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Nancy Aldrich

Crook Nancy Aldrich

    Blog star Attorney Nancy Aldrich, sleazy jewish lawyer out of Westport, Connecticut left a scented trail in the Ambrose case, picked up by sniffing legal beagles of now-famous Blog’s pedigree hound pound. Nancy did not expect public scrutiny in a public forum, exposing her conspiracy to commit fraud on the court, defeating judicial machinery designed to ensure equitable outcomes, exposing synagogue pals Jane Grossman and Gerard Adelman. The deceit is simple, but obvious. No-fault divorce is an administrative service provided by a secular state court to end a meaningless matrimonial bond derived from Church origins. The court holds statutory obligation to divide marital assets, disclosure by filing a sworn financial… Read More »Crook Nancy Aldrich

    Shylock Nusbaum

      The Shakespearean thespians of the now-famous Blog highlight jewish drama of family court Shylocks, who disguise ‘phone calls’ as legal services in securing an administrative no-fault divorce to run up billable hours on an unsuspecting mother. Blog proves again the merry band of thieves known as the Family Bar Association, run by crook Alex Cuda is an evil, deceptive, greedy, criminal enterprise, subject to federal racketeering prosecution. Westport jew lawyer, Ed Nusbaum, scams a mother over ninety-eight grand, never stepping foot in court, never filing a motion, never arranging settlement, just professional craft of plunder in the honorable profession of law; a jew’s playground. Nusbaum is a pathetic evil creature… Read More »Shylock Nusbaum

      RFTD Work Is Done!

        The grand evil childhood rapist, the Dark Lord, Judge Gerard I. Adelman, has declared ALL RFTD WORK IS DONE!  The Ambrose case is returned to the armpit of Bridgeport, where fellow jew faggot Judge Antoni Truglia, Jr. is left to pick over the carcass of the family, now depleted of savings, which Adelman doled out to synagogue pals, Aldrich, Hurwitz, Caverly, and Horowitz.  The WORK of RFTD is to plunder family bank, drag out pointless litigation, rape childhood, and deliver the purchased decision.  Adelman’s looting included orders for jew Jocelyn Hurwitz to sit in the gallery, watching the entire trial, billing $400/hr to fully deplete the college funds of Mia,… Read More »RFTD Work Is Done!


          The now-famous Blog, participating in the marketplace of ideas, protected under the First Amendment, sez SORRY to blog star Christopher Ambrose of 381 Horsepond Road, Madision, Connecticut, where he cages Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer to satisfy his severe, undiagnosed, untreated, mental disorder, subliminal woman hatred, and lack of manliness. Sorry he is such a miserable person, blog copy staff are so sorry they lit Church candles for redemption of his miserable, blackened soul, so coveted by Satan. Blog legal department reviewed Mad Man’s civil lawsuits against EasterBasket Auntie and Frank Parlato; trite does not begin to describe the complaint.  Mad Man ‘prays’ for relief by asking the court to issue… Read More »Sorry!


            The now-famous worst Blog takes aim at the deceit played upon society by the conspiracy of the Connecticut Superior Court Judges and the lecherous family bar association headed by huckster Alex Cuda.  The judge/lawyer conspiracy is spotlighted in fictitious qualification standards to admit gypsies, tramps, and thieves to practice in family court: education and character. The jewish influence is pronounced, as the deceit obscures the singular purpose in family court: plundering family savings. The expense of an administrative no-fault divorce is directly related to the wealth of the parents … no money: no litigation; lots of money: protracted litigation, huge fees, great pain. Blog history department cites 1891 state supreme… Read More »Deceit


              Judge Gerard Adelman of Connecticut family court has proved to the world he is a stark raving mad lunatic in a black robe suffering from grand mental defect. The evidence of his insane lunacy is the divorce decree issued in the Ambrose drama that has spanned three years and drained the family bank, inflicting emotional harm upon three gifts from God. The jew got his pound of flesh. After two years of forced isolation of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer from mother, Judge Adelman orders REUNIFICATION THERAPY to ‘reunify the family unit.’ See how the jews work? Judge Grossman orders isolation of the kids from mom based on quackery of jew… Read More »Lunatic!

              Aldrich Fired!

                The jewish whore of Westport, the nasty evil Nancy Aldrich has been fired by her client, pedo Christopher Ambrose in the pathetic jewish financial family court feast of Ambrose v Ambrose. Attorney Nancy Aldrich has been raping the Ambrose family bank since July 2019, a hot gravy train running for a thousand days finally comes to an abrupt stop. Christopher Ambrose filed his own appearance, kicking out the jew cunt who has done nothing but bleed the family dry while pretending to secure a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce for the minor attracted father. Christopher Ambrose and Nancy Aldrich were a match made in hell. A father of demented psychosis with… Read More »Aldrich Fired!

                Chris Ambrose unglued!

                  Blog provides an insight into the dysfunctional brain of Christopher Ambrose by sharing his requested relief in the dissolution of his marriage before Judge Gerard Adelman. His proposed orders, absent his attorney’s endorsement can be read here. Blog highlights the delusions of Chris Ambrose and his desire to use the children, Mia, Matthew, Sawyer as weapons to satisfy his personal vendetta of hatred towards a mother. Christopher Ambrose is a sick and twisted individual of great Blog interest. Psycho man demands sole physical and legal custody of three children which he has no income to support, for the pleasure of keeping the kids caged, isolated from friends and family and… Read More »Chris Ambrose unglued!

                  $600 Reasonable

                    The jews of Connecticut family court work over the goy from both sides of the bench. Jewish lawyers charge ridiculous fees for pathetic legal cause in a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce, where the jew on the bench declares the fee REASONABLE! The game of family court is simply money. The true god of the jew. A wink and a nod, one jew promotes the other jew’s fleecing of goy. Attorney Nancy Aldrich, the legal whore of rich folks in Westport charges $600/hr to drain the Ambrose family bank. A ridiculous fee for an attorney who drags out litigation for the sole purpose of fattening her purse. Her doting jewdicial pal… Read More »$600 Reasonable


                      The now-famous Blog announces the labeling of a specialty division of the Connecticut Bar Association that focuses solely on separating children for mothers where daddy has big bucks. This group operates under a secret section of the secret family court benchbook which lays out the strategy to employ the children as tools to promote conflict, drain family savings, raping childhood, while enriching lawyers and judges along the way. The new name: JEWISH CUNT CLUB. Head of the CLUB is the evil, hideous, retired supreme court justice, and child trafficker commissioner Jewette Katz; partner at the lecherous law firm of SHIPMAN & GOODWIN. From her opinionated perch the CT Law Tribune,… Read More »JCC

                      Willie Haskell

                        The pissant little jew piece of shit out of Westport, state senator Willie Haskell is ending his playtime in the General Assembly by announcing he will not run for re-election in 2022. Rather he is going to law school so he can be a deviant lawyer to practice lucrative family court law like his evil mother Nancy Aldrich. Willie Haskell explained that his calling is not politics. As a jew, he worships the money god where faith demands getting into the jewish club of family court lawyers and judges, being the most lucrative option available. Haskell remarked that his mother made so much money off of Christopher Ambrose in two… Read More »Willie Haskell

                        Predator: Jocelyn Hurwitz

                          Time to take a peak at the child trafficking game of evil guardian ad litem Jocelyn Hurwitz of the nasty jewish law firm of Cohen&Wolf. The jewdiciary feigns belief that a GAL is needed to dissolve a marriage. In reality, the GAL is only appointed when there are parents with money. Deceptively designed to represent the ‘best interests of the children’, the true role of the GAL is to wink at the judge, inflame conflict, and collect huge fees for purchased decisions. In the ongoing slugfest of Ambrose v Ambrose, Jocelyn is doing just that, while destroying the lives of her three wards in the process. Jocelyn works in the… Read More »Predator: Jocelyn Hurwitz