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The now-famous Blog of the worst kind observes racketeering of Connecticut family court, a den of thieves, in conspiracy to defraud a father, by denial of justice, deprivation of rights, and plundering of bank, while raping six childhoods. The FrankReport is running a series of articles to expose the ‘craft of plunder‘ exhibited by judges, lawyers, therapists, state actors in the DiRubba divorce, where over $3M is extracted by the racketeers in full public view. The machinery of State government works to veil grand larceny in ‘best interests of children’, a jewish delicacy of trickery and deceit, while preying on children. Even the Cheshire Police conspire to execute false arrests to inflame the familial conflict, a true jew game.

Now-famous Blog’s governance department notes Richard Robinson, the big dumb nigger with label of Chief Justice is responsible for proper management of the court system; being improper to extract $3m for a simple, administrative, ‘no-fault’ divorce; Robinson fails to perform his job function. The DiRubba case involved all the usual suspects: Judges Grossman, Diana, Goodrow, Kennefick, Shluger, Emons, Tindall, Murphy, Murphy, Connors over seven years. Attorneys to the financial fuck fest include mother Anna Maria’s butch jew shill Marianne Charles, a childless miscreant of no intellect, skilled at extorting cash by inflaming conflict with blessing of jewdicial monsters in black robes. Marianne Charles claims to be an ‘expert’ in family law! The immune GAL is Blog Star Janis Laliberte, the obese, grotesque, sloth of a childless cunt, suffering from hatred of all things human, devoid of compassion, heavily medicated for mental disorders, side effects being uncontrollable weight gain and insatiable appetite to devour families. Then there is the parade of lawyers playing dad like a fiddle:  Anthony M. Solomine, Jeffrey Cohen, Holly Wheeler, James Sexton, all taking turns fleecing family bank, played by the judges to sever parent-child bonds in war on the Constitution, all for lawyer feed (shekels). The modus operandi of Connecticut’s family court racketeering relies on a fabricated fight over children, fraudulently initiated by attorneys, orchestrated by judges, inflamed by GALs, all in violation of strict scrutiny protections of parental rights and children, a true racket that only a jewish state can sponsor in raping of childhood; generating loot for lawyers; inciting a well-regulated parental militia with bare arms to hurl Second Amendment flash-bangs at the jewdicial branch for voiding the Fifth Amendment on whimsical discretion of a pervert in a black robe. The future is dark for the dumb nigger who sits in approval of jewdicial branch rape of rights, plundering of family bank, denial of liberties, Constitution shredding. A free people cannot remain free while Connecticut family court rapes childhood, absent recourse, muzzle flashes become due process remedy for nigger boy Robinson’s dereliction of duty. Blog’s arborists and boatswains note that a sturdy branch on the Charter Oak or the Tree of Liberty, and a well rigged noose will protect the children.

Read the FrankReport article on how Blog Star Judge Jane Grossman fucks up another family, demonstrating her ignorance of the law, utter stupidity, latent mental defects, lack of judicial supervision; Jane is a nutjob, a danger to society, enemy of the Constitution, threat to children, begging a .50 cal to the head from a disgruntled parental Patriot concealed on the grassy knoll, or maybe the woods behind her house; how else to protect our children?

Editor’s Note:  The FrankReport article exposes CJ Robinson’s inability to do his job, leaving children to suffer, while denying redress rights, in harm of children, whom a free people must protect, leaving only unpleasant violent actions to remedy judicial misconduct … pretty scary shit!

Three childless cunts of mental deficiency rape childhoods of DiRubba family under color of state law for shekels.

This dumb nigger allows for childhood rape under color of dissolution law, promotes childhood rape, declares himself an enemy of the Constitution, begs redress from the Second Amendment.

Second Amendment redress right remains for protection of children.

Let the nigger swing, protect the children, defend the Constitution.

Thuggery of Cheshire Police Chief Neil Dryfe, acting on direction of kike Charles affected six arrests of dad on fabricated charges, all racketeering where Dryfe collects a fee.

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