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Blog’s favorite wayward Vitnamese rice paddy coolie Judge Tammy Ngyuen-O’Dowd, the retarded gook in a black robe, sitting in Hartford, a child predator, with a kickback addiction, has finally rendered the custody decision in Sakon v Sakon, two nutty parents who were played by lawyers for shekels.  Filed in September 2016, crazy bitch Francelia Sakon, applied for a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce from the father of five year old Odin, he is now eleven. all the kid knows of childhood is insanity of crazy mother trying to cut dad out of his life, familial discord, promoted by jewish ideology of discretionary law, while FreedMarcroft raked in over $400k of third party money.  Francelia never held a job during this period, has no income, no assets. Tammy and pals get off to raping childhoods.  Francelia dragged out the longest custody fight in the history of history, enabled by doting judges, taking their skim on the legal fees.

The case, by the numbers, is 2,135 days of pointless conflict, 1,225 docket entries, 130 hearings, six different lawyers from FreedMarcroft, a hit parade of jews: Judges Linda Prestley, Jorge Simon, Robert Nastri, Elizabeth Bozzutto, Jose Suarez, Gerard Adelman, Leslie Olear, Grant Miller, Corrine Klatt, Susan Connors, Tammy Nguyen, Karyl Carrasquilla, Leo Diana, Margaret Murphy; fourteen different judges raping childhood for shekels.  The usual paedo suspects:  GAL jew Margaret Bozek, expert evaluator Dr. Linda Smith, PhD, where Smith is represented by the hideous Susan Cousineau, self-confessed paedo protector.  The parties dissolved the fictitious state bond of matrimony by agreement in April 2018, but the custody question of little Odin remained open for litigation, a jew delicacy … promoting goy conflict.  The parties enjoyed joint custody from the day the kid was born until now, where Tammy’s gook discretion finds no foundation to award sole custody to mom. Tammy sold her decision, absent sound, rational basis. But hey, no one ever accused Tammy of having a brain or respect for the law, rice paddy farmers are greedy too.  Crazy mom is funded by a third party, which she admitted on an open court mic; source is a developer associated with Stop&Shop, connected to the Glastonbury mafia, dad owns property there, which could be a nice grocery store, breaking the monopoly of the Town elders.  Tammy did her duty, paid to drag out litigation, delivering sole custody, cutting dad out of Odin’s life. Communist ideology under guise of Corrupticut ‘best interests’.

Vietcong Terrorist Tammy pens an incompetent memo of decision, read it here.  Fifty-four pages of blither, with a bunch of illegal orders.  Hilarious!  The Blog legal staff provides analysis:


Tammy awards sole custody to nutjob mom, as expected given the $400k paid to lesbian lawyers at FreedMarcroft.  Last week it was joint, but this week dad is stripped of custody for no legal cause; jewdicial discretion.  The red flag is Tammy prohibits dad from taking Little Odin to the doctors, or any other service provider who is a mandatory reporter, a paedo restriction, protecting use of little boy ass.  Only jewdicial deviant discretion holds cause to prevent a fit parent from caring for a child. Tammy violates public policy for strong families, loving parents and well cared for children.  Tammy gives mom power to ensure Odin never plays Little League again, while issuing a veiled restraining order against dad, so that he cannot even talk to the coach or watch a school play.  Communist Vietnamese don’t play baseball anyway.


Contrary to state law, Tammy only provides seven hours a week visitation for Odin, no overnights, no weekends, three hours Wednesday afternoon, four hours on Saturday, not even time to get to Fenway for peanuts and crackerjacks.  Gooks Tammy is an alien to American culture, she does not realize baseball is a religion protected under the 1A establishment clause, nor can she recognize the psychological harm she is causing.  Batter up, time to bludgeon a foreign enemy of the Constitution.  Next, Tammy decides for no stated reason, to require all visitation be ‘supervised’ by a ‘third party therapeutic supervised visitation agency’.  The jewish word-salad is amazing.  Last week and for years before there was no such restraint of liberty, but this week there is, the psychosis of Tammy is startling.  The State of Connecticut does not recognize this undefined service, no license exists, no standards, no qualifications, no legal definition, no fiduciary duty of the undefined supervisor provided, no state approved vendors. Tammy orders an air-sandwich.  Hilarious!  Tammy violates state statute §46b-56(b) which requires ‘active & consistent’ involvement of both parents in Little Odin’s life.  Tammy is just paid to cut dad out, so ring paedophiles can enjoy the toy, as Francelia does not mind.

Tammy errs again by ordering dad to pay all the costs of therapeutic supervision, which are not known to the court, not specified in the decree, and is unknown to the court whether dad can afford $100/hr normally charged by charlatans of this imaginary service.  Tammy really thinks dad can afford $700 a week?  Seriously, Tammy is a nut, she has the financial affidavit, there is no money between the two parents.  Unemployed mother, no job, no income, claims to have $216 a week, of unknown origin.  Tammy can’t do math.

Tammy is overtly acting against the 5th and 14th Amendments in destruction of father-son bonds, no state interest, no cause in law, no heightened scrutiny, violation of SCOTUS ruling in Troxel, as well as being inhumane.  Animal cruelty is a criminal offense; does Tammy beg a .50 cal to the head?  Tar and feathers? A headless river float to the Sound, fish food wish?  Protection of children is a grave societal interest; judges not so much.

Post Judgement Therapy

Tammy diagnoses dad with ‘narcissistic personality disorder’ based on expert testimony of Dr. Linda Smith, PhD, who cannot ‘diagnose’ a non-patient, as it is a violation of her state license in practice of psychobabble. But this is a jewish court where law is ignored, Tammy is instructed to take jew opinion as fact to traffic Odin.  Tammy the rice retard, who orders dad to engage a clinician, whatever the fuck that is, to ‘address’ the disorder.  What the fuck is the court doing?  Diagnosing medical conditions, forcing treatment, as cause to limit access of a fit parent to his own son, because the paedophiles don’t want dad to know what Francelia and her sidekick Dennis O’Toole are doing with the kid?  Federal ADA violation obvious.  The court does not have power to order post-judgement evaluation and treatment, but the jews are pushing their new found terror.  Jews Grossman and Adelman issue similar illegal orders, thumbing their crooked noses at a sovereign people.  Jews run family court with unlimited infliction of pain and suffering.  Nothing but the Second Amendment to arrest the tyranny.

Tammy puts the whammy on dad with the extra kicker he can’t return to court to ask for more visitation time, until he has spent a year in therapy.  To wit: a clinician who has the skills and training to address narcissistic personality disorder; consultation with a psychiatrist and neurologist; and group therapy for domestic abuse/trauma, showing sustained progress toward treatment goals. Like a seventy year old dog gonna learn new tricks? Wonder when Tammy gets electro-shock therapy for her disorders?

Our Family Wizard

Tammy violates First Amendment by evil unconstitutional prior restraint order forcing use Our Family Wizard, the AFCC money supply, promoted by jew judges, but not recognized as an approved state or branch vendor.  The company is not even registered to do business in Connecticut.  Again, the court orders payment of services, but does not specify the amount, nor make a determination that the penniless parents can afford it.  Tammy is retarded.  Jewdicial discretion works to muzzle the goy, playing a jew scam, creating a jew pocketed revenue stream from a court order … total jewery.

Child Support

Francelia spends $400k on lawyers, has no job, no income, totally unemployable, but swears to $216 weekly net income; dad is old, retired, on social security, $618 a week. Tammy orders support of $12 a week to care for Odin!  Remember dad has to pay for the therapeutic visitation supervisor, easily $700 a week, which the rice paddy peasant ignores.  Tammy demonstrates how to anger the mob.  The retard cannot fill out support worksheet, cannot address deviation criteria, omits excessive visitation costs, leaves out the total price of her orders, while masquerading as a judge.  Silly girl, should have stayed in the rice paddy, at least Odin’s childhood would be better.

Tammy conspires in money laundering, fraud, suspicious financial activity, fabricating an incompetent support order.  Francelia’s $400k in legal fees is disclosed on the sworn financial affidavit, which is to be considered for imputed income determination, but Tammy ignores this, to the detriment of the child and in violation of the support statute.  Does Tammy think no one is watching?  Domestic terrorists, child predators glow bright green in a nightscope.

Odin’s Medical Insurance

State welfare comes to the rescue to provide health/dental insurance to another victim of family court.  Francelia can pay $400k in legal fees to fight over a child she cannot support, so Husky insurance and food stamps come to the rescue, another family destroyed by jews like Tammy, leaving the clean up to public welfare.  Legal fees are more important than child welfare, it is a best interest contradiction of the jewdiciary.  Tammy takes the time to allot un-reimbursed expenses  46% to mom and 54% to dad, an eight percent difference for two idiots who cannot support a child … Tammy’s understanding of ‘best interest’ is quite scary, focusing on splitting eight cents on the dollar, but denying Odin’s ‘fundamental right‘ to have a reasonable and customary relationship with dad … where did the $400k come from and why?  Child predators get ‘mountain justice‘ for a reason, virtuous societies know to protect the next generation.

Life Insurance

A Blog favorite of the risk management department:  court ordered life insurance.  Tammy orders mom and dad to purchase life insurance, contract for death benefits, which is totally illegal, beyond court powers.  Title 38 of the state statutes has not changed, the insurance business has its own laws, not subject to jewdicial discretion, the court cannot force a person into a contract, never could, never will.  Tammy has no clue of limits to the drivel of her mouth.  If the court can’t get contract law straight, why trust the discretionary orders on children?  Perhaps an F35 smart bomb will provide court improvement. Tammy again orders something which she does not now the cost, does not know if the parties can afford, does not consider it in the ‘carefully crafted mosaic’ of the decree, an illegal order from Viet-Cunt, who belongs in a rice paddy.  Oi vey, trigger fingers get itchy when the courts fail the law of a sovereign people.


Tammy has been told to keep FreedMarcroft legal fees hidden from the public, so she orders fees to each, disclosure of the illicit haul triggers a federal money laundering and racketeering investigation. Meghan Freed and Kristen Marcroft know the source of the dirty money, it is not a loan, it did not come from Dennis O’Toole.  Tammy orders the parties to pay Dr. Linda Smith, who will be cashed out by the lawyers; dad is not going to pay for malpractice by a court whore who violates the terms of state license to practice voo doo.  Again, Tammy does not identify the cost, nor the ability to pay, so toss the order in the garbage.  Smith is facing a buzz saw from misconduct complaints at the Department of Public Health.  Dad already has a breach of contract suit against jew psychobabblist Smith, see it here.

Attempted Murder

Tammy attempted to murder the father in her courtroom by forcing him to act beyond the medically necessary ADA accommodation ordered by Judge Leo Diana, who limited trial proceedings to half-day sessions, on doctor’s advice that old man’s heart could not withstand the marathon litigation orchestrated by Tammy, day after day.  Tammy refused to uphold the court order, demanded father appear for a whole day session, when the citizen exercised his court ordered accommodation, as a right, in protection of his heart, Tammy went nuts, then retaliated by denying all father’s pleadings, concluding the trial without the defendant, threw a hissy fit, proving once again that rice peasants should cannot be judges.  The State of Connecticut holds duty under federal ADA law to comply, but cannot control a nutjob like Tammy!

Fatal Flaw

Tammy’s stunted intellect violates due process and state supreme court case law which states:  “In a dissolution action the custody of minor children is not finally determined until entry of the decree dissolving the marriage. 2 Nelson, supra, § 15.78, p. 282; 27B C.J.S., Divorce § 314, p. 489 and cases cited therein. After the final decree, this court has limited the broad discretion given the trial court to modify custody orders under General Statutes § 46b-56 by requiring that modification of a custody award be based upon either a material change of circumstances which alters the court’s finding of the best interests of the child or a finding that the custody order sought to be modified was not based upon the best interests of the child.” Hall v Hall, 186 Conn 118, 122.  The dissolution was entered by Presley,J on 3 April 2018, #216, with joint custody of Little Odin.  Tammy took up modification, absent motion, finding of change in circumstances, without payment of entry fee; constitutional fatal flaw, proving once again that the family court operates with absolute jewdicial discretion in defiance of the Constitution, with total disregard for state supreme court rulings.  All docket entries from 216 to 884, over four years, prove the incompetence of Tammy.

Game Over For Tammy

Tammy proves she is unfit to be on the bench, she is a danger to children, a danger to society, a danger to herself, a magnet of political criticism. Her orders are illegal, she oversteps court limits, she intentionally inflicts emotional harm on little Odin, she conspires in suspicious financial activity, she engages in constitutional deprivations, she is a terrorist, begging the angry mob for a showdown.  Inciting the angry mob, giving cause for the parental militia to bare arms and charge powder is not a judicial function; victimizing children is going to cause trouble.  No immunity applies to the misconduct of Tammy, she has raped Odin’s childhood by absolute discretion.  Time to kick the cunt back to the rice paddy where she belongs.

Sole custody to mom with no proper visitation for dad ensures Odin will never play ball or watch the RedSox with dad

Editor’s Note:  The family court is the craft of plunder promoted by bar cheats who are ‘brawl for hire’ combatants, children the victims; there is no hope of justice, leaving only the Second Amendment to eradicate the players from society, a sad reality of jewish corruption, there is no other recourse, the redress clause is burned, CJ Robinson refuses to perform his duty, dry powder and shot remain, a necessity of a free people.