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Naming Names

    The First Amendment protects the public’s right to scrutiny of the government of the people, by the people and for the people. But today’s press is so scared to actually ‘report’ on an issue that it is next to worthless. In the story of the death of Tommy Valva in Suffolk County, New York, we see a timid press, acting under advice of its own internal lawyers to protect those officials who were the proximate cause of the frozen child. If we, as Americans claim freedoms held in the Constitution, then it is high time we exercised same. If we, as Americans pay government officials to protect children who fail… Read More »Naming Names


      Time for the famous blog to pull back the curtain on the tragedy that has taken the parents of Petros, Theodore, Christiane, Constantine and Cleopatra Noelle. Five perfect gifts from God who are the remaining survivors of the devil’s hand wielded from the bench of the anti-christ herself, Judge Donna Heller of Connecticut’s gruesome family court. In June of 2017, Jen filed with the State for a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce from her adulterous husband Fotis. Unfortunately, she was a resident of Connecticut and the family court quickly realized there was lots of money to be made from her family and their five kids. There was nothing of substance to… Read More »Post-Mortem

      Jewish Best Interest

        Time to take a hard look at the jewish wordsmithing of the concocted term ‘best interest’ of the child. For the history buffs, this term was introduced into the Christian world in 1925, by a sephardic jew in a black robe who sat on the high court of the State of New York. Judge Cardozo stated in Finlay v Finlay that ‘the judge acts as parens patriae to do what is best for the interest of the child.’ After ninety-two years of jewish games and mis-interpretations we come to the court of another jew, Judge Hope Schwartz-Zimmerman of Suffolk County, Long Island, who applied the jewish best interest test in… Read More »Jewish Best Interest

        Judge Zimmerman

          Another jew judge of New York’s family court acting outside the law and beyond the limits of her state funded job function. Oi vey, the jews never stop. For some unknown reason Judge Hope A. Schwartz-Zimmerman gave sole custody of a little gift from God, Tommy Valva to an abusive dad. There is no judicial reason available for public scrutiny, just another dark mystery of the ‘confidential’ court of child trafficking … a jewish ‘best interest’ thing. Tommy was eight years old, had special needs and was autistic. Daddy, Michael Valva, a thug in the ranks of the New York City Police Department made Tommy sleep in the garage. Not… Read More »Judge Zimmerman

          Custody Eval: Murder Clues?

            When a mother of five goes missing, blood is found in the garage, over a million dollars has been spent on a divorce, how brilliant must one be to go arrest hubby? The LAPD went right to O.J.’s house, pretty simple. Well, welcome to Connecticut. Meet Sergeant Peter Condos of the New Canaan Police Department and his side kick Joe Farenga, two Keystone cops who have been fooling town residents into thinking cops have brains for the last three decades. Five days after Jennifer Dulos ‘disappeared’, leaving her purse in the house, her blood on the garage floor and her cell phone in her abandoned car in Wavenley Park, this… Read More »Custody Eval: Murder Clues?

            Heller Won’t Stop

              Judge Heller won’t stop! She dragged Jen Dulos through two years of pointless litigation with an adulterous husband making her pay over $1.6M not to obtain a ‘no fault’ divorce, ultimately ending in Jen’s murder by Fotis. But it has not ended. On 7 January, Connecticut declared Jen dead by arresting her murderer, hubby Fotis. But Judge Heller, presiding stooge over the divorce trial has a hearing scheduled on 21 January regarding a pleading by the foul, ugly and rather obese Attorney Reuben Midler for his motion to invade the children’s trust funds for another helping of undeserved legal fees to keep the divorce litigation going … a.k.a. his gravy… Read More »Heller Won’t Stop

              Paper Terrorism

                Look out folks! A new form of TERRORISM has infiltrated society in the family court system! It is called PAPER TERRORISM, replete with pointy corners and sharp edges, usually in the dimensions of 8 1/2 x 11 inches and it is white. This new form of terrorism has been introduced into the family court of New York as a defense by Attorney Alexandra Verrigni of Schenectady. This two bit bottom feeding family court lawyer has decided that ‘zealous advocacy’ in an adversarial system of courts is now terrorist activity holding ‘clear and present danger’. Filing many motions in a family matter, using many sheets of white paper with black ink… Read More »Paper Terrorism

                NY Family Court Standards…Not!

                  The horse has spoken! The fat lady has sung! The cat is out of the bag! Dr. Robin M. Lynch, PhD, has stated under oath in a public hearing before the Chair of the Assembly Judiciary committee, Jeff Dinowitz, that the NY Family Court holds no standards for application of the nefarious court appointed ‘custody evaluator’! Dr. Lynch holds “grave concerns about the lack of standards, training and oversight in child custody evaluation and the resulting harm to children.” She claims that child custody evaluations require specialized training and their evaluations should be standardized. Watch the hearing in action here. Let’s translate that into common folk speak for the victims… Read More »NY Family Court Standards…Not!

                  AFCC Goats

                    Time to take a close look at the nefarious zionist child predator organization that calls itself an Association of Family Courts…the infamous AFCC. Nothing more than a national club of child traffickers and paedo protectors, this criminal enterprise is made up of judges, lawyers and court vendors who make their living plundering the savings of unsuspecting families who have the misfortune of walking into family court. The members are simply parasites, providing no useful purpose to a Christian society. They are so arrogant as to believe that their trafficking operations are exempt from federal and state taxes. No one knows why they are tax exempt, not even the IRS. But… Read More »AFCC Goats

                    Diminished Capacity

                      Just when you thought that Connecticut Family Court could not get any worse, along comes Attorney Reuben S. Midler to set a new low of frivolous arguments and pleading for fees. The inane drama of Judge Donna Heller’s excuse of a court has gone off the deep end. Our beloved Jennifer is gone. As the Great Grey Ponytail states: she is Gone Girl. She did not even say goodbye to her great jewish divorce attorney Midler. Stuck him with unpaid bills and ended his $60k a month gravy train. Since Jen has been gone for seven months, it is time to dismiss the divorce matter before Judge Heller. Fotis Dulos… Read More »Diminished Capacity