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Judge Jane Emons


    The now-famous Blog continues to highlight the evil Talmudic subversion of the rule of law in family matters in the Connecticut yeshiva where unbridled discretion wielded by malicious jurists advances a communist agenda to destroy the concept of family, replacing Christian beliefs with the anti-Christ’s wrath of jewish best interests to slaughter childhood. The Connecticut state supreme court is little more than a pedo/fag/deviant/nigger/retard club of moronic proportions. Miscreants in black robes hold singular common cause to fuck up an enlightened society. Elements of tyranny, deviancy, deceit, terrorism, and anti-Christian edicts are embedded in the poorly written decisions. In simple terms, the high court of the cesspool of deviancy is… Read More »Rare


      Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals rules anti-semitic speech is constitutionally protected. Today’s ruling in Gerber v. Herskovitz recognized the free expression in a public place to criticize jewish deviancy. Welcome to ‘murika, the goy hold a protected right to hate da jews and the jews have no claim for relief in federal court. Hate the politics of jews, hate the political power of jews, hate U.S. funding of a jewish state, hate the holohoax, hate what jews do to Palestinians, hate jewish rape of children, hate that jews have nuclear weapons, hate chosen jews, hate how jews control family court, then express yourself! It is a First Amendment right. Jews… Read More »Newsflash

      Mohammad’s Children

        Christian societies who insult Islam tend to lose their heads, attract gunfire, have churches burned, and other unfortunate occurrences. Such are the consequences of culture clash and differing beliefs. We Americans can make fun of any religious people, other than the Jews, they are our masters and cannot be criticized. Draw a cartoon of Mohammad, but don’t dare deny that Hitler’s Holohoax exterminated six-million chosen ones. See how the game is played? Take a hard look at the American ‘Family Court’ system. A division of the state judiciary focused on terminating religious marriages and dividing up kids, while looting family savings. There is a belief system behind this secular charade… Read More »Mohammad’s Children

        Unethical Emons!

          What does an unethical judge do after she gets kicked off the bench for being unethical? She lectures on ethics!!! Just when we thought that bad judges disappear from the legal landscape, we find the blog famous Judge Jane Emons in the public eye, pretending she is an authority on ethics. The famous blog cannot make this shit up! Our dear Jane was spotted giving training to lecherous members of the Fairfield County Bar on the ‘ethical treatment’ of pro se persons appearing in the cesspool of Connecticut family court…her old stomping ground. Jane, along with the nefarious Suzanne Sutton and fellow jew lawyer Barbara Schellenberg, all of the jewish… Read More »Unethical Emons!


            Ok sports fans, time to up the game. Judge Michael Albis has made criticism of family court a CRUSADE! Scary to read what these retarded judges write in their pathetic opinions of other people’s lives. But let’s face it, Judge Albis is an idiot, intellectually retarded with deviant mental deficiencies and he writes like a chicken. The new standard of twisted family court logic passed down from Albis is that parental criticism of the most corrupt court in Connecticut is harmful to children. Children will be harmed to know that their parents are being robbed, their family destroyed, religious beliefs trampled all in the name of jewery and legal fees.… Read More »Crusade

            Court Whore: Karen Florin

              Time to focus on another court whore, Karen Florin of The New London Day newsrag.  Karen is a self-labeled ‘court reporter’ who is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the jewdicial mafia that runs the Judiciary of Connecticut.  Her latest piece on the shit canning of Judge Jane Emons  by ‘we the people’ is just sour grapes disguised as news. Jane Emons was kicked off the bench on 4 May because she was not reconfirmed, because she was a terrible judge.  Old news. On 17 June, Florin publishes a rehash of the demise of the bad judge.  Really old news.  The whiners and complainers are pedo puppet Judge Patrick… Read More »Court Whore: Karen Florin

              The Troubling Editorial of The New London Day

                The Jewish Mafia of Corrupticut is hopping mad that the gentiles shit-canned their girl Jane Emons.  The Jews are mad.  The chosen ones do not take the will of the people lightly, they get their puppets at the New London Day newspaper to spew forth anti-gentile propaganda to strike back at a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Five stooges of the Day’s self appointed ‘editorial board’ want the gentiles to believe that their government somehow ‘failed’ its duty by flushing Judge Jane Emons down the judicial toilet for being a bad judge.  The Editorial clowns want ‘We The People’ to believe that their duly… Read More »The Troubling Editorial of The New London Day

                Family Court Holocaust

                  Time to stop crying for the Jews of Family Court.  Kevin Rennie plays the jew card on the people’s action of debenching Judge Jane Emons.  Oi vey, cry me a river!!!  The due process of government eliminated a very bad judge from the system.  The people’s form of government exercised its powers and made a simple decision to terminate Jane Emons as a judge of Superior Court.  She was a very bad judge and a nasty person to boot.  Her judicial discretion was firmly rooted in Zionistic principles.  Her treatment of non jews before the bench was horrific.  She ruled from the Talmud, not the Connecticut General Statutes. The fundamental… Read More »Family Court Holocaust

                  Melissa Farley: Chill

                    Judge Jane Emons is officially off the Connecticut bench.  A vile excuse of a judge served her comeuppance cold without even a vote in the Assembly.  Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, just leave; the people of Connecticut have no use for a wretched old hag of nasty temperament and no understanding of family law.  A jewish bitch on wheels so hell-bent on trafficking Christian children to her zionist agenda that it takes the entire State Supreme Court to stop her.  The people have spoken, the bitch is off the bench; live with it….now for the screaming and wailing. Melissa Farley, the official… Read More »Melissa Farley: Chill

                    Target Emons

                      Judge Emons has officially been declared ‘persona non grata’ and is targeted to be debenched by the General Assembly of Connecticut.  Press conference held this morning officially announced the end to Judge Emons. Finally, a miscreant jew judge who rules from the Talmud rather than by statute will be booted off the bench by due process of the people, for the people and by the people.  A damning blow to jewish rule of family court under King Judge Elliot N. Solomon.  Years of wreaking havoc on Christian families and their precious children has solidified the people against the tyrants in black robes. Judge Bozzuto’s precious family court is being dismantled. News… Read More »Target Emons