The Orwellian utopia is alive and well in the realm of kikes in the Empire of Evil State. A jewish agenda of anti-human behaviour disguised as a BLUE RIBBON COMMISSION, a play on the goy belief that blue ribbons are special to four legged animals at the county fair. The kikes conspire to promote the jewish agenda of familial destruction through the application of the jewish junk science of ‘forensic psychology’. The enlightened goy knows that ‘psychology’ is a mere study of the human condition, an observational discipline, no value to the predictive question of what is best for a child in the event of dissolution of marriage. But concealing the obvious is the only way these charlatans can make a buck in family court: true court whores.
The Commish
The Blue Ribbon Commish is headed by kike Sherry Klein Heitler, a retired judge. Her job is to filter the opinions of the other 19 members to produce a jewish conclusion to best use the goy kids to make money for jewish opinion vendors in family court. Another illusion of societal improvement controlled by jewish ruling elite. The troubling reality the Commish must defeat is that the mislabeled ‘forensic custody evaluation’ is merely an expensive, biased kike opinion, made on limited information, lacking scientific or legal value. The jewish practice of undefined ‘custody evaluation’ is beyond repair, as psychologist charlatans are liars and cheats working only for the money, having no professional or charitable interest in the lives of children, just the profits to be had for protracted litigation by creating conflict where none exists. The courts do not care about kids; all the Kings horses and all the Kings men cannot fix the bias, inequity, and conflicts of interest woven into the fabric of the court by the jewish whores who devour childhood for shekels. The due process of law does not require a psycho-kike evaluation to grant a divorce; you are not suppose to know this. No-fault divorce is administrative, which could be easily handled by DMV rather than a rabbinical court of child predators, drooling for childhood rape.
Mental Health is the jewish battle cry to defeat fundamental liberties. Allow the court to question the undefined MENTAL HEALTH of a mother, then take the kids away so paedo daddy and his jewdicial pals can rape them. This avoids the due process and equal protections, which requires the state to prove mother’s unfitness or that the fruit of the womb is actually being harmed, requiring protection of the infant; note infants go from 0-18 years of age. The Commish made 11 recommendations exposing two particularly jewish constructs for the future of ‘custody evaluations’.
Three recommendations promote more state funding for evaluations in the promotion of familial conflict. State funding is proposed for all MENTAL HEALTH EVALUATIONS, so jewish psychologists have a captive state funded market for meaningless evaluations of poor folk seeking a divorce. Very clever, but very jewish. Supporting this is mo’ money for the family courts, a non-specific recommendation where the jews squeeze the taxpayer to operate a predatory rabbinical court that rapes childhood and promotes paedophilia. More money is more conflict, which is a jewish delicacy prescribed to fuck up the goy society.
Three of the recommendations seek to establish a judicial certification for the junk science of forensic evaluators for family court. The Orwellian concept that truth comes from authority plays upon the goy. If the legislature passes law that creates a court agency to train, certify, license, and authorize the scam of forensic psychology in family court, then there is the jewish construct of legitimacy to the biased opinions, which cannot be challenged and upon which the judges must rely. The ideology that all truth and power comes from the state and that family is insignificant is communist. See how the jews wire a system to be under their control? The Commish even applies a new label to the talmudic foot soldiers: QUALIFIED MENTAL HEALTH EVALUATORS. See how the word-salad conveys the authority? Like who qualified them? Maybe they get a badge engraved with the Star of David? Goy mother’s will not be able to question QUALIFICATIONS to make derogatory opinions about the MENTAL HEALTH of fit parents. The jewish game is blatant.
The jews of family court will never admit that parens patriae powers of the sovereign do not permit a court of equity to strip a mother of custody by whim of a jew in a black robe. It is the legal burden of the State appearing in claim by the Attorney General to prove a mother unfit in necessity to strip her of custody. Yep, that is the way the law of the goy works. But in family court it is the law of the jew, the rabbinical court based on talmudic edicts to victimize the four legged animals and their calves.
The Commish addressed the ‘quasi-immunity’ of evaluators, which the now-famous Blog highlights. Only jews find a concept in law that an unqualified private opinion holds protection by ‘quasi immunity’. There is no statutory basis for this court whore protection. The jewish evaluators should be subject to suit in tort, malpractice, defamation, perjury, and the like. No insurance company will underwrite the practice of ‘forensic psychology’. It only exists as the jews have created it outside the control of the legislature. All that is necessary to eliminate the jewish scam of custody evaluation, psyche evals, mental health defamation, is to let the system work. The scam will be priced out of the market, for lack of professional liability insurance coverage. The evaluators will risk their own savings and homes for the meager earnings from state funded or private pay evaluations. The risk premium to cover witchcraft is off the scale.
The Blog notes that this fake veil of quasi-immunity is falling. Justice Thomas attacked the court fabricated concept of quasi-immunity in Tanzin v Tanvir. In Connecticut, Judge Susan Cobb recently ruled that private pay custody evaluators, such as Dr. Linda Smith and Dr. Jessica Caverly do not have immunity, they are mere contractors to paying parties, open to suit. Previous Blog posts Jewish Immunity and GAL Immunity Gone! explain the kike scam in greater detail … a pure kike play on the goy.
ADA Violations
The kike lawyers and judges of the Commish completely ignore the Americans with Disability Act, Title II, which prevents discriminatory conduct against persons who may have mental health issues. The Commish is a conspiracy to deprive civil rights protections. Using an unfounded, non-medical opinion of a court whore as a basis to strip a mother of custody of her own child is just jewism in action; a violation of federal law. SCOTUS requires that the court relies on reasonable medical judgement by public health officials, not private pay court whores selling opinions for the benefit of paedophiles. See 28 CFR ยง 35.130(d). Note that the word salad of evaluators, forensics, mental health is specifically designed to get around the ruling in Olmstead v LC, which was authored by the great jew herself, RBG.
The ADA regulations require the family courts to administer no-fault divorce services in the most integrated setting appropriate to the needs of qualified individuals with disabilities, attacking them with jewish opinions violates the law. A sole custody award against a mother for claim of mental defect is a federal civil rights deprivation. But jews like Heitler don’t care, laws are not for jews to follow.
Sherry Klein Heitler is a miscreant who deals the jew card from the bottom of the deck. Her head becomes a magnet for .50cals from parents, Oathkeepers, Patriots, and all normal humans who recognize the societal need to protect children from jewish ideology.
The BLUE RIBBON disinformation report is a humorous read, court whores recommending changes to further enrich court whores, obscuring the underlying flaw that there is no such thing as immunity for forensic custody evaluators nor a basis in science. The foxes submitted improvement recommendations for the chicken coop.