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CJ Richard Robinson


    Judge Antoni Truglia, the monster in black, mother hater, child predator, total asshole, claims it is a flagrant waste of precious jewdicial resources to grant fee waivers to mothers with no money to appeal draconian orders of the family court to the appellate court! Precious money, so loved by a jew like Truglia will not be squandered upon goy moms who are forbidden from hugging children by discretionary orders of jewdicial authority. Start boiling the tar, plucking feathers, gather the angry mob, Truglia is going to feel the wrath of a sovereign people, betrayed. Two moms, stripped of counsel, denied marital assets for replacements, dragged thru the cesspool of Bridgeport… Read More »Flagrant!


      The now-famous worst Blog, scrutinizes the Ambrose decree rendered by due process of Connecticut family court. Three years of litigation, hundreds of thousand$ in legal fees, hundreds of pleadings, hours of hearings, destroyed childhoods, emotional harm, produced forty pages of double-spaced drivel by his highness, the soulless Dark Lord, Gerard Adelman, granting the simple, administrative, pointless, no-fault divorce for Mad Man Christopher Ambrose. A pound of flesh would have been less expensive and not as traumatic. Technically inclined Blog aficionados may review the annotated decision produced by Blog’s legal department, revealing Adelman’s pronounced mental psychosis, inhibiting his administration of justice. The main themes are that Adelman disrespects the First Amendment,… Read More »Adelshit

      Insane Lunatic!

        The now-famous Worst Blog examines the non-functioning, diseased, irrational jewdicial mind of the grand moron in a black robe, the insane lunatic, the Dark Lord himself, Judge Gerard I. Adelman, a rabbinical monster of talmudic powers wreaking havoc on the people’s court system, cuz he is just a fucking insane lunatic who cannot perform his simple job function in family court. In reviewing forty worthless pages of babbling prose in the Ambrose decision, footnote #1 documents that neither Adelman nor Moukawsher are capable of executing court functions. The referral drama of Adelman’s disqualification to Moukawsher back in November reveals these judges cannot communicate, cannot employ simple English to administer justice.… Read More »Insane Lunatic!


          The now-famous and Blog of the worst kind highlights dumb nigger in charge of the Connecticut Jewdiciary who conspires to conceal judgements from a sovereign people. Nigger Boy Robinson, Chief of the third branch of state government, a former slave, now Free At Last! Free At Last! Free At Last! is a mere tyrant worthy of a .50 cal to the head. The Tree of Liberty thirsts for judicial refreshment. The jewish perfidy of jackass Judge Patrick Carroll, a black-robed crook, undermines the First Amendment by concealing all family court trial judgements from public scrutiny. A government of the people, for the people, by the people, overturned by simple, overlooked… Read More »Nigger!

          Judicial Joke

            Did you hear the one about Connecticut judges having SUPERVISORY DUTIES to ensure judges and clerks do their fucking jobs? It is hilarious! Added to the feigned Code of Judicial Conduct in 2011, approved by the monkeys of the legislature, the managing morons in black robes are required by CODE to ensure the judicial employees actually perform their job function. The CODE construction requires all retards in black ‘take reasonable measures’ to ensure Branch paycheck sponges actually execute their jobs. Retards in black who supervise other retards in black must ensure the subordinate retards execute judicial functions, with a specific requirement for PROMPT DISPOSITION of pleadings. Jews love to put… Read More »Judicial Joke

            Fuckin’ Pay Me!

              The now-famous Blog spotlights the power of the jewish lawyer mafia of Connecticut Family Court that controls their puppets in black robes, commanding power to scream at a judge, demanding payment to the jew. Meet Mariane J. Charles, a lecherous, foul, filthy excuse of a human, self-chosen above goy, who can scream at Judge Kenefick demanding orders tha her invoices be paid immediately. Famous Blog disclaimer: can’t make this shit up. The public will be horrified to realize that the judges are controlled by the jew mafia of the family Bar. Alexander Cuda is the mafia leader of the criminal enterprise which completely undermines public confidence in the judicial Branch,… Read More »Fuckin’ Pay Me!

              Mother Mary

                The Theology Department of the now-famous Blog examines the underlying ideology of Connecticut Family Court to expose the doctrine on which judges rely to separate mothers from children. No where in the animal kingdom, the history of human kind is there natural cause to separate children from mothers. No religion in history ever held doctrinal faith that attacks the mother-child bond. Why is derogation of mothers so pronounced in the third Branch of state government led by Chief Justice Richard Robinson? Motherhood holds a special place in an enlightened society. Absent protection of mothers and infants, society ceases to exist. The next generation comes from the womb, it is the… Read More »Mother Mary

                Big Nigger

                  This is a public service warning that the big nigger running the Connecticut judiciary engages in fraud on the public by utilizing Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD as an expert in parental rights in family court. The big nigger relies on Caverly’s training in bulimia, weight loss, autism to provide his judges ‘expert advice’ on matters of constitutionally protected parent-child bonds. Big Nigger Robinson has done nothing to vette the suitability of Caverly to the application of dissolution law, other than to obey his jewish masters. Robinson conspires to provide charlatans to traffic children on the ‘broad discretion’ of the rabbinical court. Nigger Robinson has no state recognized standards for… Read More »Big Nigger


                    FrankReport provides a primer to expose the truth behind the conduct of Connecticut Family Court. Pretty much reveals the jewish ideology of the sovereign nutmegers. A people who cannot protect children from state monsters and evil jewish lawyers. If there was truth in advertising required of the judiciary in Connecticut, notice would be required to be displayed prominently, like it was said Dante displayed at the gates of Hell: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate Tribunale di famiglia di Connecticut. [Abandon all hope ye who enter CT Family Court.] Likewise, CT attorneys should be required to advise clients about the appointment of a Guardian ad Litem, an attorney who will be… Read More »Primer


                      The big nigger in the black robe being the sworn chief jurist of Connecticut ruled today that the Fourteenth Amendment does not apply to family court, that liberties of pathetic citizens and their four-legged calves are under the complete control of the whim of a jew in a black robe. Welcome to the gulag, shut up, get in the box car, you need a shower. Denied appeal here. A jew dyke like Jane Grossman and kike pal Gerard Adelman conspire to isolate mother from three kids, on singular opinion of a court whore selling quack opinions to create conflict generating lucrative billable hours for lawyers. No state investigation, no claim… Read More »Absolute!