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    Crazy Peruvian nut job, Andes Mountain monster, Elizabeth Guzmán, satan’s foot soldier, incarnation of the anti-Christ, a beast in Virginia Delegate’s clothing, pushing jewish agendas of child sexual deviancy, human butchery, familial destruction, constitutional terrorism, in subversive attack on parental liberty. Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky are proud of this ‘spic shit promoting jewery among a Christian people. Who better to advance jew legislation in derogation of parental rights with jewish opinion of gender confusion, than a hispanic nutjob, immigrant heathen, whom only weirdo Democrats from Fauquier and Prince William Counties can stomach. Guzmán draws a bullseye on her forehead, begging a well-regulated parental militia to perform a high velocity pre-frontal lobotomy… Read More »Jewzmán

    Barbara’s Blunder

      The cesspool of Connecticut jewdicary stinks again! Judge Barbara Bellis does it again, a sham trial, devoid of constitutional protections, promoting jewish agenda that guns are bad, applying federal law permitting hoaxes to promote elite chosen agendas: stage a hoax, make a case for gun confiscation, call in Barbara to preside over a fictitious suit under color of state law to attack gunsmiths, then when the hoax is over exposed, call in Barbara to promote propaganda that free speech of government drama theatre is tort against federal actors who staged the hoax, call it defamation, get Norm Pattis and Alex Jones to play along, a grand drama made for the… Read More »Barbara’s Blunder

      Trans Shrinks

        Now comes famous Blog’s public service warning in protection of children from jews of Boston Children’s Hospital, a yeshiva cloaked in a medical institution, to butcher goy babies in jewish attack on goy. Spotlight Kerry McGregor, PsyD., the devil’s sister in human form. Her inhumane beliefs coupled with jewish brainwashing produces a child predator promoting butchering genitalia in mockery of goy children. She is so chosen that she knows babies become ‘trans’ in the womb, promoting jewish concept of ‘gender’ instead of human sex. No scientific method of proof, just jewish word-salad to promote deviancy. Jew speak sez murdering babies in the womb is ‘reproductive healthcare’, confiscating rifles from a… Read More »Trans Shrinks

        Nusbaum Fraud

          The now-famous Blog spotlights Connecticut’s regulated craft of plunder in the highly regulated profession of law, a den of thieves known to all as ‘family court’.  The jews of the Gulag conspire to rape goy wallets in the name of legal services, another jew scam to bleed four-legged animals in fabricated custody fights. The judges of the jewdiciary, responsible for regulating the ‘honorable profession’, promote and protect the plunder and loot racket incidental to state issuance of administrative ‘no-fault’ divorce. A jewish racket, protected by state government, no benefit to society, a danger to children, a jewdiciary actively promoting fraud for the benefit of the jew. Attorney Edward Nusbaum is… Read More »Nusbaum Fraud

          Death Con 3

            Twitter jew masters be mad!  Kayne West tweets:  I’m going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE … The funny thing is I actually can’t be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also. You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda. Twitter censored this outspoken member of the public, because JEWS are a protected class of chosen elites who cannot be criticized by black folk for fear of exposing the predatory game of discriminating against goy. Kayne West is just black goy, making too much noise, being a disobedient black thinker, opposing JEW sponsored race baiting of western society. Can’t have… Read More »Death Con 3

            Valva Murder Trial

              Another horror story of family court!  Murder trial is underway for nutjob NYPD cop who froze his son to death in the garage, poor kid was not allowed to hug his mother, by order of a jew judge acting in best interests of a rabbinical court, incidental to no-fault divorce, a jewish delicacy of familial destruction.  Why is Judge Hope Zimmerman not in jail?  A jew bitch, wielding jewish hate from the bench, inhumane rulings, isolating children from mothers for the joy of the jew.  Little Tommy had Attorney Donna McCabe to zealously advocate for his constitutional right to hug his mom, but McCabe is paid by the jew in… Read More »Valva Murder Trial


                The now-famous Blog reports efforts underway in Connecticut to impeach Chief Justice Richard Robinson under Article IX of the state constitution.  A well regulated parental-militia, with bare arms, holding necessity to protect children from monsters of family court target the chief justice for impeachment; eliminating the head of the snake.  Here are the draft articles: ARTICLE I Chief Judge Richard Robinson abuses judicial power, undermines court integrity, brings disdain upon the office, betrays trust of a sovereign people, in failing to uphold 14th Amendment protections, prohibiting judges from severing mother-child bonds under the color of no-fault divorce law, solely on arbitrary and capricious discretion of trial court judges, being federal… Read More »IMPEACH!


                  The Big Dumb Nigger in black drapes, masquerading as Chief Justice of Connecticut, commands goy to DISAVOW now-famous Blog! Gulag masters Richard Robinson and Joe Aresimowicz complain that free expression of Blog is not to be supported by four-legged residents of ‘animal farm‘. ‘Blog Think’ exposes jewish scams of family court, paedophile protection, child trafficking, money laundering, racketeering by conspiracy of judges, lawyers, and vendors. Nigger Boy wishes to conceal cause of his courts to plunder family bank, rape childhood, pursue jewish ideology of familial destruction in a Christian society. Nigger Boy publishes his epistle in CT Post, a willful violation of Canon 4, prohibiting CJ Robinson from engaging in… Read More »Disavow!

                  Tong’s War

                    The now-famous Blog of the Worst form, in expression of pure protected political speech, essence of self-governance, calls out Connecticut jews for un-Patriotic attack on the Second Amendment. There is little pride to living in Gulag Connecticut, where chosen ones violate Fourteenth Amendment protections, stripping citizens of right to bare arms, for the sole cause of geography. Jews played Sandy Hoax to disarm people, a jewish ideological goal. Only jews can twist logic that if something bad happens, then goy must be disarmed. The Hoax of autistic weakling, Adam Lanza, firing off 150 rounds in five minutes, on a ten pound pull, missing only six times, pumped kids full with… Read More »Tong’s War

                    Captain Cain

                      The now-famous Blog spotlights another domestic terrorist of the Connecticut Gestapo, an enemy of the people and their Constitution.  Gone are the liberties of ‘we the people’ when state employees, sworn law enforcement officers, abuse the ill trusted office to wreak havoc on an enlightened society.  Clowns like Captain Ken Cain incite a free people to take up arms against tyranny.  Sic semper tyrannis! Cain is an experience domestic terrorist, demonstrated track record of fucking up everything he touches, under the guise of public safety, lacking skills in law enforcement, unable to supervise minions, can’t differentiate between criminal activity and free speech, diligently guards against freedom, a true terrorist, poorly… Read More »Captain Cain