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The big dumb nigger in the black robe puts the two biggest TWATS of the jewdiciary in charge of administration. Connecticut’s third branch of government is now administered by two TWATS! Founding Blog star Elizabeth Bozzuto and cohort Anne Ficeto will now demonstrate to the public how to completely fuck up a totally fucked up branch of government. Blog can’t make this shit up! Judge Patrick Carroll, old, senile, incompetent, crooked, pedo clown takes senior status, stepping down from the most corrupt office in the judiciary, Chief Court Administrator, not that Carroll could administer a taco stand, this icon of court corruption is taking a back seat and a big fat pension, but keeping his hand in the corruption, a jewdicial game of double dipping to fleece the taxpayer. No patriot would care if Carroll got hit by a bus, followed by a state snowplow.

Judge Bozzuto is the founding star of now-famous Blog. Her lack of intellect, delusions of grandeur make her a poster child of how not to be a judge. Blog fondly remembers her screaming from the bench: Immediate and intensive therapy for everyone! Then her formal complaints to the FBI that her pseudo fb account IZA ZUTO was being viewed by the public, that her public posts were private, and her posted photos were being used without her PERMISSION! She is such a lesbian retard, too stupid to practice law, her family pull got her a black robe. She is such a danger to children that backroom politics got her removed from her high perch as chief of family division in fall of 2018, relegated to deputy administrator, while Elliott Solomon was banished to a broom closet in countdown to permanent retirement. Solomon’s departure being a good thing. Musical chairs of incompetent judges is an expensive comedy show. The new deputy is fellow Waterbury miscreant, gender confused Anne Ficeto, another retard, unable to comprehend law, rewarded with a judgeship for her litigation in support of gay marriage, dumped with the trash in family court for being a natural fuck up. Blog legal department applauds administrative sequester of two judges who can no longer abuse the bench. Big dumb nigger installed two TWATS! so incompetent they could not even get sad sack Judge Alice Bruno to come to work for three years!! The future of court administration looks dark, two TWATS! being an insult to the taxpayer, a slap in the face to sovereign people, as if nigger boy Robinson is rubbing it in … slamming the state with incompetence, the black man’s revenge on his white oppressors.

The sad truth of the Connecticut jewdiciary is that it is a jewdiciary, not a branch of a people’s government. Run by miscreants, promoting alien ideology, black robed enemies of rights, it is a very active ISIS sleeper cell, working tirelessly in detriment of liberty. Replete with committees, commissions, policies, practices, the branch operates outside the law to malign every aspect of its function, being unaccountable to a sovereign people. F35 smart bombs, lasers, fire bombing, night scopes, .308 ball ammunition, even death rays from orbiting battle stars come to mind, as sovereign tools to remedy tyranny. An example of the comical propaganda of court administration is documented by Heather Collins in pathetic prose:  CT Judicial Branch Invests in Workforce. Reality of the last ten years of strategic planning is a court system abhorred by all. The reputation is renowned, every case possible will find a way to be removed from the jurisdiction of Corrupticut. Judges have a national reputation for being idiots, decisions of fools. Blog favorite is immunity for white limo drivers working for fake indian tribes … a Chase Rogers monument to Connecticut infirmity. Even nigger boy Robinson shows his spite for First Amendment, outlawing the word ‘nigger‘, cuz it will violently ignite a jungle bunny. The hit parade keeps on rolling. Two TWATS! will pick up the pace, driving the Branch completely over the edge. Staffed with incompetents, the courts have no hope of improvement. No training programs, no competent leadership, hordes of incompetents in black drapes, the Branch is a train wreck … just what the jews want for the trapped goy of the gulag.

Editor’s Note:  The shadow masters of Connecticut prove again that a sovereign people have no control of their own government, Ficeto and Bozzuto are simple incompetents, holding no abilities to serve a free people, but winter is here, snow plows abound.

Judges Bozzuto and Ficeto take over from Carroll to run the Branch into the ground, an insult to a sovereign people, who must keep paying Carroll.

Big Dumb Nigger laughs at the people, putting TWATS! in charge of administrating a failed branch of government.



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