. The new president is a judge of non-Christian origins who sits in the same courthouse where the evil AFCC organization was hatched over fifty-five years ago. Judge Dianna Gould-Saltman is the new head jew of the global mafia of family court. Now just ask yourself why a state judge has time to parade around as the head of the AFCC? California taxpayers funding the jewish… Read More »AFCC CRACKERS

    Albis The Heretic

      Judge Michael J. Albis, the chief judge of the child trafficking family court of Connecticut, is a Catholic. In reality, he is a heretic in need of excommunication from the Church which he betrays. He is a pathetic judge who betrays a Christian faith to bring harm to children under the guise of ‘rule of law’. It is well known that the doctrine of child separation, protracted litigation and excessive legal fees is the design of King Jew Judge Elliot N. Solomon and his jewish Bar friends. The man who proclaims that all state family court judges have been trained by him, under direction of his jewish overlords. So why… Read More »Albis The Heretic

      Dr. Stephen Baskerville

        For those enlightened readers, the chewy text of Dr. Stephen Baskerville’s paper on the deep state agenda of family court may be of interest. His writing titled “Politics of Family Dissolution” is a bit of a misnomer, as it is not American politics that seeks to destroy parent-child relationships, it is the Zionistic agenda of jews, parasites and court clingons who profit from human pain and suffering created by a non-Christian entity within the family court system. Baskerville unwittingly serves as Satan’s hand, using his academic position and philosophical title to confuse a jewish operation with ‘politics’ of the American people. He is not stupid, but he is blind to… Read More »Dr. Stephen Baskerville

        Jewish Conscience

          The jews of family court are at it again. The King Jew of New York’s Fourth Judicial District, Head Pedophile Klansman of Elizabethtown in Essex County has introduced a new Talmudic standard in family court. As aborting babies during delivery does not shock the jewish conscience of New York’s ruling elite, neither does isolating a child from a parent. No state interest required, the jews of New York hold no limits of human indecency. But then, jews are not humans and New York is a puppet state to the chosen ones. Judge Richard Meyer is a jew. He rules by his personal beliefs. He ignores case law and spits on… Read More »Jewish Conscience

          Target Solomon

            The System is broken! The family court system is broken! The propaganda machine is in overdrive. The Connecticut family court system is operating perfectly as designed by its chief architect, the very non-Christian and most inhumane Judge Elliot N. Solomon, and he is proud of it, as are all the recipients who gorge on the fat revenue streams cast off the bench. Solomon was high fiving with the Family Bar Association and the family court judges as pathetic victim after victim cried to the legislature how they have been raped financially by his ‘perfect system’. Tuesday saw another parade of tears before representatives of the sovereign people of Connecticut. A… Read More »Target Solomon

            Radio Robinson

              Just when the people were beginning to suspect that Chief Justice Richard A. Robinson was a complete idiot, he opened his mouth and removed all doubt. Our beloved bird brain of the Sad State Supreme Court recently took to the airwaves to scare the shit out of We the people, that the head of the judiciary is a retarded moron. Listen to his blither here, on WNPR radio. The surprise that Robinson is chief justice after the demented Chase Rogers is of no surprise. When it was obvious that Connecticut was not going to have Malloy’s gay boy, fudge packer, gender confused, dick sucking pal, Andrew McDonald as chief pedophile… Read More »Radio Robinson

              Dubinsky v Reich

                Let’s take a hard look at this recent case of David Dubinsky v Veronica Reich. The three stooges of the Connecticut Appellate Court, Alvord, Bright and Beach have upheld a very unconstitutional construction of the ‘statutory duties’ of a lawyer in a Christian society, so skillfully embedded in CGS 46b-54 by the jews who control folks like Sen. John Kissel on the judiciary committee. The statute is full of word salad that may suggest a benevolent cause in judicial appointments of court whores of the family Bar to provide some magical ‘recommendations’ to the court for the ‘best interests of children’, but a careful reading of this Talmudic based philosophy… Read More »Dubinsky v Reich

                Nigger Boy Robinson

                  Why is it that when black folk get into responsible positions in society they start acting like elite white folk? Our nigger boy Chief Justice Robinson of the Connecticut Supreme Court rose to a position to suck jewish dick. A black man, representing achievement to all past and present slaves can do nothing more than kneel to the ruling class that enslaved his people. Nigger Boy was a safe bet by Gov. Malloy after the public flogging of gay boy nominee and fellow democratic fudge packer Judge Andrew McDonald. But nigger boy has turned out to be a failure to the Black Man and a disgrace to the historical struggle… Read More »Nigger Boy Robinson

                  GAL Immunity

                    The jewish game of protecting child traffickers with immunity is alive and well in the pedo capital of New England, the cesspool known as Corrupticut. David Dubinsky had a few scheckles in his pocket when the mother of his child, Miriam filed for divorce in July of 2012. Miriam got a good jew lawyer, not realizing her own family would become a feast for the vultures of the family Bar. Attorneys Shelia K. Rosenstein and Alexander H. Schwartz, two jews in a pod, teamed up to rape the Dubinsky bank accounts. Jews being jews, Rosenstein and Schwartz get sister jew and notorious conflict agitator Attorney Veronica Reich appointed as the… Read More »GAL Immunity

                    Target: Judge Patrick L. Carroll

                      The New Year is off to a great start. The Connecticut legislature is back in the Capitol and it is time again to play ‘whack a judge’! The greatest civic purpose of ‘we the people’ is to tidy up the government from time to time. No better place to look for dirt than the judiciary. There are some new faces on the Judiciary Committee. Gone is the ugly chinachink William Tong, along with deviant side kick Paul Doyle. They have been replaced by Steven Stafstrom and Gary Winfield. Note that the previous chairs, chink and cracker, both lawyers have been replaced with sambo and cracker, where only cracker boy Stafstrom… Read More »Target: Judge Patrick L. Carroll