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Unequal Speech

    It is humourous to examine the un-equalness of law across the land of equal protection. This week, Justice Clarence Thomas, the only nigger on the U.S. Supreme Court, threw a fit over the denial of cert to a Kansas free speech case. Thomas exposes the fickleness of state interpretations of free speech under the First Amendment. The Attorney General in Kansas is all upset because his little supreme court in the Land of Oz said it is o.k. to rant about public officials being found dead in a ditch. Silly state statutes claiming ‘reckless disregard to cause fear’ by interpretation of others is overbroad and unconstitutional. The state supreme judges… Read More »Unequal Speech

    $200 Million?

      Is $200 million enough to claim against public officials involved in the demise of little Tommy Valva? Perhaps it should be more like $1 billion, as the State of New York provided Tommy with an attorney, Donna McCabe, who was trained and certified by the judicial branch to protect his rights while caught up in a family matter. The lawsuit for the wrongful death of Tommy has finally been filed in federal court. The 99 page complaint tells all about the who’s who of judges, attorneys, case workers, school officials, every publicly funded idiot who failed Tommy. A quick read of the complaint reveals the conspiracy which killed Tommy. Hats… Read More »$200 Million?

      Negligent John Hughes

        The conspirators of family court work under the color of state law to deprive citizens of rights protected under the Constitution. Everyone knows that. It is obvious to the most casual observer, but it continues unchallenged with the blessing of federal overseers. In Connecticut, the overseer is John B. Hughes, head of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Connecticut. Connecticut Family Court is a racketeering operation run by a conspiracy of unscrupulous state actors and private lawyers to fleece families where one parent seeks a simple ‘no-fault’ divorce. The application for the divorce is purely administrative, the court cannot deny any request to… Read More »Negligent John Hughes

        Nigger Gail Hardy

          Time to call a paedo protecting spade a spade. Connecticut State’s Attorney for the Hartford GA is the chosen minority piece of shit nigger Gail Hardy, a black puppet of the ruling white elite who is too retarded to execute her job function, while she is busy protecting the state paedophile ring along with the thin blue line of white supremacist police thugs in the Nutmeg State. Gail Hardy is a retarded nigger with a worthless law degree from UCONN. She has been in the State’s Attorney Office since becoming a lawyer 1995. She is part of the feigned Connecticut ‘Criminal Justice Division’ which is nothing more than the official… Read More »Nigger Gail Hardy

          Oh, Jen!

            Let’s have an accountability discussion about the cesspool known as Connecticut Family Court and five kids who lost their mother. Recently Nigger Boy Robinson, the Chief Justice of the Cesspool sent an email to all the overpaid twits of the judiciary, making obscure claim that the department and its judges had to do a better job. What the fuck? Like can they perform their jobs any more incompetently? Let’s examine the simple divorce function of the family division of Superior Court and how it failed Jen Dulos, costing five kids their mother. Having had it with being married, Jen applied to the State to dissolve the union. All states issue… Read More »Oh, Jen!

            Dr. Perlmutter The Rapist

              The jewish game of family court relying on recommendations from the jews of the Frankfurt School of Psychobabble is a noted hallmark in the scam of family law in America. The jews had cause to invent a junk science to provide a foundation for their deviant pleasures of paedophilia. Dr. Sigmund Freud was created to legitimize the perverted jewish practice of raping children. In family court, the same pattern is played out. The need to traffic children is supported by the jewish junk science of psychology. The state provides a license for the quacksters to practice psychobabble, the judge relies on the state’s license to adopt the recommendations of the… Read More »Dr. Perlmutter The Rapist

              Victim Robinson

                Nigger Boy Robinson comes out whining about race, lynching, and injustice while he sits on top of the most unjust state court system in America. Playing the role of ‘victim’, Robinson pens a letter to employees of the judicial branch about ‘racial upheaval’, whatever the fuck that means. Robinson is using his position as Chief Justice of Connecticut to fan the flames of racial tensions for the parasitic jewish goal of creating discourse in the host society. Chief Justice Robinson’s putrid prose starts by stating that there is ‘racial injustice’ in America. No shit? The Indian tribes that once ruled Connecticut know this full well. White man shows up, Indians… Read More »Victim Robinson

                Beat The Children!

                  Connecticut Judiciary says BEAT THE CHILDREN to enforce family court orders!!! The new head of the Connecticut Appellate Court, Judge William H. Bright, Jr. ruled today that if kids have a problem with the visitation schedule, or if there is a relationship issue, family discord or the like, that it is all mom’s fault and she will be arrested and jailed for not beating the children. Hats off to Judge Bright’s mom for raising an idiot!! Even more comical is the cold shoulder Judge Billy is going to get from his wife Jennifer for telling mothers of Connecticut to beat their children to follow orders of hubby’s court. Who is… Read More »Beat The Children!

                  Mulvey d’Nut

                    Time to take a critical look at the nut jobs in black who are responsible for the putrid quality of justice in the 3rd Department of the New York Unified Court System. Chief Justice Janet DiFiore with the bad blonde dye job runs the judiciary on an annual budget of $2.8 billion, but employs no legal brains. A court of clowns in black robes sits in Albany to ‘review’ fucked up decisions made by other clowns in black robes who sit on smaller benches. The blind reviewing the blind, the American legal scam which purports to be a state judiciary. In reality, it is little more than a welfare program… Read More »Mulvey d’Nut

                    Stay Away!!!

                      From time to time, the famous blog must put out a public service message to protect people from the trickery of the Connecticut Family Bar Association and its lecherous members. Two parasites of the court system; Stephanie Weaver and the blog famous Mary Brigham have joined together to further fuck up a civilized society under the color of Dispute Resolution, LLC. The public is warned to STAY AWAY! Stephanie Weaver, a low life, miserable cunt of a lawyer has been ripping off clients for the last 32 years, in the feigned practice of law. The public is supposed to be impressed that this retard got a worthless law degree from… Read More »Stay Away!!!