The concept of consumer protection stems from an old Latin phrase: Caveat emptor; meaning buyer beware. The buyer of goods and services holds personal duty to vette the quality prior to purchase. A responsible consumer is required to meet his duty and society as a whole has purpose to share information on vendors.
Let’s take the example of buying insurance for your private airplane. Various brokers and agencies make up the vendors in the marketplace, owners of the planes make up the buyers. One such vendor is William J. Grohs Aviation, Inc. located at the Waterbury-Oxford Airport in the Tower Building. The vendor of insurance is William J. Grohs, who represents ALL MAJOR INSURERS and will be happy to profit from your purchase. But does society trust an insurance broker who abuses children? Do major insurers realize that they are represented by a madman who lives to deny his own children hugs from their mother? Lies under oath to achieve personal vendetta against the mother of his children? Uses his children as weapons in his psychotic pursuit of emotional abuse of mother? A nut job who relishes in protracted and expensive litigation to harm his ex-wife and psychologically torture his own children? Who comes from a long family line of abusers of women? Why buy insurance from such a monster?
Why would a buyer of insurance care to benefit a brokerage where the profits are used to abuse children? Hundreds of thousands of dollars have flowed from this aviation insurance company directly to the pockets of Dickhead Attorney Michael Fasano of Duffy&Fasano, an inbred law firm located in Woodbury specializing in stroking the demented egos of madmen like William Grohs. Commissions on policies are used to fund child trafficking, child abuse, intentional infliction of emotional pain and suffering on two precious little girls, Evie and Sophie, their mother, an extended Christian family and the community of Watertown where this fine upstanding insurance broker keeps the girls isolated from mother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighborhood friends. Purchasing insurance from the devil is truly a cause for buyer beware.
Consumer protection requires disclosure of this insurance vendor’s personal misconduct be exposed to the marketplace. Responsible Christian plane owners may not wish to deal with the adulterous Mr. Grohs or to be associated with financing child abuse, trafficking or feeding a psychos’ vendetta of grotesque consequences. A businessman who cannot honor a deal is a crook. William Grohs made a contract to end his marriage seven years ago then immediately turned around and attacked it. The ink was not even dry on the agreement when he started litigating the contract; signed just three months earlier. Since July 2011, Grohs the madman has run up a docket of over 150 pleadings in the seven years since his divorce was FINAL. Hundreds of thousands of dollars, two law firms, six lawyers, endless depositions, court appearances, all to satisfy a mental defect of guttural vindictiveness against the mother of his children.
Want to do business with a vendor like this? Want your friends to know?
Caveat emptor!