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CSSD Gestapo

    Just when we begin to fear our government, the Connecticut Judiciary scares the living shit out of us! The thought police are on the hunt for the now famous blog. Three henchmen of the Court Support Services Division of the Jewdiciary were shaking down citizens this week for information on the journalistic masterminds behind the annoying source of annoyance which the jewidicial masters don’t like…da blog! The State of Connecticut, acting with public funds, by private vendetta within the judiciary is actively investigating free speech which annoys its ruling elite. The state gulag does not allow criticism of public matters in a public forum by the public. The First Amendment… Read More »CSSD Gestapo


      Just when you thought Connecticut Family Court was totally insane…in comes Suzanne Aaronson of Greenwich to raise all expectations. On Thursday, the government held a ‘forum’ to discuss family court antics with a bent on domestic violence. Great drivel was heard from the master of family corruption Judge Michael Albis and his retarded sidekick Joe DiTunno. Statistics, numbers, oratory and pure bullshit to obscure the well known fact that family court is a racketeering operation designed by lawyers to plunder family savings, destroy parent child bonds and inflict intentional emotional distress on anyone foolish enough to enter the cesspool. The disinformation program was hosted by nutcase State Senator Mae Flexer.… Read More »Slander!

      Fueling Conflict

        Just when you thought it was safe to walk into Connecticut Family Court, a mother goes missing! The sleepy rich towns of New Canaan and Farmington are abuzz with the news that Jennifer Farber Dulos, mother of five, plaintiff in divorce case Dulos v Dulos, against hubby Fotis is missing! Local and State Police along with highly trained four-legged, furry sniffing machines are scouring Waveny Park in search of mother’s body. Connecticut Family Court antics have reached new levels of drama. Netflix Originals will be scoping family court cases for a new series!! Quick recap of the divorce case reveals that Jennifer and Fotis had money, lots of money. Can’t… Read More »Fueling Conflict


          The now famous blog is pleased to announce that a prime selection of posts has been published by the law firm of Pullman&Comley of Connecticut. Over two hundred and fifty pages, printed in high quality color, professionally bound with a big black bulldog clip were presented in court by old pedo battleaxe, attorney, retired judge and blogstar, the notorious Annie Dranginis. Annie Dranginis publishes blog for exhibit in family court!! The blog is honored to have been published by such a foul, crooked, nasty and quite jewish law firm, engaged in child trafficking, pedo defense, and all things detrimental to the well being of children. The blog is also happy… Read More »Published!

          Bill Grohs: At it again!

            Just when you thought Connecticut Family Court could not get any worse, William Grohs, demented humanoid of pedophile proportions, goes before Judge Gould demanding that two daughters, Evie and Sofie, be isolated from their mother. Judge Gould, being a zionist foot soldier of King Jew Elliot Solomon is holding a hearing on the subject today in Bridgeport.  Family Court is showing its true colors again. Attorney Mary Brigham, the court appointed guardian ad litem for the girls is on the stand testifying under oath that it is in the best interests of children to be cut off from their mother. A truly Connecticut form of jewism. Note Brigham is billing… Read More »Bill Grohs: At it again!

            Anti-Semitic Comfort

              Here we go again. Kevin Rennie, the jewtard shill of South Windsor, exclaims that anti-semitism is a plague on the nation and the world. Newsflash: jews are a plague on the world and have been for over two thousand years. As Voltaire stated: Jews will be the downfall of humanity. Kevin recently went off in the Hartford Courant opining that everything he dislikes is ‘anti-semitic’. Read his silly prose here. He rants that the world is evil and it is bad that 600 non-kosher rockets landed in the chosen jewish state and that a synagogue got shot up in Pittsburgh, that college kids are not buying the ‘chosen state’ game,… Read More »Anti-Semitic Comfort

              Jew Process

                Time to highlight the goofball ‘spic Judge Jose Suarez of Connecticut Family Court for his form of jew process of law. Not due process, as prescribed by the Constitution, but ‘jew’ process, unique to the zionists of family court. The miscreant judicial authority, sitting as a family court judge did apply King Solomon’s talmudic law to uphold the agenda of zionism against the gentile by relying on the jewish game of psychology, in complete defiance of the American concept of ‘rule of law’ and ‘due process. In family court there is no law. Just the unbridled tyranny of a zionist agenda designed solely to inflict emotional pain and suffering on… Read More »Jew Process


                  The self-appreciating culture of the Connecticut Bar Association is demonstrating its inbred characteristics once again. This time it is the awarding of fictitious awards to incompetent persons under a veil of professionalism which conceals the true colors of the sinister game of lawyers. Clowns of Connecticut College are falling over themselves because their corrupt and diseased alumna, Lynda Batter Munro, Class of ’76 is getting an AWARD!!! Most reputable colleges would distance themselves from such a corrupt miscreant dyke like Munro. But have a laugh and read their article here. Munro’s greatest game was her nurturing of trusted attorneys to take up lucrative GAL appointments. Hundreds upon hundreds of attorneys… Read More »Awards

                  True Threat

                    The cesspool of Corrupticut has gained the national spotlight once again. Donna Anischik Grossman was sitting in the audience next to Judge Elizabeth Bozzuto at Monday’s public hearing before the Judiciary Committee, where she texted the following to her daughter: “If I had a gun, I’d blow away Sampson and a large group of NRA”. See NRA fb post and comments here. Watch Grossman’s removal here. In Connecticut the high court has ruled that this is not protected speech. State case law of the Supreme Court, written by Chief Justice Robinson clearly states the standard of a “reasonable person would interpret the purported threat as a serious expression of an… Read More »True Threat

                    State Interest?

                      Time to examine the absence of state interest in Connecticut Family Court and what is driving child isolation from gentile parents in the jewish cesspool of Corrupticut. Face it folks, Connecticut is a state, a politic which poorly acts as an American institution of constitutional government. Its politics are focused on left wing financial thievery. It is the most indebted state in the Union on a per person basis. It chokes the lifeblood out of its citizens to finance a mafia organization designed solely to choke the lifeblood out of its citizens. Which begs the question, what interest does the state government hold in isolating a child from a parent… Read More »State Interest?