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Dennis O'Toole

Chief Manchester Thug

    The now-famous, all-seeing Blog of the WORST kind spotlights the Thin Blue Donut Whore, Chief William Darby of Manchester Police, for his collar of a dad for knocking on a door to see if his son would like to play catch, a child brutally denied the past-time of playing catch with dad for a year, courtesy of the jews of Hartford family court, Leo Diana presiding childhood rapist. Upon complaint and alarm of crazy Francelia Sakon and sloth Dennis O’Toole, resident child abusers of little Odin Sakon, at 53 Benton Street, the great donut whore thugs of Manchester responded with blazing speed and powdered sugar, arresting dad for criminal conduct… Read More »Chief Manchester Thug

    Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

      Now-famous Blog’s definition department spotlights jewdicial word-salad of the Connecticut family court in requiring unobtainable services to affect visitation between little Odin Sakon of 53 Benton Street, Manchester and his dad. Viet-cong terrorist Judge Tammy Nguyen specified unspecified service, not defined by the state, as a requirement of visitation, a jewdicial ploy to sever father-son bonds, inflame conflict, promote protracted litigation.  Little Odin has not played catch with his dad for the last ten months, not even a phone call, as mother Francelia Sevin employs the fruit of her womb as a weapon of vindictiveness against child’s father; all under the approval of paedophile Judge Leo Diana, master childhood rapist… Read More »Therapeutic Supervised Visitation

      Suspicious Activity!

        The money laundering, child trafficking tricks of the state pedo ring spilled out before Judge Tammy Viet-Cong in Hartford family court this week. The ignorant misplaced rice-paddy peasant came face to face with the sinister financing game of child rape, but did nothing. Tammy! plays for the dark side. The marathon case of Sakon v Sakon dragged on for another week of pointless testimony in the court’s fabricated drama of deciding the best interest for a little kid named Odin Sakon. Over 1,980 days before the court, over 850 docket entries, over 200 orders, touched by 12 different judges, eight different attorneys, running up legal fees by FreedMarcroft exceeding $400k.… Read More »Suspicious Activity!

        Pedo Alert!

          The now-famous Blog issues a PEDO ALERT on the actions of Attorney Misty Simmons of FreedMarcroft in her twisted family court games of concealing the source of $250k ‘borrowed’ funds for deviant client Fancelia Sevin in the case of trafficking little Odin Sakon. Judge Tammy Viet-Cong is in on child trafficking, ignoring the fact that an interested public is watching. What is now the longest running unresolved ‘no-fault’ divorce action in the history of Corrupticut, the Sakon case enters its sixth year of pointless litigation where the matter is not final. Francelia Sakon has no job, no income, no assets, but funds FreedMarcroft to the tune of $250k which she… Read More »Pedo Alert!

          Dennis O’Toole

            What is totally crazy, has no income, no brains, incompetent counsel, but gets a ton of cash from Dennis O’Toole to drag out pointless litigation before Judge Tammy Nguyen for no purpose in law? The public is aware that family court is a child trafficking and money laundering operation run by racketeers in black robes. Blog now examines the fabricated elements of litigation where Francelia, mother of little Odin, pushes her simple no-fault divorce into its sixth year claiming her perverted need for sole custody, while support, visitation, and parenting plans remain outstanding. FreedMarcroft is mother’s counsel. Six attorneys have represented Francelia since 2016, most are no longer with the… Read More »Dennis O’Toole

            Foul Ball!

              The expert counsel of FreedMarcroft’s sloth attorneys plays out on the little league baseball diamond in Manchester. Not even the American childhood pastime of baseball escapes theatrics of Francelia Sevin’s insane drama of abusing her son Odin, under color of divorce law. After two separate incidents of Fancelia and her pedo boyfriend Dennis O’Toole dragging little Odin, kicking and screaming, off the field, exercising abusive parental right to assault a child, witnessed by players in the dugouts and the parents in the bleachers, the umpires call foul! Last week nut job mom appears at the baseball game to save her son from playing ball with his teammates, but is detained… Read More »Foul Ball!

              Misty’s Misconduct

                FreedMarcroft, the all women, man hating, family law, assemblage of sisters of the smelly tampon put on a show of shear incompetence before Judge Constance Epstein at the Hartford Family Circus on Tuesday. Misty Simmons, demonstrated her physical dexterity to support her short, wide, obese frame upon high heels, pressing holes in the carpet as she wobbled before the bar, a truly grotesque human form; short, fat, and stupid. Her client, nut job, crazy bitch Francelia Sevin, mother of Odin Sakon had previously sworn in an ex-parte emergency pleading to Judge Robert Nastri that little Odin was in such psychological fear of dad as to cause the child to ‘poop’… Read More »Misty’s Misconduct

                Tammy d’Retard

                  Judicial manifestations of diminished mental capacity appear in the written babble of court decisions. Rational reasoning, application of law, juris prudence will all find root in properly written court decisions. It is demanded by a sovereign people for proper performance of the third branch of government. Judge Tammy Viet-Nguyen just published a decision exposing her deep rooted mental defects that disqualify her from the bench. The bitch is retarded. Tammy handed down a page of blither so outside the law that the now famous blog provides its standard disclaimer: can’t make this shit up! The Hartford Family Court has run a fuck-fest over little Odin Sakon for the last five… Read More »Tammy d’Retard


                    She is at it again! Another public example of a retarded immigrant female making it to the family bench to completely fuck up the purpose of court. Judge Tammy Tram Viet-Nguyen, is a piece of shit Vietnamese refugee from a shit-hole jungle, product of a fabricated war created by jews, whom she now serves, a token bit of diversity that every enlightened society abhors. She should have been left in the rice paddies where she could not damage American children. But now she sits in the family court of Hartford, totally incapable of performing simple judicial functions for a society who erroneously imported her stupid ass. Tammy-The-Retard continues to drag… Read More »TAMMY!

                    Damion J. Grasso, PhD

                      Why is a psychologist from UCONN Health filing an affidavit in a family case in Connecticut Superior Court? Damion Grasso plays fraud upon society, advertised as a professional at the UCONN Health Center, treating children with psychobabble of no known efficacy. He has such magical powers that he can instantly pen affidavits on demand for deceptive pedo lawyers to support EMERGENCY court action to protect a child, two weeks after his ‘therapy’ session. The entry of UCONN Health in family court by fraudulent affidavits of their so-called healthcare professionals is quite troubling. The ususal psychological scam artists who prey upon unsuspecting children caught up in family court are jews who… Read More »Damion J. Grasso, PhD