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Judge Jane Grossman

Ambrose Child Protection

    Mad Man Christopher Ambrose is growing more insane, the organic disease drilling holes in his brain has penetrated the logic center, his reality has collapsed into his laptop, a fantasy world of his own thoughts, his own words, his own delusions, while pleasuring himself by isolating Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer from hugs of mother and extended family.  Remember that Judge Nastri ruled kids hold a fundamental right to hug mom, which does not apply in jew boy Adelman’s rabbinical court; hallmark of jew ‘murika! Mad man files another pathetic pleading, claiming need of a order to protect children from EMOTIONAL DISTRESS caused by invasion of privacy of actors upon a… Read More »Ambrose Child Protection

    Grossman Does It Again!

      The grand dyke jew queen of paedo protection, Judge Jane Grossman, of Connecticut family court, severs another constitutionally protected mother-son bond, as paid for by Dr. Frank Tiberi, DDS of Tiberi Family Denistry, jews Lisa Knopf, Janis Laliberte, and Jessica Caverly participating in professional conspiracy.  Little Leo Tiberi has not hugged his mother in over a year, his fundamental right to mother hugs thwarted by jewish discretion, no state interest, no finding of maternal unfitness, no finding of harm, just the jewish delicacy of protecting paedophiles, while maligning motherhood in jewmurika. Blog star Jane Grossman, is frightened that the boogey man is lurking in the bushes, that the public knows… Read More »Grossman Does It Again!


        Jewdicial monsters of Connecticut have invented a new class of disobedient goy: miserable whining mothers who denounce jewdicial child separation orders are now labeled DISGRUNTLED FAMILY COURT LITIGANTS.  A label officially applied to victims of family court, those fit mothers, not allowed to hug fruits of their womb, who just can’t suck up to wrath of Kundry to find happiness in not being hugged by rugrats.  The jew muscle of the State Police under the fat donut belly of paedo protector Colonel Stavros Mellekas declares in sworn affidavits that disgruntled litigants are a societal danger, who often flock together, share thoughts, ideas, information, peaceably assemble, petition elected representatives for redress… Read More »Disgruntled

        Moukawsher’s Error

          The now famous worst Blog takes this opportunity to identify Judge Moukawsher’s error in his disbarment drama of a zealous advocate pleading in rights of three kids and their mom.  The retarded Mouk twists reality into a fictional complaint of baseless accusations against the family court’s jewish players who cannot recognize rights of parties.  Mouk pretends he can’t see family court is a jewish cesspool of anti-Christian ideology singularly designed to destroy the concept of goy family, while trafficking children, a jewish delicacy of sexual deviancy.  But Mouk wields tyrannical wrath from the bench against advocates despised by the jew. Quick recap is Judge Adelman had a conscience issue of… Read More »Moukawsher’s Error

          Public Policy

            An enlightened society holds common cultural beliefs which in today’s morass of ‘murikan dystopia is referred to as public policy. There is benevolent structure in most policies, letting a bunch of uneducated, purposeless morons from third world shit-holes illegally cross the border is not an example of public policy, but domestic terrorism wielded by the jews who seek to eliminate the white Christian race. The disconnect between law and policy is a dead give away that jews are involved. Let’s take a look at family court discretion that violates public policy. In Connecticut there is a statute which requires ‘active & consistent’ involvement of both parents in the lives of… Read More »Public Policy

            Jew Court

              The now-famous, WORST blog takes aim at the vagueness of Connecticut family court orders to expose the jewdical powers wielded by misplaced zealots sitting atop benches rooted in the Constitution. Another plain example that the family court is a jewish invention created to destroy the Christian concept of family, injecting jewish venom deep into the fabric of society for no humane purpose, just glee of the jew. Hats off and a night scope aim to the niggers, dykes, homos, paedos, queers, traitors of the nutmeg state government who condone and protect the rape of childhood, a jewish delicacy. What is vague and against public policy cannot be enforced by contempt… Read More »Jew Court


                Judge Gerard Adelman of Connecticut family court has proved to the world he is a stark raving mad lunatic in a black robe suffering from grand mental defect. The evidence of his insane lunacy is the divorce decree issued in the Ambrose drama that has spanned three years and drained the family bank, inflicting emotional harm upon three gifts from God. The jew got his pound of flesh. After two years of forced isolation of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer from mother, Judge Adelman orders REUNIFICATION THERAPY to ‘reunify the family unit.’ See how the jews work? Judge Grossman orders isolation of the kids from mom based on quackery of jew… Read More »Lunatic!

                Jewdicial Shit Show

                  CT Family Court: The ‘Children’s Best Interest’ Is the Best Interest of Attorneys, Psychologists and Wealthy, Abusive Fathers Who Pay Them From the FRANKREPORT. The children’s best interest. That’s what the divorce and custody case of Chris Ambrose versus Karen Riordan is about. Ambrose has had legal and physical custody of the couple’s three adopted Latino children since April 24, 2020. On that date, almost two years ago, CT Family Court Judge Jane Grossman surprised the children and their stay-at-home mother, Riordan, by taking them from her and placing them with their father because the mother had alienated the children from their father. They had lived with their mother all… Read More »Jewdicial Shit Show

                  Kevin Finch

                    What does a guardian ad litem do in a simple administrative ‘no-fault’ divorce? How can a clown like Kevin Finch run up a $50k bill for doing nothing? How does Kevin Finch ethically bill 140 hours of professional services consisting entirely of phone calls and reviewing pleadings of others? What is the magical, necessity of illusory representation of ‘best interests’ that consumes so much time and money? Why is this fictitious form of legal representation, absent a real client, worth $350/hr? Another jewdicial scam on the goy? Ever notice that poor folks don’t get GALs. Or if they do, the State only pays a flat fee of $500/kid? Why the… Read More »Kevin Finch

                    Reckless Incompetent Caverly

                      Dr. Jessican Biren Caverly, PhD is Connecticut jewdiciary’s favorite jewish opinion generator for the sole cause of trafficking children as sex toys of pedo perverts. Welcome to hell, where screams of children are silenced by the wrath of Kundry, a jewdicial Branch run by a Free At Last! Nigger a conspirator to childhood rape in defiance of the Constitution. Only question of legal import is how many child predators can swing from one branch of the Charter Oak? The now-famous FRANK REPORT splashes jewish infirmity on the internet, exposing jewdicial discretion in blessing RECKLESS INCOMPETENCE as societal expertise on families in the name of simple administrative no-fault divorce. The jews… Read More »Reckless Incompetent Caverly

                      Judge Thomas Welch, AJ

                        The now-famous Blog spotlights Judge Thomas J. Welch, the head judge of the Fairfield Judicial District in the armpit of Bridgeport. This nutmeg retard earned a black robe from the deviant Dannel Malloy to promote destruction of society for the agenda of the chosen. Despite being educated at Holy Cross, this devil in disguise conceals Satan’s form under his black robe of justice. The moron cannot even recognize the power of federal law in his own district. He ignores civil rights deprivations to the harm of children in obedience to his nigger master of the Judicial Branch. Thomas Welch embarrasses his mother and father, mocks the rule of law of… Read More »Judge Thomas Welch, AJ

                        Word Salad

                          The now-famous Blog highlights the incompetence of Judge Jane Grossman in her recent order which can only be described as tossed word salad of federal trespass. It is time to recognize Connecticut Family Court is staffed with idiots unable to administer the law. A serious issue for a responsible people to take up in protection of children. Background of the case is classic Connecticut pedo. Daddy is a minor attracted drug addicted alcoholic who enjoys heroin, vodka, young latina hookers, along with deviant pleasures involving children. First wife split with the daughter to end the abuse. Second wife filed for divorce on same discovery. Usual suspects of pedo protection showed… Read More »Word Salad

                          Kike Konspiracy

                            The now-famous Blog exposes the kike konspiracy of the Connecticut Jewdiciary hiding the dirty work of jew judges from a curious sovereign public, in violation of the First Amendment. But in jewland the Bill of Rights means nothing to the chosen ruling class who do not recognize rights of four-legged barnyard animals mislabeled as citizens. Little kike Eric Levine is employed by the Branch with the title of REPORTER OF JUDICIAL DECISIONS. He is an attorney, subject to the rules of professional conduct, paid $150k a year to perform a clerical job of shoveling papers. Eric acts like a toddler when the public asks to obtain copies of all family… Read More »Kike Konspiracy

                            Michael Volpe Investigates

                              Michael Volpe investigates the child trafficking in the Ambrose case. Conduct of Connecticut jewish players gets the investigative journalist spotlight: Judge Jane Grossman, Judge Gerard Adelman, Attorney Nancy Aldrich, Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz, Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD, Dr. Robert Horowitz, PhD, Dr. Debra Gruen, PhD. Jews raping childhood for the reward of shekels and destruction of the American family institution. Read investigative report below by Michael Volpe. His podcast interview with Nickola Cunha here. REPORT: Nickola Cunha is the latest guest to join me on the podcast. She is a veteran attorney who is involved in what has turned into a high profile divorce and custody case in Connecticut. That… Read More »Michael Volpe Investigates

                              Lisa Knopf, Esq.

                                The now-famous Blog spotlights the pedo protection pleadings of Attorney Lisa Knopf, a public service alert revealing the absolute discretion of a jew judge acts to protect child rapists and silence mothers who recognize the evil of a predator father. Read here the insane pleading of a licensed attorney, asking the court to conspire in silencing the screams of raped children. Blog legal staff breaks down the pleading, exposing pedo protection, which jew judge Jane Grossman is paid to deliver. Pedo daddy gets sole custody, mom barred from school, medical records, and doctor’s visits with child. Can’t have mom taking Leo to the pediatrician on complaint of butthurt. Mandatory reports… Read More »Lisa Knopf, Esq.

                                Debench Grossman!

                                  The evil jewish monster in black appears before the judiciary committee this Friday for the democratic process of ‘reappointment’. The commie governor of gulag corrupticut has nominated this chosen dyke to another eight years of constitutional slaughter and rape of childhood, what jews do best. Click the link for the invitation to view the pleading of a monster to continue being a monster in the name of the state. No enlightened society of a free people would put Grossman back on the bench. Her expulsion is required to protect the children and the Constitution. A little fodder for those who wish to address the clowns of the committee who have… Read More »Debench Grossman!


                                    Jewish word salad is a red flag that betrays government deceit on a trusting public. Connecticut’s Department of Children and Families skillfully employs ill-defined words to protect child predators. The pattern is repeated precisely revealing a racket protecting persons engaged in pedophilia: protected jewish delicacy. A little girl, perhaps five years of age, has an incredible knowledge of male appendages, knows where it does not fit, describes games played with daddy’s dick, can describe his buddy’s dick, forced to drink yucky tasting medicine, exhibits signs of being drugged, but the professionals at DCF claim the accusation of child sexual abuse is UNSUBSTANTIATED. A little boy under the age of four,… Read More »Unsubstantiated

                                    Best Interest Fallacy

                                      The best interests standard of talmudic law in family court is a fallacy created by jews to traffic children and loot family savings. What is best interest? Who decides the interest? How has this word-salad created the standard of family law that the world recognizes is totally jewish? Because it is totally jewish. The protection of infants came under the power of the King, who ruled over his kingdom for the benefit of subjects to the Crown. The King ruled from divine powers passed from God, thru the Church, for the benefit of all, nice story, worked well for many centuries. When the King exercises his powers over children, it… Read More »Best Interest Fallacy

                                      It Takes A Conspiracy

                                        Remember the cute saying ‘it takes a village’, a feel good sense of community being required to properly raise children? Well the now-famous Blog spotlights the fact that ‘it takes a conspiracy’ to rape childhoods in Connecticut family court. Blog Star Judge Thomas Moukawsher finds a claim of a JEWISH CONSPIRACY makes his skin crawl and his conscience clatter, but in reality the inhumanity of the family court cannot be achieved without the jewish conspiracy. Nasty outcomes are a product of a nasty system, designed by nasty people, for a nasty objective, which points directly to the JEWS of the Bar and on the bench, the practice going back five… Read More »It Takes A Conspiracy


                                          The now-famous Blog continues to highlight the evil Talmudic subversion of the rule of law in family matters in the Connecticut yeshiva where unbridled discretion wielded by malicious jurists advances a communist agenda to destroy the concept of family, replacing Christian beliefs with the anti-Christ’s wrath of jewish best interests to slaughter childhood. The Connecticut state supreme court is little more than a pedo/fag/deviant/nigger/retard club of moronic proportions. Miscreants in black robes hold singular common cause to fuck up an enlightened society. Elements of tyranny, deviancy, deceit, terrorism, and anti-Christian edicts are embedded in the poorly written decisions. In simple terms, the high court of the cesspool of deviancy is… Read More »Rare