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CT Criminal Justice

    The cesspool of Connecticut continues to amaze, a wasteland of incompetent state and municipal employees, soaking citizens for paychecks, delivering nothing in return. The now-famous Blog spotlights Margaret Kelley, inept prosecutor, proximate cause of axe murder of Milford mother Julie Minogue, proving Corrupticut’s government cannot perform basic functions. Milford Police Chief Kieth Mello’s lack of manliness victimizes a mother by axeman. Police provide illusion of ‘protect and serve’, but only devour donuts on overtime with no measurable benefit to society; public fraud in form of criminal justice. Mother Julie is a domestic violence victim at hand of psycho baby daddy Ewen Dewitt, a criminal protective order in place to protect… Read More »CT Criminal Justice


      What the fuck is a Ketubah and why does Connecticut give a shit? Jews of Connecticut light their hair on fire to show goy that chosen law supersedes the Constitution, all bend the knee to those above the law! The state supreme court has taken up claim by Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen that ancient jewish customs forbid him to pay alimony to his ex-wife as ordered by Judge Karen Goodrow, oi vey! Jewish word-salad pretends this Ketubah thing is ‘contract law’, under Talmud law, which must be recognized by the court as binding, voiding ‘broad discretion‘ of the family court to fuck over whomever it wants, however it cares to. The… Read More »Ketubah

      Clear & Present Katz

        The now-famous Blog of the worst kind takes aim at jewdicial miscreant Joette Katz, public figure on a stage, begging for attention, a jew of a jew, espousing lies to malign goy with rabbinical opinion of talmudic law … chosen rule over goy, ‘cuz dem jooz be chosen. Blog calls bullshit on Katz’s claim that criticism of state government is ‘clear and present danger‘. Reality is that Katz is a threat to society, a shill, enemy of the Constitution, traitor, and child predator. Katz epitomizes the jewdiciary of Connecticut, the self-appointed regulator of thought, thin skinned JAP melts down over little free speech, cannot recognize the essence of self-government, but… Read More »Clear & Present Katz

        Not So Bright

          The now-famous Blog spotlights the incompetence of Connecticut intermediate appellate court, a scam on taxpayers to provide the appearance of appellate review over rogue clowns of trial courts. Created in 1982, panels of three stooges sit to review the pathetic work product of trial judges, how Connecticut survived from 1776 without such tribunal exposes the sad state of present day jurisprudence; so called practice of law by buffoons of the bar. For the first century of the State, no jews sat on the bench; present day roster of black robes is replete with queers, jews, niggers, ‘spics, paedophiles, morons, anarchists, and political deviants promoting private agendas designed to eliminate America.… Read More »Not So Bright


            The mad man of Madison has fizzled, his irrational barking gone quiet, pathetic victim pleadings of character assassination have stopped, legal attacks on Auntie Easter Baskets is abandoned. Now-famous Blog psycho department looks deep into the tormented mind of Christopher Ambrose, trapped in altered reality of his own script writing. A twisted mind, obsessed with victimhood, pleadings to a mythical superior legal authority, he attacks, feeding a minor ego, that vindication of a pathetic life will come from a court ruling against Auntie Easter Baskets, that violent, malicious, attempts to deliver jelly beans and chocolate bunnies to three gifts from God, destroyed his life. Blog psychiatry department identifies need for… Read More »Fizzle

            Mother Fuckers!

              The now-famous Blog spotlights three jews of Michigan’s ruling elite, shrouded in black robes on the appellate court, sitting high above the Constitution, ruling from the talmud on the best way to fuck over mothers. The disregard for due process in protection of fundamental liberties by family court jews is well known, the ideological construct to defame Mother Mary is less obvious. Jews hate Mother Mary, which shows in rabbinical ruling of Judges David Sawyer, Jane Markey, and Brock Swartzle in Jansen v Jansen. Another mother stripped of custody of her children for failure to adhere to unpublished jewdicial standards of behavior, normally protected by the Bill of Rights, but… Read More »Mother Fuckers!

              Tammy d’Turkey

                HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Blog star Judge Tammy Nguyen of Connecticut makes federal splash for attempted assassination of father of little Odin. The jewdicial miscreant denied ADA accommodation, previously granted by court order, then she dismissed all pleadings with prejudice, in malicious retaliation, violating federal civil rights law, ADA Title II. Tammy! attempted to induce a heart attack on the old fart with pulmonary problems, forcing him to stand all day arguing against taking his son away. When the jewdicial branch failed its federal compliance duty, refusing to remedy Tammy’s discriminatory conduct, Odin’s daddy filed for relief in federal court, where Judge Alvin W. Thompson now commands AG Willie Tong to appear… Read More »Tammy d’Turkey

                Forensic Fraud

                  Did Judge Stuart Rosen of Hartford civil court just expose the scam of family court, calling out Dr. Linda Smith, PhD for fraud, on false claim of ‘forensic psychologist’ who can analyze custody disputes to decide what is best for a child? Blog famous jewish nut-job Dr. Linda Smith, a so called forensic psychologist, jewish pet of evil family court judges, is being sued by a father, for breach of contract for ‘professional services’, in the six year long custody dispute over little Odin Sakon.  Smith’s lawyer, the incompetent Cara Joyce of MorrisonMahoney got bitch slapped for arguing to dismiss the suit, wherein her argument exposes Smith is engaged in… Read More »Forensic Fraud

                  Alma Rose Nunley

                    The now-famous Blog of the WORST kind spotlights the incompetent, incapable, moron attorney in the employ of Connecticut, Alma Rose Nunley, a state paycheck sponge with a law license, in the office of chink, commie, jew puppet, William Tong, the Attorney General of Corrupticut.  Rose The Hose Nunley steps upon a federal stage to defend blog star Judge Tammy Nguyen on attempted murder charges and retaliation under ADA Title II.  Tammy’s victim, father of little Odin, brings suit against the state for Tammy’s denial of accommodations and retaliation against a qualified individual, in defiance of court order issued by Judge Leo Diana.  See Tammy! for the original post on jewdicial… Read More »Alma Rose Nunley

                    Lisa Backus

                      Blog editorial staff spotlights Lisa Backus, a so called journalist, promoting chosen ideology of Connecticut’s ruling elite thru yellow journalism, worthy of an Oscar. Lisa’s coverage of Judge Moukawsher’s unconstitutional act in disbarring a zealous advocate is propaganda at best, treason at worst, conspiring with the jewdiciary to uphold the totalitarian rule of monsters in black, to the detriment of founding principles, undermining rule of law, defeating sovereignty of ‘we the people’.  Lisa is a commissar of the state, driven to fool her readers to believe in the absolute rule of authority. Lisa is a shill. Lisa’s pathetic prose in a recent article on the tyranny of Judge Moukawsher fails… Read More »Lisa Backus