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Where’s Murf?

    The famous blog takes note that Judge Maureen M. Murphy is missing from the Connecticut bench of child trafficking and deviant jurisprudence. Murphy is the poster child for all things sexually perverted in the pedo cesspool of Connecticut. She epitomized the evil GAL role in protecting fathers who rape their own children. She ran the staged case to cause the jews to confer gay marriage on the goy of the State through the high court, bypassing the legislature and the will of a sovereign people. Murphy was rewarded for her perverse legal tricks and pedo protection by Governor Malloy who put her on the bench in 2012. Typical Nutmeg political… Read More »Where’s Murf?


      The showdown is here! The gauntlet has been thrown! The Jews of the Connecticut Judiciary have been targeted! The will of the people faces off against rabbinical opinion! The whim of morons in black robes versus accountability of We The People! Chief Justice Robinson is shaking! Patrick Carroll is trembling! Elliot Solomon is shitting bricks! The will of the people is bringing the hammer down on the rigged game of family court and the infamous Guardian Ad Litem racket run by the judges themselves. A Bill is raised to formally deny the ‘absolute immunity’ conferred on GALs of the family court by Jewette Katz and her pals at the State… Read More »Showdown!

      Shoot The Lawyers!

        Another year has passed in the alternate universe of family court. Notice how nothing changed? The classic jewish mind trick of creating chaos and confusion, but the Zionist agenda still prevails. The more citizens clamour about reform, the more hearings held, the more bills proposed, petitions signed, horrific stories told, the more nothing changes. The sole basis of the power of family court to torture children, protect paedophiles, plunder family savings, destroy parent-child bonds, remains jewdicial discretion; the whim of the jews upon the goy. Want reform? Want the rule of law over the rule of jews? Well, if American history tells us anything, it is that nothing changes until… Read More »Shoot The Lawyers!

        Bang! Bang!

          The tangled web of Connecticut Family Court and its paedo players continues to amaze with a Christmas Day murder-suicide! Attorney John Liquori, a fine upstanding divorce lawyer, trusted by judges, respected by his peers, occupying that special place in society to ensure the high quality of justice, murdered his wife Cindy in her sleep, then blew out his meager brains while lying next to her, at her mother’s house. The judicial cover story is that the couple was distraught over the virus … what a crock of shit!! Let’s examine the real facts. The spin doctors of Corrupticut want the sheeple to believe that Cindy was distraught waiting for her… Read More »Bang! Bang!


            When the paedophiles get mad, the First Amendment goes out the window. Free speech for everyone, except those mothers who call out the perverted dicks that seek out little boys. Oi vey, here we go again. This time it is Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court upholding prior restraint to gag a mother’s free speech regarding what went on in family court, which was open to the public. Not even da famous blog can make this shit up!! A paedophile protecting judge by the name of Kim B. Clark, a black woman in a black robe with no brains between her ears gagged mother Susan Silver, M.D. and her lawyers from speaking about… Read More »Gag!

            GAL Immunity Gone!

              Remember the high ranking jew Judge Joette Katz? Famous in Corrupticut for the opinion in Carrubba v Moskowitz where a jew GAL of family court got sued by goy Dad who had been fucked over by the jew GAL Emily Moskowitz? Justice Katz made sure that the jews of the Family Bar would be protected from attack of the goy for trafficking kids and plundering family savings. The opinion pronounced to all goy that their lawsuits would not be entertained by the rabbinical court, as the public policy goals of immune GALs would be undermined. In simple terms, the jews of the high bench conferred ‘absolute immunity’ upon the evil… Read More »GAL Immunity Gone!


                The night was dark, no moon, low clouds obscured the stars and veiled the streets in a dense fog. Inside the grand stone courthouse at 95 Washington, the janitor put away his mop bucket, flipped the lever off for the lights in the main hall, commencing his check of windows and doors before calling it a night. The cavernous lobby echoed his footsteps, an eerie light glowed in the high chandeliers, a vapor cloud spilled through the partially opened windows, covering the marble floor in a turbulent sea of white, a muffled, yet repeated thud is heard in the direction of the far stairway. The shadows gave way to an… Read More »Judgement

                Paid To Read Da Blog!

                  Want to get paid to read da blog? Salary, benefits, pension, medical, dental, paid vacation, holidays? All for sitting on your ass in a comfy office! Just get a job working for Martin Libbin in the legal services department of the Connecticut Judiciary. When the morons in black robes get annoyed by public expressions on court matters, protected by the First Amendment, Marty gets tasked with seeking out ‘da blog’ and silencing its authors. The State of Connecticut uses public funds, deploying its agents to hunt down blog contributors, even crossing state lines to pursue persons suspected of blogging about the jewdicial cesspool of Corrupticut and its paedo players. Free… Read More »Paid To Read Da Blog!

                  Dead Yet?

                    Is she dead? Maybe she is not dead? What is the evidence to show she is not dead? What is the evidence to show she is dead? Preponderance of evidence? Beyond a reasonable doubt? The jews of Connecticut display their games of arguing to generate billable hours for Bar members. Judge Evelyn Daly plays along to ring up profits for her Bar pals and to pocket her commission for orchestrating the scam. Meet nut job and human miscreant Evelyn Daly, a total moron with a law degree from the diploma mill known as the Western New England School of Law, a borderline mental institution catering to the intellectually challenged who… Read More »Dead Yet?

                    Judiciary ’21

                      Let’s hear it for the next session of Connecticut Judiciary Committee! Announcing that the favorite committee of government corruption will be chaired by a nigger and a jew. Oi vey, a match made in the backrooms of Corrupticut politics to thwart rule of law, undermine the Constitution and preserve jewish control of the people’s courts. Big black boy from New Haven, Gary Winfield will be kept in check by his jewish overlords to make sure that disgruntled family court litigants do not use the committee to highlight the injustices committed by the jewish family court under the control of king jew, Judge Elliot Solomon. Old news, Winfield is worthless and… Read More »Judiciary ’21