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God, Family, Country

    The jews be mad!  A people who value God, Family, Country, a way of life, a culture; oi vey, the four-legged peoplestock are getting out of control. What if the MAJORITY of sheeple in Connecticut start bleating God, Family, Country? The demise of Ned Lamont and his jewish overlords? The slaying of William Tong and his perverted band of paedophiles? The lynching of Nigger Boy Robinson? The scattering of school boards on jewish puppet strings? No more transgender propaganda? No queer talk? No post birth abortion rights? What will the jew do? What if these far right God fearin’, family protecting, country loving fanatics all have guns? .308 ball ammunition… Read More »God, Family, Country

    Daily Docket News

      The now-famous Blog passes along reporting from Daily Docket News, Missouri Edition, exposing monsters who prey on children.  Different states, same jewish actors with law licenses.  Another reason God made guns, purpose of the Second Amendment, a Patriot’s call to arms, shoot a judge, save a child.  Susbcribe to DDN at Daily Docket News is dedicated to shine light on the grave injustices taking place in the family court in multiple states including the State of Missouri. Our news coverage extends to the most devastated regions of our country with boots on the ground seeking out the truth. Each edition we run is focused on a different state where corruption runs deep. It has been a national scandal for decades… Read More »Daily Docket News


        Judge Jane Kupson Grossman of Connecticut and Judge Jane Gallina Mecca of New Jersey continue the line of despotic female judges who are known for cruelty, bias, and autocratic controls in their courtroom that are entirely unrepresentative of and contrary to all of the accepted rules of the tenets of ethics of judicial practice or basic human decency. Their rulings are consistent with the craven cruelty of judges who sent children to prison in the private prison “kids for cash” scheme in Pennsylvania. We use these two judges as examples of cruel and malevolent judges around the country, because we have had access to a number of cases before these two… Read More »Psychopaths

        Legislative Conspiracy

          The now-famous Blog examines legislative conspiracy in criminal racketeering of Connecticut family court, where due process suspends, allowing jewish plunder in name of best interests. So subtle, so slippery, few people recognize the deceit wielded upon ‘we the people’ by the Jewdiciary Committee of the General Assembly; the goy swindled by their own representatives. King’s Charter of 1662 establishes the Connecticut colony, courts resemble crown courts of merry ol’ England, by 1821 a nutmeg constitution came to be, courts still reflecting English roots. Power to appoint a guardian ad litem is inherent, dating to the sixteenth century. Courts posses inherent power to tax litigants for costs to the Crown, same… Read More »Legislative Conspiracy

          Christy Olezeski PhD

            The now-famous Blog spotlights another jew focused on ripping dicks off of toddlers in the name of transgenderism for goy. Meet Christy Olezeski, a jew parasite attacking humanity of the goy, from her high perch of a chosen one.  Educated at Albany, State University of New York, trained in the yeshiva of Harvard Medical, along with service at Westchester JEWISH Community Services, this demented nutjob will help a three year old work thru gender confusion, supporting a healthy transition with hormone treatment, culminating in castration and gash insertion, so the little goy kid can pretend he is a she, fulfilling jewish dehumanizing ideology. A grand service to society, promoted by… Read More »Christy Olezeski PhD

            Shylock Nusbaum

              The Shakespearean thespians of the now-famous Blog highlight jewish drama of family court Shylocks, who disguise ‘phone calls’ as legal services in securing an administrative no-fault divorce to run up billable hours on an unsuspecting mother. Blog proves again the merry band of thieves known as the Family Bar Association, run by crook Alex Cuda is an evil, deceptive, greedy, criminal enterprise, subject to federal racketeering prosecution. Westport jew lawyer, Ed Nusbaum, scams a mother over ninety-eight grand, never stepping foot in court, never filing a motion, never arranging settlement, just professional craft of plunder in the honorable profession of law; a jew’s playground. Nusbaum is a pathetic evil creature… Read More »Shylock Nusbaum

              Face Off!

                Nigger Boy Richard Robinson willfully evades constitutional claim of nigger malfeasance in his jewish opinion of reckless disregard standard voiding the First Amendment.  It is now a face off, a showdown, a call to arms, as Connecticut criminal speech is legal in Kansas.  ‘We the people’ denied liberty, where a dumb nigger in Connecticut finds  criminal conduct in expression, where all other states find free speech, oi vey, nigger boy been called out!  Today the jewdicial authority of the high bench of Connecticut denies redress of a free people to question twisted nigger jurisprudence in State v Taupier.  Wishing Judge Bozzuto a long distance sniper shot thru two panes of… Read More »Face Off!


                  Blog star Annie Dranginis is proclaimed paedo protector, hag jew, best lawyer of next year award recipient, by the jew propaganda organization Best Lawyers, Inc. The jew game is obvious, create a fake organization of jew lawyers to confer awards on other jew lawyers fooling goy into thinking old cunts like Annie Dranginis have magic sauce at law. Lawyers praising other lawyers in promotion of looting in the name of the honorable profession, being nothing but ‘craft for plunder’.  Oi vey! Of great Blog attention is Best Lawyer Annie Dranginis in family law!!  The jew paedo scam praises Annie for her craft of raping childhood for shekels, a beacon to… Read More »Annie!

                  True Threat?

                    The First Amendment scholars of now-famous Blog provide commentary on Connecticut’s claim of true threats, derived from the defective mind of Chief Justice Richard Robinson, the token jurist, ascended to the high bench on skin color rather than intellect, serving only to terrorize ‘we the people’. Blog provides moot court scenario to highlight dangers of nigger think on First Amendment.  A speaker tells victim “I will take you out”. This is spoken word, at close distance, victim sprayed with saliva from the enraged speaker. Nigger Boy Robinson’s court sees “reckless disregard for substantial risk of fear” in the victim and bystanders, even an ordinary person understands ‘take out’ is not… Read More »True Threat?

                    No Catholics!

                      The cat is out of the bag!  The jig is up, the word is out!  Connecticut ideology excludes Catholics from teaching positions, lest the kids are not groomed to be sex toys of the chosen.  Jew ideologues permeate state department of EDUCATION to ensure only ‘progressive’ paedophile loving, child raping monsters teach the children.  Greenwich Public Schools have been outed for being professional groomers.  Children at Cos Cob Elementary School are just victims. Project Veritas outs what the Now-Famous Blog has been advertising for years … Connecticut is a jew controlled gulag, a bastion of paedophilia, a danger to children, where the hidden agenda of the jew violates state and… Read More »No Catholics!