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Christopher Ambrose


    Free speech about matters in a public forum involving state sponsored child abuse is now a cause of SUICIDE! The intertwined world of politics, humanity, and jewish love of pedophilia creates the deviant logic of Christopher Ambrose that his public antics on a public stage are going to cause his own SUICIDE! Mad Man Ambrose penned a letter to the world claiming that opinions of others will result in his self-inflicted death. Blog bids him farewell. The now-famous Blog is mentioned in what is essentially a suicide note demanding overturning First Amendment, scrubbing the internet, apologizing for Ambrose butt hurt, or there will be a SUICIDE! Twisted logic of Mad… Read More »SUICIDE!

    Aldrich Fired!

      The jewish whore of Westport, the nasty evil Nancy Aldrich has been fired by her client, pedo Christopher Ambrose in the pathetic jewish financial family court feast of Ambrose v Ambrose. Attorney Nancy Aldrich has been raping the Ambrose family bank since July 2019, a hot gravy train running for a thousand days finally comes to an abrupt stop. Christopher Ambrose filed his own appearance, kicking out the jew cunt who has done nothing but bleed the family dry while pretending to secure a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce for the minor attracted father. Christopher Ambrose and Nancy Aldrich were a match made in hell. A father of demented psychosis with… Read More »Aldrich Fired!

      Jewdicial Shit Show

        CT Family Court: The ‘Children’s Best Interest’ Is the Best Interest of Attorneys, Psychologists and Wealthy, Abusive Fathers Who Pay Them From the FRANKREPORT. The children’s best interest. That’s what the divorce and custody case of Chris Ambrose versus Karen Riordan is about. Ambrose has had legal and physical custody of the couple’s three adopted Latino children since April 24, 2020. On that date, almost two years ago, CT Family Court Judge Jane Grossman surprised the children and their stay-at-home mother, Riordan, by taking them from her and placing them with their father because the mother had alienated the children from their father. They had lived with their mother all… Read More »Jewdicial Shit Show

        Reckless Incompetent Caverly

          Dr. Jessican Biren Caverly, PhD is Connecticut jewdiciary’s favorite jewish opinion generator for the sole cause of trafficking children as sex toys of pedo perverts. Welcome to hell, where screams of children are silenced by the wrath of Kundry, a jewdicial Branch run by a Free At Last! Nigger a conspirator to childhood rape in defiance of the Constitution. Only question of legal import is how many child predators can swing from one branch of the Charter Oak? The now-famous FRANK REPORT splashes jewish infirmity on the internet, exposing jewdicial discretion in blessing RECKLESS INCOMPETENCE as societal expertise on families in the name of simple administrative no-fault divorce. The jews… Read More »Reckless Incompetent Caverly

          Chris Ambrose unglued!

            Blog provides an insight into the dysfunctional brain of Christopher Ambrose by sharing his requested relief in the dissolution of his marriage before Judge Gerard Adelman. His proposed orders, absent his attorney’s endorsement can be read here. Blog highlights the delusions of Chris Ambrose and his desire to use the children, Mia, Matthew, Sawyer as weapons to satisfy his personal vendetta of hatred towards a mother. Christopher Ambrose is a sick and twisted individual of great Blog interest. Psycho man demands sole physical and legal custody of three children which he has no income to support, for the pleasure of keeping the kids caged, isolated from friends and family and… Read More »Chris Ambrose unglued!

            Michael Volpe Investigates

              Michael Volpe investigates the child trafficking in the Ambrose case. Conduct of Connecticut jewish players gets the investigative journalist spotlight: Judge Jane Grossman, Judge Gerard Adelman, Attorney Nancy Aldrich, Attorney Jocelyn Hurwitz, Dr. Jessica Biren Caverly, PhD, Dr. Robert Horowitz, PhD, Dr. Debra Gruen, PhD. Jews raping childhood for the reward of shekels and destruction of the American family institution. Read investigative report below by Michael Volpe. His podcast interview with Nickola Cunha here. REPORT: Nickola Cunha is the latest guest to join me on the podcast. She is a veteran attorney who is involved in what has turned into a high profile divorce and custody case in Connecticut. That… Read More »Michael Volpe Investigates

              Motherless Birthdays

                What is more jewish than to destroy a goy child’s birthday by prohibiting mom from attending the party? Judge Grossman and her predator pal Judge Gerard Adelman two evil monsters of the Superior Court, ensure Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer Ambrose don’t have cake and ice cream with mom, it is in their best interests, the talmud sez so! Here is a post from the FrankReport highlighting the brutal, inhumane jewish conduct of Connecticut family court. Birthdays Without Mothers Courtesy of CT Family Court February 20, 2022 Happy Birthday Matthew.You are 15 today. It’s been almost two years since you’ve been with your mother, the woman who raised you.I’m writing to… Read More »Motherless Birthdays

                instantia crucis

                  The miscreant jewdicial monster of Meriden has found CRUCIAL cause to get the Ambrose financial fuck fest back on track for resolution. By the numbers the ‘track‘ started in July 2019, by application for a simple, administrative, no-fault divorce to be granted under state law. Now 920 days later, Christopher Ambrose is still married. WTF? Is Attorney Nancy Aldrich of Westport so incompetent that she can’t secure a timely divorce? She charges over $600/hr for her expert legal services, which are expert at running up excessive billable hours, padding her wallet, prolonging litigation, clogging the docket, and violating Rules of Professional Conduct 3.2, Expediting Litigation. It does appear that Christopher… Read More »instantia crucis

                  Mad Mad Man!

                    In the spectrum of mental disorders there are manifestations of madness which provide entertainment for the now-famous Blog. The editors would like to thank the head-demons of pedo daddy Christopher Ambrose for bloglicious content. The Mad Man holds sexual preferences for latino boys with short haircuts, enjoys caging children, enjoys hurting children, likes to spite his soon to be ex-wife, he showers attorneys with family savings, to stoke his deflated ego, then giggles when his own child cries, senselessly complains that the internet exists, while suffering grand delusions that anybody gives a shit about his opinion. The Mad Man has filed an appearance in his own divorce matter to put… Read More »Mad Mad Man!


                      What is the liability to the people of the State of Connecticut for the misconduct of judges who separate children from mothers without a rational basis or sovereign interest? Time for the now-famous Blog to highlight the jewdicial dogma that holds remedy in the court of public opinion, federal court, and at the business end of the Second Amendment. Take Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, three kids who fall under the parens patriae powers of the sovereign, where the people hold power, duty, and liability associated with their protection, as equally applied to all children. Liability begins when the family court in Bridgeport accepts the unprofessional opinion of a state licensed… Read More »Liability


                        Judge Thomas Moukawsher is wrestling with the Dark Lord’s request to rule on his disqualification in the Ambrose drama. He spent the entire hearing today searching for items in the court record which show that Adelman’s impartiality is reasonably questioned. Moukawsher even asked for examples of other cases in which Adelman’s conduct shows a jewish pattern of abuse, especially against women and children. The now-famous Blog delivers. Adelman is such a monster that his orders in the Tittle case shocked the Chief of Family Court, Judge Lynda Munro to the point she stated on the record that Adelman’s orders are DRACONIAN. For the non-classical reader, Draco was an ancient lawgiver… Read More »DRACO

                        Aldrich Speak

                          Attorney Nancy Aldrich displays her jewish ability to speak word salad in response to Judge Adelman’s request to disqualify himself. The jewish practice of family law pursues only money, nothing to do with best thoughts for children or application of goy constitutional principles. Quick recap of the Ambrose drama is that Judge Robert Shapiro of Hartford Civil Court has an application for injunctive relief to protect Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer from the state abuse which keeps them isolated from their mother, for no state interest. Judge Bernadette Conway has shelved an abuse petition in protection of the kids in juvenile court, stating not my problem. AG Tong does not give… Read More »Aldrich Speak

                          Ambrose: Part 15

                            Connecticut Family Court just gets uglier and uglier. Rather obvious that the government of the people, for the people, and by the people has perished from the state, replaced with a dungeon of vile and villainy of totally jewish proportions. The local Bar association rapes families as their sole source of income. Jew judges play along, as it is obvious they get a slice of plunder. Why would anyone drag out a trial for 36 days over seven months, except to run up billable hours. Murder trials get done in less time. The state does not care if you are married or not, fertile or not, gay or straight, just… Read More »Ambrose: Part 15


                              Judge Thomas Moukawsher put on a grand display of judicial incompetence today by not recognizing that isolating three kids from mom for no state interest is jewdicial bias by his brother in black, Judge Gerard Adelman, who sua sponte begs to be thrown off the Ambrose case. The now-famous Blog explains the obvious. Judge Adelman demonstrates bias against mother by ordering GAL and fellow jew pet Jocelyn Hurwitz to attend every hour of trial, billing $400/hr for no legal purpose. Adelman claims the GAL must observe the entire trial, even the part about this Blog, to determine if her recommendations will change, a concept alien to appointed duties. Adelman harms… Read More »Bias?

                              Ambrose: Part 14

                                More coverage of the childhood rape of Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer by the FrankReport. The jewish treatment of children in the cesspool of Connecticut where jews of family court worship only one god: money. Christopher Ambrose has money, children are sacrificed. The subservient sovereign people of gulag Connecticut are powerless to protect children from the ruling jews. _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Ambrose Papers #14: History of Father’s Abuse of Children, But No One in Connecticut Family Court Will Listen November 14, 2021 This is #14 of the Ambrose Papers, a series that covers an amazing injustice, an extraordinary caper of the ruthless kind, one that’s apparently common in Connecticut Family Court.  And the… Read More »Ambrose: Part 14

                                Ambrose: Part 13

                                  More coverage by the FrankReport on rape of childhood by the jewish ideology and thieves of family court in Connecticut. What is now shocking to the public has been a well known racket over the last four decades protected by judges, lawyers, legislators, law enforcement, all at the direction of the state’s jewish pedo ring. The theme of the deceit of the poisonous mushroom lives on in the court of law designed to rape childhood and plunder family savings. Jewish. _______________________________________________________________________ Ambrose Papers #13: Connecticut Family Court’s Monstrous Case May Bring Conspirators, like Dr. Caverly, Great Fame November 12, 2021 This young woman is so good that she can meet… Read More »Ambrose: Part 13

                                  Ambrose: Part 12

                                    The FrankReport exposes the collusion among Attorneys Nancy Aldrich, Richard Callahan, and Jocelyn Hurwitz to traffic the Ambrose kids and fleece the family bank. Lawyers play for each other in Connecticut family court, protected by jew judges who work for pedophiles. There can be no public confidence in a court system that preys on children. Public warning: Stay away from the jews of Connecticut Family Court. Note that this form of free expression protected under the First Amendment is another willful violation of jew Judge Adelman’s gag order. [fuck you] __________________________________________________________________________________________ Ambrose #12: Hurwitz – the Wolf of Cohen and Wolf — ‘I’m the Guardian ad Litem; My Name Is… Read More »Ambrose: Part 12

                                    Ambrose: Part 11

                                      A free citizen made public comment on a blog about the Ambrose drama in direct violation of jew Judge Gerard Adelman’s gag order! Enjoy reading the defiance of the totalitarian, child trafficking family court of Connecticut! Civil disobedience comes before bullets fly, keep your powder dry! _________________________________________________________________________________ The Ambrose Papers #11: What Connecticut Family Court Did to the Children is a Travesty November 7, 2021 Edward Kim is Editor in Chief of He has over 30 years of experience in capital markets, corporate advisory, public policy and online media. Edward co-authored a series of studies on stock market structure that were presented to Congress and that informed The Jumpstart… Read More »Ambrose: Part 11


                                        The sloth from Westport, Attorney Nancy Aldrich, has filed for contempt because the internet exists, her client is a pedophile, and she is a shitty lawyer. The blog cannot make this stuff up. Aldrich writes like a chicken, blows smoke, obscures fact, tells lies, and violates Rules of Professional Conduct by pursuing meritless, frivolous, and vexatious litigation serving no purpose in law: why she is a blog star. She moves for contempt of court on behalf of her sensational client Christopher Ambrose of Madison. Attorney Aldrich claims that PRIVACY of abused children, Mia, Matthew, and Sawyer, caught up in the public forum of family court, is cause to suspend the… Read More »CONTEMPT!

                                        Ambrose: Part 10

                                          When will karma put an end to child predator Christopher Ambrose? Will jew Judge Grossman be floating in the Sound? Will jew Judge Adelman join her? Who are the people of Connecticut who allow jew state employees to abuse children by such horrific means? Cowards? The wrath of a righteous God will strike down those who do evil upon children … won’t even see it coming. See original on FrankReport. ________________________________________________________________________________________ The Ambrose Papers #10: The Children Cry, While Money Drives Connecticut Family Court – as Daddy Ambrose Pays October 30, 2021 This is the story of former TV writer Chris Alwyn Ambrose, 59, and his efforts to divorce his… Read More »Ambrose: Part 10