When a mother of five goes missing, blood is found in the garage, over a million dollars has been spent on a divorce, how brilliant must one be to go arrest hubby? The LAPD went right to O.J.’s house, pretty simple. Well, welcome to Connecticut.
Meet Sergeant Peter Condos of the New Canaan Police Department and his side kick Joe Farenga, two Keystone cops who have been fooling town residents into thinking cops have brains for the last three decades. Five days after Jennifer Dulos ‘disappeared’, leaving her purse in the house, her blood on the garage floor and her cell phone in her abandoned car in Wavenley Park, this crime stopping dynamic duo apply for a search warrant to sieze the custody evaluation in the divorce file in the clerk’s office. The nefarious work product of Dr. Stephen Herman, PhD., a quackster and a fraud who wrote total bullshit to inflame the simple ‘no fault’ divorce process to enrich the lawyers.
Where did the sleuths get the ‘tip’ that there were clues to Jen’s disappearance in the ‘forensic evaluation’? Well, from Attorney Michael Meehan of course. The slimeball family court clingon who makes ‘easy money’ practicing family law told the cops that the evaluation contained valuable information regarding Jen’s ‘mental state’ … he made at least $106k off of five Dulos kids … being the ‘gurardian’.
The cop clowns stated: “we believe the contents of the custodial evaluation will assist us by providing valuable insight into more personal details of Jennifer that her family and friends do not know. Specifically, the report may indicate if Jennifer was likely or capable of hurting herself or it may strongly dispute that idea thus indicating the blood found inside Jennifer’s garage may have been due to her being assaulted and taken against her will.”
Can’t make this shit up folks! Cops think that psychobabble by quackster Dr. Herman holds more information than her family and friends regarding her disappearance? C’mon. Attorney Meehan giving the cops a ‘tip’? Oh, puhleeze! Did the donut addicts really think that Dr. Strangemind detected that a mother of five held the propensity to bleed all over the garage floor, splatter her blood across two full size SUV’s and then disappear due to her ‘mental’ state?
Even the nanny knew hubby did it.
The New Canaan Police are suffering from their own mental defects of delusion to entertain such thoughts, perhaps too many donuts causing sugar toxicity of the brain and dementia.
Now Dr. Herman’s patented psychobabble which he maligned a mother is now in the public domain, evidence in a murder trial that can be publicly scrutinized. The scam of psychology in divorce matters by unscrupulous judges and court vendors has a new spotlight. Judge Heller has some explaining to do on why she held up granting Jen her much needed divorce for two years from an adulterous, psycho murdering husband. Dr. Herman is going to shit bricks when his psychobabble comes to public attention. How did he misdiagnose Fotis Dulous, the murderer? Professional incompetence?