If the judge appoints a state paid, guardian ad litem, then has that person write the divorce decree, must the court disclose that the court opinion was not written by the judge?
Most folks are under the deception that a matter tried to a court is adjudicated by the court and the opinion is handed down by the judge. In Connecticut family court, the judge outsources the judicial function of writing the opinion to a pet attorney serving with immunity and funded by the state. But the court does not reveal this. The decision is issued with the signature of the judge, defrauding the public, by misrepresenting the guardian’s opinion as that of the court. Is this fraud? Or just jewish games?
The now-famous blog had its forensic experts examine the writings of blog star Judge Marylouise Schofield of Waterbury JD in the case of Harris v Harris where the memo of decision is an outlier in prose, grammar, and tone for anyone wearing a black robe. The writing was compared to older decisions known to be written by Schofield, along with comparisons to Schofield’s banter from the bench taken from transcripts. The experts ran the prose through style analyzers which found no match between the decision and Schofield’s speech or writing patterns. BUSTED! Judge Schofield simply signed a document prepared by someone else and presented it to the public as the decision of the court. Pretty much judicial fraud.
The blog exposes court fraud where decisions signed by the judge are written by third parties. In this instance the opinion sounds a lot like Attorney Jill Alward, the pet GAL appointed by Schofield and paid for by the state. Given that Alward is an attorney subject to the Rules of Professional Conduct, disciplinary action is required.
Blog notes that Attorney Jill E. Alward is a SUPER LAWYER, as well as a ghostwriter.